Chapter 23

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"Don't be ashamed to weep;
'tis right to grieve. Tears
are only water, and flowers,
trees, and fruit cannot grow
without water. But there
must be sunlight also. A wounded
heart will heal in time, and when it
does, the memory and love of our lost
ones is sealed inside to comfort us."
― Brian Jacques , Taggerung


"Guys its late and she is not back yet, please let us go and check" January said.

"You know where she'll go, it's not possible...." Ben said and shut his mouth quickly when everyone from her pack gave him a piercing look.

"Where will she go?" I asked him but there was no reply.

"Where does she go?" I asked again in a scorching emphasis.

"Swimming" Keith said.

"Swimming? She will be swimming for ten hours?" I snapped at him.

"She loves swimming" he said shrugging.

I seriously didn't appreciate the way he took this matter so casually. He didn't seem the least bit worried.

"Templar cannot swim" Terence snapped.

"Yeah well, she learnt it" Ben said.

"Can someone explain what happened today?" Terence asked again.

"She killed a rogue and she lost control" Keith said again shrugging like it was a no big deal. I was pissed off at him and went to punch him. Terence understood what I was about to do so he held me back quickly.

"Bastard" I growled at him. "She is your Beta" I said and he chuckled finding it humorous.

"That is why I'm saying, she'll be back" he said smiling confidently. "Give her some time"

"Ten hours is more than enough" I yelled.

"Well, the last time she took eighteen" he said growling and I stopped fighting Terence, when his words started sinking into me.

"Last time?" I whispered. "She has lost control before?" he sighed and nodded.

"How does that happen?" I asked him.

"It's her wolf" Sveta spoke and I looked at her questioningly.

"Her wolf isn't like us" she said and I didn't miss the glare Keith gave Sveta.

"Because she shifted late than all of us?" Terence asked curiously.

"Maybe" Sveta shrugged.

"Why did she shift late?" I asked her.

"It is something that we cannot question" January said. "It's beyond our imagination" she said and looked away and I saw the light tears coming from the corner of her eyes. That showed the memory was painful for her.

"Since she shifted late her wolf was curbed inside her for two long years. And we all know how a caged animal reacts when it comes out all of a sudden. That is what happened in Templar's case." Sveta said.

"What happened when she shifted?" I asked Keith. "You were with her right?" I asked him.

"It's not my story to tell. If Templar wishes then she will tell you" Keith replied.

I was about to ask him more because clearly everyone are hiding something, but Sveta spoke again. "Even now she doesn't shift quite often and so, her wolf feels it is being suppressed. So the animal side found a way of its own, it started taking control over her when she is in her human form" she said.

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