Blue Skies

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She's really here
Within arms reach

In my class,
2 seats down from me

I get to see her again


"Ichi-nii are you going to eat your omelette?" Yuzu's soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. "I made it, especially for you!"

"Y-Yeah-" he reassured her
"He'll eat it after he stops daydreaming with that creepy look on his face" Karin stuck her tongue out teasing her older brother.

Ichigo's ears flushed he didn't think he was showing any expression but he couldn't help it.

"Daydreaming about what Ichi-nii?"

"No-one, don't listen to Karin" he began eating his food and his signature scowl came back

"You've been smiling a lot and spacing out since yesterday. It reminds me of that week during summer" Yuzu pointed out

Ichigo paused his eating for a moment was he really that obvious? You really have that effect on him.

"Who's this no-one?" Karin raised her brows drinking her tea.
Ichigo shot her a death glare "I'm leaving now" he threw his bag over his shoulder.

His sisters whispered amongst themselves
Maybe it's a girl?!
No way ichi-nii with a girlfriend?
Don't cry Yuzu he's a teenager

Ichigo shut the door behind him
Why is my family like this?

The sky was clear and today he had one task and that was to get alone with you, so you both could talk.

There was no way the both of you could act like nothing happened. Like he didn't put his tongue down your throat that night.

Like you didn't pull on his shirt and arch your back into that passionate kiss.

"Ichigo why are you covering your face?" The deep voice came from his long time friend Chad.
"H-how long have you been standing there?!"
"A while- you came out of your house and just stood everything okay?"

"I'm fine! Let's go before we're late" he attempted to pull Chad along to which Chad walked casually alongside him.

At school, his eyes darted around 'where were you?'
Even in home room Tatsuki and Orihime walked in without you.
He looked over at the clock only 2 minutes till class starts.

Meanwhile you were running like a mad woman down the halls trying to beat the bell.
You cursed at your self for staying up till 2am making up fake scenarios between you and Ichigo.

8:29 am

The classroom door slides open "made it" catching your breath you took your seat next to Tatsuki.

The bell rings.

"Yo, (YN) morning" Chad calls out to you. And then Keigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, Mizuiro.

From Ichigo's eyes he watched you silently. Your face lit up in surprise. You meekly bowed giving a short "morning"

He thought your reaction was weird but cute. Totally contradictory to when you first met. He chuckled softly and it didn't go unnoticed.

"What so funny carrot?" You caught his stare

There she is

"Nothing" he sat his chin in his hand "Morning (YN)"

It's the first time he's called you by your name.

Not a big deal

That didn't stop your heart from fluttering

After registration the group leaves, going into science classes. Chad, Orihime, Keigo, Mizuiro into biology and You, Ichigo, Tatsuki in Chemistry. The classrooms were across the hall from each other.

"Ah, yes Miss (LN), could you sit here" the teacher pointed to one of the front seats. "Can I sit next to Tatsuki?" You asked.
"No, because your partner for the group project sits here. Kurosaki, Arisawa you'll be partnered up so sit in your regular seats"

The classroom filled with other students. Ichigo brought out his texts books. "Tatsuki..." he began writing notes. She glanced over at him "how come you didn't arrive with (YN) this morning? She staying with you right?"

"Hm? No, she was supposed to but her parents insisted on her living alone-"
"Alone? She's staying in a new area and living by herself?"
"(YN)'s really independent. She's used to living by herself since her parents are barely home. If you're worried about her, you can ask her how she's doing" Tatsuki nudged him

"What do her parents do for a living that they're never around?"
"Ichigo as I said, if you want your questions answered go ask her. I'm guessing you two need to talk anyway"
His brows raised at her last statement.

"I don't know what happened between the both of you but your both acting differently." Tatsuki continued writing but noticed Ichigo's silence.
She wouldn't pry but it made her worry

Did something bad happen between them?

Shaking her head she erased those thoughts. She would wait until either one of you were ready to explain.

After class, they all met in the hallway "it's seems only you two have maths next" Keigo pointed out to Ichigo raising his eyebrows.
"(YN) d-do you want to walk together" he scratched the back of his head looking down at you.
"S-sure" you smiled

The both of you began walking when Chad called out for Ichigo giving him a sparkling wink.
Ichigo cursed silently at his friends 'they were being way too fucking obvious!' He peaked down at you.

This was the moment he was looking for. But what should he say? Would it be weird if he held your hand? Was that too forward? The silence between you was making him even more nervous.

Meanwhile your pov

Did he realise what he was doing?
The brush of his knuckles against my hand,
The entwining of our fingers...

His palm was warm,
It made me feel safe

I didn't want him to let go

"Hey (YN) I think we should talk" he lifted his right hand only to find my hand attached to it.

"Ah! So sorry I didn't even-"

So he didn't realise?

"It's okay- and yeah we should talk"

"About that night at the beach-" Ichigo pauses, his brown eyes widening at bit. The air felt uncomfortable like a weight was put on my shoulders.

"I'll be right back!" I watched him run off.
This was weird? But he didn't return for the rest of the day.

I caught up with Tatsuki and noticed Orihime and Chad were gone. "Where is everyone?" I asked only to be met with odd looks.

"Uhh they had choir practice " Keigo tapped his chin.

"Choir practice?!" Tatsuki hit him with her bag dead in the face.
"They have some important assignments so they usually run off in the middle of the day. You'll get used to it"
"So you guys don't have any important assignments too? Aren't we all in some of the same classes?" I questioned 

"Well...good question" she stammered "But let's not focus on that, my mum is expecting you for dinner so lets go!" Tatsuki dragged me along leaving Keigo on the floor.

A/N: next chapter soon! :)

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