4. Chaotic Bidding

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Both of them immediately saw the crowd to be gathered by a particular host who was brightly talking about opening section. With a microphone in his grip, the glasses man talked cheerfully as he stood up on the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for the attendance to this exquisite masquerade party. I know some of you really have been waiting for this and we cannot wait for the main show to get started!”

Haru was confused about the announcement, whispered to him, “What is he talking about?”

“The host said that the main attraction is here.”

“I know that, but what is—”

“And now, let the show begin! Open the curtain!”

As the curtain pulled apart and he went to the other side, the people were in awe, in a glee and some of them hummed in great pleased muttered things that were inaudible.

For Daisuke, perhaps he can see worse of this so he won’t be too surprised.

But as for Haru, it was a freaking nightmare. He was shocked to see what’s in front of them right now.

Caged inside, a beautiful girl wearing a white gown. She has long, white hair—albino race perhaps, for the eyes were red as ruby and her skin were pale as white as snow. Her fragile hands were tied up with big ropes. The expression she made was almost like a person who’s caged for a long time and were about to be unconscious. Despite that, any blind man might knew what those people tried to do with her.

She was about to be bid.

“What… What is this…?”

Haru just couldn’t believe it with his own eyes.

In this circle of affluent businessmen, rich people, they were doing something that no other sane people could ever imagine!

They bargain humans as if they’re objects!

“The main attraction is here; an auction.” Daisuke pointed it out perfectly with the words; still looking at the young teenage girl who got admired by the people.

But this was not their mission! They were supposed to catch the mob bosses who were doing the transaction and caught them red-handed! It was not about the human trafficking case like this!

But still, these cases were terrible, more terrible than anything he could think about. It was just like those humans caged like animals in a circus.

And Haru find it quite terrifying.

This girl is the ‘main show’ and she will be bid in a dark, illegal auction section!

“So, what do you want me to do?”

Haru looked sharply at Kambe’s heir baritone voice.

Of course, he replied firmly.

“What do you expect me to say?”

As usual, pretty hard as ever. And he liked the reaction, somehow.

Daisuke smiled secretly and touched his HEUSC.

“Search the girl’s information.”

[Searching… Downloading the information… Completed. The data value: 400,000,000 yen. Full tracking and hacking system data has been deleted. Balance: Unlimited.]

“Look at here! This girl is an albino, a rare kind of human that you seldom to see nowadays. Anyone who would like to put a higher price to win this prize, please raise your sign as called the price!”

Everyone got handed to hold one piece of the sign.

Haru asked him quietly as held one of it. “If I have do it, please put my loans in your checklist. I don’t know how this works.”

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