Chapter 38

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Hi People…… I’m back:D:D

It’s 20th already according to IST, so here is chapter 38 for you all:D:D which is dedicated to @xXredwolfXx:D:D

And a HUGE THANK-YOU for all those who read, vote, comment and support me. I LOVE YOU GUYS:D:D

Hope this is long enough for you all:D


 “To burn with desire and

Keep quiet about it is the

Greatest punishment we can

Bring to ourselves.”

-Federico Garcia Lorca,

Blood Wedding and Yerma.




I was driving my car towards the Green Prominence. One of Rett’s pack members told me he had seen Rett’s car over there and it made my job easy.

The rhino didn’t come back until two in the afternoon and so I finally left the house in search of him.

I brought my car to a halt when I saw the red signal ahead. Crap! Why should I be the one to get stuck in this? I hate signals with a passion.

Looking at the rear view mirror I adjusted my aviators a little. I was wearing a red denim jeggings with black polka dots top and a military green jacket over it. For me, I looked good.

“Take the call you idiot” I muttered and picked up my cell phone to call Rett one last time. No response.

I threw the cell phone on the passenger seat and then patiently waited for the light to turn green. There was a traffic cop who was checking a motor bike rider and I gritted my teeth.

Damn it! I didn’t want to get caught, at least not now. Why? Because I had three extremely sharp knives inside my jacket pocket, one small knife in my back and a gun in my car.

I was prepared, just like the moon goddess had asked me to. I knew something was going to come soon and I hope it is Glen because I want to finish him once and for all and live a peaceful life with my pack and my mate.

There was this feeling in me that told me I had to be careful, I felt like my every move was being watched or known. I had asked everyone in the pack to stay alert and keep their minds open.

Now that almost all the pieces are there I knew it is not very far when I will be facing that demon again.

The light turned green and I started driving again, I made sure to smile sweetly at the traffic cop when I drove past him.

Opening the door of my car, I got out and looked at the building ahead. The building was big. This was like a head office of the Green Company.

I inhaled and I could smell Rett’s scent here. His pack guy told me he had a meeting here today but I knew it was a lie.

I started climbing the entrance stairs when the guard over there got up from his seat.

“Excuse me Mam” he said and I turned to glare at him. He took a step back and gulped, he was a human and so I turned and continued walking. Pushing the glass door I went inside the hall.

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