Chapter 12 - Crossroads

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One week until Thanksgiving.

Mitch smiled at his assistant after he signed a few documents, his phone between his ear and shoulder. He listened to his mom's voicemail that he'd missed earlier due to a meeting. "Hi, honey, this is your mother. I know you must be busy at work but give me a call when you're free. Love you so much." He smiled as the line clicked off and he dialed her number.

"Hello, Mitchy. Thank you for calling me back."

"Of course, is something wrong?" He heard the slight shake in her voice, and he sat up straight.

"Oh no, no, I'm just a little tired. I was a bit late coming home yesterday, the book club ran over. I'm having a harder day today and thought I would just call to talk to my son. I spoke briefly with Jess yesterday, it's always so good to hear her voice. I know you don't talk a whole lot with her being so far away, but I have news. I'm going to be a grandmother." He heard her sniffle on the other end of the line.

"Wow! That's such great news." His heart swelled with love and happiness for Jess and his brother-in-law. They had been trying for over a year and had become discouraged over it. "I'll give her a call later but that's so exciting to hear. Congratulations, grandma."

"Oh, honey, I'm so over the moon. I just wish your dad were here to experience all of this, I miss him so much. I know he is still with me and smiling so big right now."

Mitch smiled on the other end of the line, wishing he could give his mom a hug. His mom tended to call on days that were particularly difficult for her and he tried to comfort her as much as he could without going into a spiral of anxiety himself at times. The news that he was going to be an uncle exhilarated him, but he empathized with his mom; he wished that his dad could be a part of it too.

"I know he is," Mitch said with conviction. Congratulations to you too, grandpa. You are missed so much. I know you'll never meet your grandchild, but they will know everything about you. "Are you doing ok, though? It must be hard on you today, I'm sorry."

"Just talking to you helps me, honey. I think we could all use some joy in our lives, and I wanted to tell you as soon as possible. When will you be home?"

"I can't come until Wednesday, there are a few important meetings and contracts I need to get squared away beforehand. I look forward to coming home, I can't wait to see you." And Scott, too, perhaps. He hadn't mentioned anything to him until he knew for sure it would be happening.

"Me too, Mitchy. I will let you go, I'll talk to you in a couple of days?"

"Of course, mom, love you."

"Love you, too... bye."

He hung up the phone and smiled to the room. He was going to be an uncle. He brought up his messages and texted Scott.

Mitch: I'm going to be an uncle!

Scott: Ahh! Congratulations!

He knew that Jess and Jack had had trouble conceiving. Mitch couldn't contain his merriment so he could only imagine what his sister must be feeling.

Mitch: Thank you! It seems weird to contemplate it... Uncle Mitch. It's a cause for celebration!

Scott: That is such good news I'm happy for Jess, and what a wonderful gift for the holidays.

Mitch: For sure. About that, I'm planning to come home after all, on Wednesday... got time to hang out?

Scott: Of course! I work Thanksgiving but Saturday? Or Friday?

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