Chapter 24

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This chapter is dedicated to @gavinchad


“Quiet the mind, and the
soul will speak.”
― Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati ,
The 11 Karmic Spaces:
Choosing Freedom from the
Patterns That Bind You



‘That was fun’ I told Jan through the link when we were returning home after the hunting.

‘Fun?’ she said incredulously. ‘We couldn’t catch a single prey, all thanks to Sveta’ Jan complained and I laughed.

‘True, but you got to admit the chase was fun’ I told her.

‘Yeah, I almost bit that deer’s tail’ she said chuckling.

We were walking in the woods; actually Jan was I was sitting on her back though.

My gaze fell on the white walls of the moon temple. I didn’t visit there ever since I came back.

‘It is beautiful’ Jan told me.

‘You’ve been there?’

‘Yeah, Terence took me there the day he marked me’

‘Oh! You never told me the marking story’ I told her.

‘Nothing much, we went to the temple and while returning had a small make-out session, he took the opportunity and bit me. I realized a little late what he did’ Jan said guiltily.

‘It’s not your fault’

‘I could have tried to stop him. Anyway I took the revenge so it’s all cool’

‘Uh- what revenge?’

‘I shifted in his car’

‘Oh dear’ I said gasping. If anything like that happened to my Arrogant I might have a heart attack.

My Arrogant is my most precious asset.

Thanks’ she said chuckling. ‘Do you want to go to the temple?’

I did, but I was wearing only Everett’s shirt and that would be inappropriate so I decided to go a little later.

It was late in the evening and I just finished training Theo so I decided to go the temple.

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