New Start

704 23 1

Ichigo stood under the shower with a smile on his face. He woke up with you resting on his chest. Having you that close to him was bliss and last night...was so special. Ichigo's face reddened he wanted to do it again. Your voice by his ear as he made you feel good.

He could feel himself getting hard again. Even though he wanted to make love with you more he didn't want you to feel pressured to do it and he didn't want to come off needy. What was the best way to balance this?

"Maybe we should talk about it" he spoke to himself "Do girls even think about sex like guys?" He shampooed his hair "Maybe I'll wait for her to make the move? Urgg I'm overthinking things" Ichigo washed the rest of his body.
After he got out of the shower he checked his phone. He wanted to call you but he was sure you were still sleeping.

Ichigo got changed and made his way downstairs. The sweet smell of pancakes filled the air causing his stomach to grumble.
"Someone's hungry" Ishin cheered pulling out a seat for Ichigo.
"They're ready!" Yuzu placed the stack of pancakes on the table. Karin and Yuzu sat opposite Ichigo with Isshin at the head of the table.

"These are delicious Yuzu" He took another bite but she didn't respond in fact Ichigo noticed the glances everyone was making and how awkward the air was. Did he do something wrong?

They ate in silence for a moment "Okay... why is it so silent?"
"Ichi-nii you didn't show up!" Yuzu became teary eyed "You promised we would meet back at home after the fireworks to take pictures as a family and I waited and waited and you didn't show up!"

"I'm sorry Yuzu...I got distracted and I forgot"
"Yuzu, we can always do that next year don't be so hard on him" Karin chimed in.
"Why didn't you come home? Where were you?" Yuzu wiped her tears.
They all looked at him.

"I-I-" his ears burned "we all went back to (YN) house"
"Oh- you had a sleepover?" Yuzu calmed down
"Mmm that's weird because I saw your friends going home when we left Ichigo" Karin shot Ichigo a deadly smirk.
Ichigo returned it with a death glare.
"So you're lying to me ichi-nii?"
"No! I-I'm not-"
"It was just you and (YN) at the sleepover then?" She tilted her head.
"That's not nearly as fun as when you have a group sleepover" Yuzu smiled.

Ichigo quietly continued to eat, feeling his father's and Karin's eyes on him.
Yuzu finished and went to put her plate in the sink.

"Sleepover huh?" Isshin raised his brows
"Yeah Ichigo tell us about this sleepover" Karin crossed her arms smiling.
"I'm not saying anything-"
"We need to have a man's talk!"
"That's the last thing we need!" Ichigo almost choked.

"Man's talk?" Yuzu questioned
"Nothing don't worry sweetie"Isshins demeanour changed.
"Were you happy to see (YN) wearing the same kimono pattern as you?" Yuzu smiled sweetly
Ichigo thought back to how beautiful you looked in your kimono. "She was stunning"
"Does that mean...she's your girlfriend ichi-nii?"
"Yuzu just because they wear matching patterns doesn't mean they're a couple now" Karin rolled her eyes
"Yes, it does! I read it in my magazine! Only couples match and I wanted Ichi-nii to be with (YN) did it work?" She looked over at her older brother.
"(YN)'s my girlfriend so you could say it helped, thank you" he reached over ruffling her hair.

"Wait! So the sleepover wasn't a one-time thing?" Isshin sipped on his coffee.
"Wha-No! and can we drop this 'sleepover' please!"
"Fine, but just know I'm too young to be a Grandpa Ichigo" He walked over to the sofa turning the tv on.
By now Ichigo was red from ear to ear. He was sick of the teasing.
Karin laughed and drank more of her hot chocolate whereas Yuzu didn't catch on till 10 minutes later.

Ichigo excused himself and went back to his room. Opening his window he jumped out.
He arrived at your door his hands were slightly clammy and his face a shade of pink.

Why was he still nervous to see you?

He knocked twice and the door opened.
"Hey" his eyes meeting yours and he let out a breath.
"Hey" your own heart beating so fast.
Ichigo walked behind you to your room. The images from last night were fresh on his mind.

You nervously pulled on the hem of your shirt. Ichigo observed you and found you so adorable without warning he wrapped you in his embrace.
You melted into him holding him even tighter.

"I-I can hear your's beating so fast" you spoke softly.
"You still make me nervous" he ran his hand down your back.
"You make me nervous too especially when you look at me like that"
"Hmm?" He pulled back a little
"Like at the winter festival or even earlier when I opened the door" You both lay on the bed.
"Should I not look at you like that then?"
"It's not a bad look- I can tell how you feel through your eyes... it's sweet and warm...I like it"
Ichigo put his arm around you and pressed his lips against yours. "That's an I love you look"

You kissed him deeper than before. "Last night your eyes reflected something else" you whispered. Ichigo kissed your neck "That was more of I want to show you how much I love you" he smiled.

"I'm happy we did it- although I'm a bit sore"
"I didn't mean to be so rough- I'm sorry" he kissed you all over.
"N-No it's fine- I think because it was my first time"
"I'll be more careful next time"
"N-Next time-" you hid your face in his chest.

"I was thinking maybe..." his face turned a deeper shade of pink. "You could be on top?"
Your ears burned and your skin tingled. You looked up at him slipping out from under him.
You straddle him "like this?" Your tone was seductive.
Ichigo placed his hands on your thighs and ran them up to your stomach. "Just like that" his fingers slipped under your shirt.

You grind against him letting out a short breath, his hands against your skin feeling good.
"(YN)-" your name caught in his throat. "If you k-keep going I won't be able to hold back"
You leaned down and his hands find your bra, he reaches to take it off.
"I don't want you to hold back" you spoke on his lips before kissing him.

You rode him a little faster making him pause his movements you could feel him getting excited.
"You're not as innocent as I thought (YN)" he nips at your neck. "If you let me do as I please you won't be able to walk tomorrow"
"It would be worth it" You let him take your bra off.

Ichigo's phone vibrates he reaches into his pocket to see Rukia calling. Ichigo closed his eyes running a hand down his face.
"You need to go?" You asked getting off him
"Sorry, soul reaper duties" Ichigo opens your window. "I'll make it up to you when I get back" he gives you a final kiss.

A/N: 💙

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