~Chapter 1~

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Waking up in the morning is so much harder when you having no one to love, Nothing to live for and no point in being here, on earth. But I still, somehow manage to pull myself out of my bed every morning.

My name is Brooklyn, just Brooklyn. I don't have a mum, a dad, a brother or a sister, a grandma or a grandpa. I was left to die on the streets when I was just seven and a half months old. Until Victoria found me five days later, helplessly crying for someone to love me again. She was the light of my life until I was first introduced to Camilla and Paisley, two beautiful girls who are very bright and heavy hearted. Those three people, they were the only people who I have ever considered my family. I have always found it hard and painful to find people who will accept me for just being me.

Lately, I've had troubles with my appetite,emotions and I've being feeling run down and I have no energy. Camilla and Paisley discussed it with Victoria last week. Things have just being really tough, trying to balance my emotions with the people I love can sometimes be frustrating. I awoke to Victoria shaking my arm, 'Brooke, I'm sorry sunshine but you have a doctors appointment in fifteen minutes, it's about your sickness. I never meant to hurt you or invade your space, I just want you to be happy and healthy". I rubbed my eyes and pushed the blankets off my body. "Victoria, please, I'm just frustrated and unstable with emotions and everything"

Victoria looked at me with eyes filled with worries, she grabbed my hands and focused back to my eyes "Brooklyn, Do if for Paisley, do if for Camilla, do it for me" I looked down at our hands, realising that they were joined together by never ending family love. "Alright Victoria, I'll do it for you" she had a huge sigh of relief.

As I headed for the car, trying to avoid the hall, I heard Victoria yelling out "No, no, no, no, no! Brooklyn, you are to come back and join us in the hall for breakfast. Camilla and Paisley are sitting on the back porch. I'll let you sit out there and eat just this once". I sighed and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning girls, how did you sleep?" Camilla put her paint brush down and inhaled a big breath of the cold morning air "suprisingly, I slept like a baby. I normally have a stack of assignments to complete and homework to do. But last night must've being my big break"

Paisley flipped the page of her enticing novel and replied "Yeah, I guess you could say I slept fine, even though I was studying until 3:45 in the morning for my geology, maths and physics exam. I've still managed to get wake up with no regrets though"

I gave a little grin to them and said before heading off "well, I'm off to my appointment, I'll be back before lunch" they continued with their hobbies when I left.

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