Chapter 3 - Mystery Solved

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It was the next day and Mitch was studying the vegan options in the hospital cafeteria. He wasn't necessarily hungry, but he needed to get out of the room for some air. He picked up a vegan cookie, looking at it suspiciously. If he was anything, it was that he had a sweet tooth; especially when he was stressed out. This better be a good ass cookie.

"You're going vegan?" his dad had asked him when he first contemplated it. "I'm questioning for the first time in my life whether you're my son or not," he had said jokingly. His dad was a big fan of meat; his favorite was a good ribeye, which his mom would only make for him sporadically. She would tsk at him and say that too much red meat was bad for his cholesterol.

He got a bottle of water and started walking toward the cashier when he saw Scott come into the café. The tickle that he knew him from somewhere made him falter in his steps. Scott looked in his direction, and then met his eyes. He smiled and sent a small wave. Mitch bent his head in acknowledgment and lifted his arm with the cookie to wave back.

He was closing the distance with Scott as he went for the cashier. Should I tell him he looks familiar? Is it appropriate to ask questions now? He decided against it and passed him as Scott went to get his own food. He paid for his water and cookie and had a seat at a corner table away from the crowded cafeteria. He wanted to be inconspicuous and just hide away from the world for a minute. He took out his phone and browsed social media and news. This cookie actually wasn't too bad.

Having his head bowed he didn't notice that Scott had approached him. "Mitch?"

Mitch looked up and smiled. Trying to be as genuine as possible anyway. There was something about Scott's eyes that seemed to somewhat calm the storm raging inside. He chalked it up to his soothing demeanor when he was in the room taking care of his dad.

"Hey there."

"I don't want to bother you if you want to be alone, but would it be ok to join you for just a minute?" Scott had a plate piled high with what looked like pasta and bread. Mitch felt a bit jealous but knew that his stomach would rebel if he ate anything with gluten.

"Yeah, sure," he said, gesturing to the other chair. Scott took a seat and took a deep sigh, as if to let go of an invisible weight . I know how you feel he thought. He knew that his job was a hard one; taking care of sick patients for a career takes a lot of courage, compassion, and dedication.

"I know that you've been through a lot. I feel like I know your dad well from the stories your mom has told me. She is a great storyteller," he said with a toothless smile. "Most recent one being his penchant for The Young and the Restless and botany. It's not often that I get to hear stories about my patients, so listening to your mom is a treat."

Mitch smiled at that. "That's really nice of you to say. I think it's helping her to talk about him... thanks for listening." He looked at him and he thought Scott was getting uncomfortable with his fixed stare.

"You look like something is on your mind," he said as he shoveled food in his mouth. "I'm sorry I'm eating fast; we only get 30 minutes for lunch. Plus this is really good."

"Well... you look familiar to me, and I haven't been able to place how or why," he said with a slight blush. He felt awkward even bringing it up, but he figured there would never be a good time in this situation.

"I've kind of been thinking the same thing to be honest. You are from Arlington I assume?"

Mitch nodded. "I don't think we lived in the same neighborhood; I would remember that. What schools did you go to?"

"I went to Butler Elementary, Bailey for middle, and Martin High. You?"

"I went to Butler and Martin too." He screwed his face up until the lightbulb came on. "That's it! We were in Mrs. Kineta's class at Butler together, 4th grade. I think I sat right behind you."

Scott grinned. "Yeah, I remember you. It feels like it was decades ago. Mrs. K was not the nicest teacher. She put me in detention one day because I had gone to the bathroom and stayed away too long. I told her I had the runs, and she didn't believe me." He laughed at the memory, staring into space for a moment.

Mitch laughed. "That's hilarious. Did you really have the runs?"

Scott looked like he'd been caught with his hand in the biscuit tin. "No... I had brought a comic book to school and went to a bathroom stall to look at it."

"Oh, so now the truth comes out; do you feel cleansed of your transgression now?"

"I wouldn't go so far as to say it was that. You must remember that she wasn't the most stimulating teacher, I couldn't handle it that day. I distinctly recall doing nothing but division problems, and I suck at math."

Scott looked at his watch and went to stand up. "I need to get back. I'm sorry for staying longer than I'd intended, but I'm glad we finally figured out how we know each other. Did you want to go back up with me?"

The heaviness returned to Mitch's heart and Scott must have seen it in his eyes. His eyes softened and he reached to put a hand on his shoulder. "I know there is nothing I could say that can make this easier. He is very comfortable, I promise. Donate Life is here, they're just reviewing his chart to gather all information before they talk with you. I wanted you to have a good break before this process started."

Mitch nodded, feeling oddly grateful that he didn't just spring it on him the second he saw him in the cafeteria. "Sure, let's go up. Jess texted me anyway saying she wanted to go for a break but didn't want to leave my mom alone."

"Listen... I lost my mother when I was 17 from cancer. It's cliché but I know what you're going through. If it gets to be too much for you, I'm here to listen. I work three days a week usually, but I've been picking up overtime. I'll be here for the next two days."

"Ok... thanks, Scott." Mitch gave a little smile, and they made their way back upstairs. 

"Accept help even when you don't want to, Mitch. Life can be unfair and overwhelming at times, and you won't be able to do it alone without going nuts." 

His dad might've been on to something. 

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