Chapter 8

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Hi Guys…

So here is chapter 8… (There is a small time leap in this chapter)


Evil is done without effort, naturally, it is
the working of fate; good is always the
product of an art.



The sound of the doorknob of my room being turned woke me up.  It was late at night.  Who would it be at this hour?  The door opened all the way and I sat up straight in readiness.

“Happy birthday to you, Trala lala la. Happy birthday to you, Trala, lala, la. Happy birthday to you dear Templar. Happy birthday to you,” they sang in tune.

I couldn’t stop the huge smile from appearing on my face as everyone entered my bedroom.  They remembered?  Of course they would.  They love me.  I looked at the chocolate cake that Cam was holding out in his hands and my smile grew.  It looked yummy!

“Happy birthday Tem,” Jan squealed and hugged me.

“Happy birthday Tem,” Keith said and Jan smacked his arm.

“How many times should I warn you that you cannot call her Tem.  It’s my copyright,” she warned.

“You are just jealous that she loves me more than she loves you,” Keith replied sticking his tongue out at her.

“Pfft… As if.  Everybody knows she loves me more than she loves you,” Jan replied rolling her eyes at him.

“Oh yeah?  Let’s ask her,” Keith said and they both looked to me with puppy dog faces.

Crap!  I’m stuck again.  I looked at Cam with hopeful eyes and he seemed to get the signal.

“Damn!  Templar will you cut the cake already?  I really want to eat this,” Cam said.  That distracted them because they turned and looked at the cake with hungry eyes.  I thanked Cam quietly through the link.

“That does look really yum,” Jan said looking at the cake.

“Obviously.  Who prepared it after all?” Sveta, Cam’s mate, said wiping invisible dust from her shoulders.

Initially it had been difficult for me when I took over as the Alpha, but with the support of my wonderful pack it went smoothly.  All the children and teenagers, including myself, enrolled ourselves in the school in town.  Nobody bullies me now.  Everywhere I go, I find love and respect.

Besides Jan, Keith and Ben, I became good friends with almost all the members in the pack.  We enjoy each other’s company a lot.

My becoming the Alpha was never opposed by anyone in the pack.  Being an Alpha was fun, but I made sure to never let the title go to my head, like it had done with Everett.

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