I want your opinion on something.

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Hello! I wanted to ask your opinion about a few things concerning this story.

First a hope you're liking it, it takes a great amount of work retranscribing those scenes as Umineko is a heavy dialogue story it demand more effort on my part but I like doing it but this is the reason why upload for it is that slow I don't always have the time or the motivation to go through an entire scene of umineko I hope you understand.

my next question concern the next chapter... Should I do Battler vs Erika?

While I say this is a reaction fanfic it's not entirely true, see when I started writing my stories I had in mind that only the ones who know about Umineko were going to read it turns out a majority of the person reading my stories didn't know a thing about the story.

So I wrote this story thinking it would be a fun way to introduce the characters and some key moment of the story but I do not wish to spoil any major ploitpoint of the story as you may notice many of the scenes I'm using are the one introducing the characters.

I consider chapter 5 outside the realm of the spoiler since the game is fondamentally different than the others, it gives important information but those are easily evaded... However chapter 6 and onward becomes a bit more difficult to do without anything major happening.

Now back to Battler vs Erika if I were to do it they are some difficulties coming with it.
Those are the truth that are spammed, you see this site doesn't allow color writing, what i do for the rare times I use them is go on discord, use a command and screenshot the color text

however... there is a limite of 20 pictures per chapter, so either I do the scene in lots and lots of parts, or I come up with a police and write the truth with it, it is less pleasing for the eyes but it is doable.

last... I'm not sure I'll cover the chapter 6-7-8 of the games, like I said I do not wish to just spoil the entire storyI think it is something you need to experience either by the game or the manga and not by me which leave me only Ange and the rest of the family to cover so that means this story is in its ending phase.

That's about everything I wanted to share and discuss with you, I hope you liked the story and continue to enjoy it till it's end^^

Anyway it was the king of bel I'll see you later^^

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