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It was under the grace
of the moonlight when we first met.

A short, sweet moment
that stuck with us forever.

The air was cool and refreshing from the Summer heat. The warm tides from the sea pooling around my feet.

It was nice to be alone sometimes and just


I felt a presence next to me. I looked over to see a guy my age staring at the water. He held his school jacket over his shoulder,  his shirt collar was unbuttoned.

But what really caught my eye was his hair...'orange?' How odd but cute?

It was strange but I felt compelled to talk to him.
I walked over but his presence changed into something heavy it sadden me.

'What has his heart so heavy?'

His brows were knotted deep in thought. He picked up a pebble rubbing it between his fingers before throwing it across the water.

What I didn't expect was the speed at which the stone traveled across the waters surface.
How what that even possible?!

I stopped dead in my tracks, jaw dropping
"Are you even human?! Bakemono!!"

"Bakemomo?" He tilted his head back with a raised brow "you talking to me?"

"Yes you carrot head, did you not see what you just did?"
He now looked down at me "I threw a rock what's the big deal? And don't call me carrot head"
"Carrot head" folding my arms. But as I looked at him the more I took in his brown eyes softly reflecting the moonlight, his strong jaw and those lips that were currently cursing me out.

He's hot..very hot.

I looked off to the side, I could no longer hold eye contact.
"Oi!" His slightly calloused  hands gripped my arm.
"Yes" my voice submissive
He froze for a second "where did all that attitude go?"
"What you like when I call you Carrot!" I rolled my eyes
"n-no" he stammered clearly embarrassed
"Oh? Where did all that energy go carrot head?" I tried taking my arm back but he wouldn't let go instead he pulled me closer in.
His face dangerously close, he peered at me "stay close and close your eyes"

"What-?" My face was against his chest and I could feel myself being lifted off the ground. I held onto him burying myself into his warmth. 

I didn't dare look
I could hear odd screams, they sounded terrifying.
It's seemed to be coming from the sea.
His touch on my waist was comforting and yet it sent small shivers up my spine.

"What's going on?" I flinched every time he got hit.
"Don't worry you're safe with me"
I peaked up at him.  He gave a sly smile, I couldn't help but trust him.

He was definitely fighting someone or something but what? I decided it was best to not know and kept my eyes closed.

Right before we plunged into the sea.

He still held me as he swam upwards. He carried me to shore.
Laying me on my back,
hovering over me,
the moonlight highlighting the space between us.

He smiled,
My fingers touched his face

It felt as though a thread was being formed between us
And it was only right to tie the knot.

He leans further in
Till his lips brushed mine,
waiting for my confirmation his eyes peak through his strands
Without hesitation, I pressed my lips against his.

Eyes closed again,
But this time
His heart wasn't heavy
And I wasn't scared.

I slip my tongue in
He kisses deeper
And hands caress my waist

Tugging at his shirt slightly getting lost in him.
His tender kisses making me arch and wanting nothing more than to rid the clothes between us.

Pulling away he sucks on my bottom lip before letting go.

Eyelids are half open and the air is thick.

"We should at least know each other on a first name bases" he spoke, his eyes ever so often drifting to my lips.

"We won't see each other again after this, so let's not do introductions"
"Why do you say that?"
"I'm not from here"
"Can I ask from where?"

"Fine, I'll at least tell you my name; Kurosaki Ichigo"
"Kurosaki mmm?" I pulled at the loose orange strands stuck to his face.
"Nice to meet you"
"Nice to me you too" he stole a kiss

"I should be going now" I gave a small bow.
"Thank you for whatever it is you did earlier"

We stared at each other for a bit
I wanted to tiptoe and have one final kiss but I knew there wasn't any point.
Ichigo let go of my hand "At least come visit and say hi"
"I can't promise that"

Our backs face each other
Going our separate ways

"See you around Strawberry"

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