The decalogue's daughter Dlanor A.Knox

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It took quite some time for everyone to cheer up after the last screening, the scenes they were shown were still fresh in their minds, now the news members of the screening were explained the situation and what they missed until then, they even got the right to rewatch everything until then.

Everyone was quite silent as they were preparing themselves to see maybe even more disturbing images.

"To think what we were shown was not even the start of the game...." Kiritsugu said.

"I'm scared to see the second game to be honest, it was the one that almost broke him after all and I'm sure it's going to be pretty fucked up." Shinji said while Ichigo nodded next to him.

"To think all of this starts because of an argument about believing in a witch, though as mukuro said there is too much confusing shit going on, she definitely wants more from Battler." Ichigo adds.

then the familiar sound of a cane hitting the floor resounded in the room indicating that Featherine was back to show them more.

"Alright then everyone let's start the screening, in the few last screenings I introduced Furudo Erika one of the rival of Battler now it is time to talk about the second one." Featherine then weaved her cane and showed the image of Dlanor.

" Featherine then weaved her cane and showed the image of Dlanor

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"This is the witch hunter, Dlanor A.Knox , she is the daughter of Ronald A.Knox and for those who knows a little bit about the mystery genre, he is the creator of a set of rules called the decalogue, i'm not going to go into details as the concept of the decalogue itself will be heavily discussed in the scene I'm going to show you, just knows that the decalogue is an extremely powerful weapon able to corner and kill witches."

"A user of the decalogue Battler kept talking about how vandine and knox rules were important to the mystery genre to think he actually met the daughter of it's creator." Ichigo said while remembering the long discussion he had with Battler about the subject.

"Like I just said her weapon is the decalogue itself, every single rules of the decalogue count as a red truth and must absolutely be respected, any hypothesis that does not respect her decalogue are immediatly countered it is a weapon that can cut through the illusion of the witches. to further developp this concept her weapon is a red sword representing the essence of the decalogue itself just so you know here is what her weapon is able to do."


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