chapter 4 out side & rin vs Naruto👿 🍜

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chapter 3
out side & rin vs Naruto👿 🍜

Rapunzel POV

Mother why can't we just go in the front yard?! I cry out loud
look Rapunzel I don't want you guys getting hurt....Why can't you understand that! Mother says I do but it's safe in the front yard! You said no one will be able to see or find the tower! Fine! But only for a little...! Yay thanks mother! I say well hugging her*sigh* your welcome little flower now go get your brothers up. And meet me in the living room.....ok mother!I say

Rins POV

I rin challenge you naruto to a battle! Yeah! Will I naruto accept your dum challenge! We both know I'll win Naruto! Oh yeah! Yeah! Will why don't you say that to my face!!!? Naruto? Rin? Where are you? I hear in here naruto yells back guess what guys!? Rapunzel says with a big bright smile what? I say mother says we can go out!





What!?!!!!????! I here naruto scream with a big smile even brighter then raps yeah I know she said to get everyone to the living room. Ok what are we waiting for!? I yelled

The end


3rd POV

Wow rin Naruto and Rapunzel say at the same time there we're finally outside! Sure it's just the garden but they've only ever seen the outside throughout a window it was so different they could feel the grass on their feet the wind blowing leaves past them













Rapunzel could hear rin and Naruto fighting when did they start fighting? Rapunzel asked mother Gothel just a few seconds ago... mother Gothel replys



Rapunzel just turns away and started talking to mother Gothel so how was your day she asked fine yours? It was awesome! she smiled at mother Gothel with rin and Naruto fighting in the background

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