Chapter 17

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“We hang out, we help one
another, we tell one another
our worst fears and biggest
secrets, and then just like
real sisters, we listen and
don't judge.”
― Adriana Trigiani , Viola in Reel Life



I made sure to not go back to the pack house. I didn’t want to hear whatever that rhino wanted to ‘talk’ about.

Well I actually did, but I will not give him that satisfaction. Not so soon at least.

So I spent the day roaming the city. Few things here and there have changed like there were few new buildings, boutiques, a new club, food court etc. many shops had been renovated but other than that it’s the same, the entire town owned by the Green’s. Everett Green as of now.

All I could see was buildings with the Green logo.

After dropping Theo to school, I spent the whole morning shopping for furniture’s with Jan and Keith. I asked everything in that room that wasn’t mine to be burned so I needed new furniture, bed, cushions and I purposely asked Mike to get the photo of me and Jan from my pack house, to here.

After lunch, I asked Keith and Jan to go back while I went to my favorite place, the library.

I spent the entire afternoon in the library and while reading one of the novels i fell asleep in the library. The lady over there woke me up at around six-thirty in the evening and was lecturing me about rules of the library.

I ignored her and took out my mobile from the pocket.

My eyes widened when I checked my mobile, I had seventy missed calls and thirty messages. Thank god, my mobile was in silent. I yawned loudly because looking at them will be a waste of time.

I got up from the chair and stretched my arms.

A guy who was sitting in the nearby table was looking at me and I noticed his gaze was on my stomach that was exposed when I stretched.

“Show’s over mister, now keep your eyes on your book.” I said scowling at him and walked away from there while the lady over there was now lecturing me about manners.

Hey, Jan.’ I said through the link but there was no reply.

Keith?’ I called out in my mind.

Where the hell are you?’ he yelled in my mind.

Oops, bad timing. I blocked my mind so that I could take all that yelling at home.

I was walking out when I bumped against someone near the door, but luckily this time there were no tingles in my skin.

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