what am I going to do!?

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There's the vent ok here Sonic jump in ok your turn Mr scientist *blushes* hey I told you to stop calling me that! Fine just while we're on a mission as Sonic and Tails quietly moved around the vents they found eggman talking to his servents *wisspers* hey Mr scientist I found him ehh! You know what I'm not even gonna argue anymore we should listen to see when he'll attack next. yeah Eggman's servants asked him so when are you going to attack the village again or Sonic sir? When the time is right of course what does he mean by "when the time is right" Sonic? I'm not sure.. but when is the time right sir? In about 2 weeks I'll just attacked them then I'm not feeling in the mood to attack them now.. so he's not gonna take us for two weeks Sonic what should we do? Hmm well he doesn't seem like he's planning anything big I think I can wait 2 weeks for him to attack us. Ok then should I fly us out yeah sure as Tail's fly Sonic back home Eggman approached the kitchen to get a sandwich and as he got that sandwich he said to himself in 2-weeks my most amazing creation that will take over the world "project shadow" will bring total destruction.. hahahahah! *Back at Sonic's house* hey Mr scientist yes Sonic? since eggman's not attacking us for 2 weeks you wanna hang out? Sure why not Tails said with a smile but what about Amy? I heard she wants to hang out with you umm I can hang out with her another day uhh ok sure then I guess cool then I'll show you my favourite spot! Come on wooh! Sonic slow down! As a couple of days past Sonic would hang out with tails a lot more. They would go to the beach even though Sonic didn't like the water, Sonic with go to green hill with Tail's and they would fly in the tornado together. and after all of that Sonic.. no.. Sonic & Tails would feel something different then before when Tail's smiled Sonic would get nervous and turn around and blush secretly when Sonic call tales Mr scientist tails couldn't pick a emotion if he wanted to be angry or happy but either way he blushed neither of them new this feeling before it was something new.. as Sonic & Tails hanged out more and more Amy never got enough time to hang out with Sonic she started getting quite angry about this. At first she was fine with tails and thought he would be a great friend and he was but she felt like something suspicious was happening since every time tails came around he felt different and blushful and more happy then he was around Amy she wasn't quite sure what to think of it. She just didn't understand.. the way tails made Sonic feel is the way Amy is been doing for so many years.. or trying to do at least... *The next day* hey Soniku! Uhh Amy do you need something? I have a question.. what is it Ames? H-how do you feel about Tail's? With a nervous tone Amy asked Sonic blushed and started mixing up his words uhh well we w-we are we I mean.. suddenly Sonic realised he didn't know what he felt because he's never felt it before. And that's when it hit him he finally got what is feeling was.. the one and only Sonic was in love.. with Miles tails prower Soniku! are you feeling ok? Hello? Soniku! Uhh Amy sorry I zoned out a bit... So how do you feel about tails? Uhh well.. pov: if I tell Amy she's totally going to hate me and hit me with her hammer what should I do I still want to be friends with her but I also don't want to lie to her now what am I going to do..
To be continued...

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