Chapter 6......Arrested!

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I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I know this is getting a little boring but at least let me say it some more. No? Oh, well.

            Ok, fine, I was late by five minutes! Five minutes! It’s death if you’re trying for a new relationship, take it from the master. But a God gets a few concessions! I mean, we have to be everywhere at all kinds of odd hours. This wasn’t in my original job description! It’s not fair!

            They were up to something. I knew it, knew it, knew it! (I have to stop, I’m starting to sound like Echo.) ‘They’ being Diana and my minion. I’m sorry, my employee, now that I have to be careful.

            I arrived slightly out of breath on the roof around twoish, excuses at the ready. To my surprise there was no one on the roof to run into my arms. (Alright, I’m not delusional, Diana’d never do that but there is always hope.)

Instead there was a yell and two very fat, very ugly minions with batons landed on my back. They pinned me to the ground. I could here my minion shout excitedly, “Yes! Yes! That’s him, officer! He wants to kill me.”

As they were securing my wrists behind my back, Diana stepped into my line of vision. I panicked. “Diana, this is not what it seems…I swear I don’t know what’s happening…” She just smiled and stuck a piece of paper on my nose. It read:


A minion:

1. Has fixed hours

2. Must be paid

3. Must be respected

4. Cannot be armed (or maybe it was harmed, I could barely make out)

5. Rules can be changed

Owners will be punished.

“Hey,” I cried. “I have rights. I want a lawyer. Let me go.”

But it was stupid to expect creatures who can’t spell their own name to pay attention. As we disappeared to I-only-know where, I saw Diana and the minion smirk at me.

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