End of Summer

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The air still had that summer smell.

I walked cautiously behind Tatsuki

Ever since yesterday when I arrived back in Karakura town I've been on the lookout for a certain orange haired boy...

"Is everything okay (YN)? You're clinging to my shirt" her head tilted back with a raised brow
"Sorry" Letting go
"Don't worry after the first day you won't be nervous, plus look how cute you are in your uniform.! I bet you'll be popular with the boys" her brows wiggled.

"Tatsuki-" two voices called out to the raven haired girl. Me and.. "Orihime!"  Tatsuki waved
The girl came running her long gingery brown hair swaying in the wind.

She was stunning

"Oh! You must be (YN)" she breathed out
"Nice to meet you Orihime" I held my hand out and she shook it. "You're even prettier than Tatsuki described" she gave a closed eye smile

Orihime and Tatsuki talked away about what happened at Orihime's part-time job. We soon approached the school and Tatsuki grabbed my hand "time for you to meet the rest of the gang" she gave a toothy grin. I noticed how long Tatsuki's hair got it suited her.

I walked into the classroom behind both of them.
My heart was pounding, meeting new people was hard for me, especially a group of them.
My anxiety was through the roof.

"Everyone, meet my cousin (YN)!" Tatsuki spoke.
The two girls stepped aside to showcase me.

Raising my eyes from the floor to faces starting at me.

Only one caught my eye
The blood drained from my face

"Carrot head?!" I pointed at him
"What are you doing here?" He pointed back

"Ichigo you know the hottie?" a brown haired guy around Ichigo's height spoke.

"Are you still going to call me that after what we di-" I cut Ichigo off by pouncing on him. He fell to the floor and I straddled him with my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up Kurosaki" I whispered to him.
He muffled something and his hand held my waist.
The group gasped
The same brown haired guy spoke "Ichigo what happened between the two of you?!" his face flushed.

"Don't say things that make it seem like we did something" I spoke into his ear removing my hand from his mouth.
"Have you forgotten?" His breath tickled the side of my face. 
"I can remind you" his irises darken. His hand on my waist going lower and so was his tone.

Did he forget the audience around us?
Or did he not care?

Before I could respond Tatsuki pulled me off him.
"Kurosaki! get your perverted hands off my cousin!" She kicked him into the back of the classroom.

I, however, was thrown over her shoulder.

Ichigo stood up holding his chin in pain. He glanced over at you 'I can't possibly kiss her again, well not with these idiots about' he glared at Keigo and Mizuiro.
Once the class calmed down he took his seat.

At first, the classroom looked normal when the teacher walked in except Tatsuki had a student strapped to her back.
"Miss Arisawa, please untie the new student from your back" he sighed fixing his glasses "why do I have to teach this class, there's always something weird happening in here" he mumbled to himself.

Tatsuki gave evil eyes towards Ichigo "touch her and die" she undid the rope.
"(YN) would you like to come to the front and introduce yourself"

"Uh okay" I fixed my uniform
"My name is (YN) (LN) nice to meet all of you"

"You can sit next to Tatsuki if you like" the teacher spoke.
"You can sit next to me"
"No me!" Other boys in the class argued

Tatsuki picked me up putting me next to her.
"She'll sit here! None of you pervy idiots is getting her"
"Why are you only saying that to me?!" Ichigo glared back at her.

The first lesson came around and I tapped my pen on the desk. I was really in his class...in his school and the worst part was he was friends with Tatsuki!

I didn't notice the smile that formed on my lips.
I turned my head slightly to peek at him and our eyes caught. We quickly looked away from each other. My face heated up seeing the flashes of us kissing on the beach.

"Ichigo your face is really red are you feeling okay?" the teacher put him in the spotlight and everyone turned to face him.

He continued looking out the window "I'm fine" mumbling under his breath.

After a couple of classes, it was lunch
Tatsuki brought me up to the roof. "We sometimes have lunch up here"

The girls sat down and brought out their bentos.
"So (YN)" she pointed her chopsticks at me. Her name was Chizuru Honsho she had red hair and glasses "what's the deal?" 
"Deal with what?" I munched on the rice.

"You and him?"
I looked over to see Ichigo and his crew walk through. They sat far enough we wouldn't hear their conversation.

"Nothing" shrugging.
"But he knew you (YN)" Tatsuki observed me
"I had a brief encounter with him last time I visited. That's all" I could see her mind ticking away.

"Well as long as you're not after my Orihime!" Chizuru hugged her.
"Uhh..okay" sweat dropped on my forehead.

Tatsuki looked between you, Ichigo and Orihime.

This was going to be a pain for her.

The boys

"Are you going to tell us how you know (YN)?" Mizuiro ate his sandwich.
"Yeah! Ichigo I'm so jealous you got to-" he cupped his hands in the air. "I bet they were soft- maybe C-cup?" Keigo's nose bled a little.
"Stop that!" Ichigo threw a grape at Keigo's face hard enough it left a red mark. "I didn't do any of what you're thinking about"

"Really? You did make it seem like that Ichigo" Chad chimed in.
Ichigo thought about what he said, now he understood why you were trying shut him up.

"We met for a short moment over summer that's it" popping a grape in his mouth.

The group didn't believe it but for now they would go with it.

A\N: :)

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