Chapter 6

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It's now being four days since Annie has passed and Lacey just can't deal with this. The first night she was mostly calm and peaceful but then the second night came and that's when things got seriously tough, she started trying to escape so then we locked the door but she screams and wails for Annie to come back. It's not only emotionally tough but physically, she's not eating or drinking and she barely sleeps at night; she's going mental.

We decided that taking Lacey to the hospital would be the best for her, she was a lot calmer in the car laying on my lap but when we got there; she was starting to freaked out. "Brooklyn I'm scared, I don't wanna go" she kept whispering to me while her head rested on my shoulder "shhhhh bub, every little thing will be alright" she slowly dozed off into a deep sleep.

They took Lacey in and told us that we would have to wait until they had finished running tests. It was a long wait and my nerves were taking over my body so I decided to go get some coffee, while I was getting my coffee; I felt a bit dizzy and didn't realise it that I started to fall. A muscular at wrap around my waste before I fell "we need a nurse over here!" A familiar voice said, as I turned around it was Elijah; the boy from the doctors.

He sat me down on a chair close by and grabbed my hands "hey, your the girl from the doctors! Brooklyn is your name, right?" He questioned, I nodded "yeah and your Elijah?" I replied "yeah, that's me" he smiled. I went to go stand up but I fell back into the seat "wow! Are you alright? I need to go get a nurse now" he exclaimed "no no no, please I'm fine" I said rubbing my sore temples "No, Brooklyn you really need a nurse" he said before running off towards the receptionist.

He came back with a nurse, she sat down besides me and questioned "have you got any sickness? We need to know so we can help you" I tried to avoid answering but a tear rolled down my face as the nurse grabbed my hand "I have leukaemia" I cried. I the nurse found a wheelchair and helped me sit in it "okay sweetie, do you have any family here at the moment?" I nodded "um yes, her name is....... Vic-cot-toria" I tried to say but I could feel my self slowly passing out "honey, Brooklyn try to stay awake" the nurse exclaimed "Brooklyn, stay with me please" Elijah whispered while holding onto my hand "everything is going to be alright" but before I knew it; I was out cold.

I woke up to a figure walking back and forth over and over again, my vision was blurry but when it started to come back; it was Elijah. "Elijah? Is that you?" I croaked "Brooklyn! You're awake" he exclaimed before scrambling to my side "are you okay? What happened?" He questioned. I tried to change the subject but he wouldn't let it go "Elijah, can't you just let it go please. I don't wanna talk about it" I grumpily replied, he started to explain "Brooklyn, if your not going to tell me your story, I'll tell you mine then. When I was born, my doctor diagnosed me with Cystic Fibrosis. I struggled to gain weight and have an appetite, I was forced to eat unwanted food and most the time I was throwing up. One and a half years later my doctor told my family that I became stabilised enough that I could go home and since then, I haven't had any major problems. I'm always in and out of hospital but only for 2 weeks at a time".

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