The detective Furudo Erika

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A new day started in the theater of the witch featherine,eveyone got up and got they breakfast, as this place was a different dimension whatsoever time in here didn't pass in their respective worlds as featherine guarenteed, month could pass here but exactly zero seconds will pass in their own world, she said as the tale was quite a long one it might take week to end the screenings after all.

It was certainly interesting for everyone being able to see past of Battler though no one would have believed it to be such a grandiose tale.

Another interesting fact was the interaction with all the others worlds, now you couls see Mukuro and Kiritsugu constantly with Zhongli and Raiden shogun and Yae Miko, Hu tao venti and Dilluc often talked to the heroic spirit in the fate verse while shidou ad co are constantly with rin sakura illya and shinji as they could hear more about their chilhood with Battler.

Once everyone was done with their breakfast they all went to the theater waiting for Featherine to come back and for once she was actually waiting for them.

"Ahhh good day to you dear spectator, i hope you could relax after the last screenings."

"We did Featherine thankfully you ended up with Ronove which was a lot more relaxing." Kotori responded with illya nodding next to her.

"I have a question though" Zhongli said while waiting for permission.

"You're going to ask me if i'll show you the moment Battler beat Beatrice? i'm not sure i might in the future but i still need to prepare a lot of build up for it to happen so don't expect to see it soon." Not unusual since this place was her domain she could probably predict everything in here

"Thank you for answering my question."

"Today we're going to talk about Battler's rivals, during the game Battler didn't only fought beatrice he met two other people who challenged him those Person were Dlanor A.Knox and Furudo Erika. this screening will be about Furudo erika." she then weaved her cane and showed everyone an image.

" she then weaved her cane and showed everyone an image

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"This is furudo Erika, due to certain circomstances beatrice's game had to be put on hold though lambdadelta and Bernkastel not wanting to be bored created a game on their own, this was in the 5ft game, this game was created solely to give clues to Battler but was mostly filler as nothing really ties to beatrice's scenario it was solely created just for fighting boredom and helping Battler a little so to do that, Bernkastel created Furudo Erika and made her the detective to solve everything in the game."

"That explain the ressemblance with bernkastel" Shinji commented.

"Due to her being the detective everything about her is build toward that, she has photographic memory, deductive ability almost surnatural for a human, she possess what we call the detective authority, allowing her to observe any crime scene as she wish, being able to always notice important clues to solve the mystery and an unbiased point of view, if she identify a corpse she will never be able to mistake the state, so faking death doesn't work on her... as long as she sees the body that is."

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