"The club" - part 2 "scara?"

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"Sure" kazuha said slightly hesitant

Kazuha knows he can't get too drunk
It'll be problematic
Be he also can't raise suspicion in a way he's cornered he'll have to get something but his tolerance is so so low

"Uhm kazu?"

"Hm? Oh yeah sure I'll get a fruity cocktail"
Kazuha said nervously

"Alright, hey waiter"
He got a attention of a nearby worker and ordered two fruity cocktails

"Alright so small talk" looking around for something to talk about

"Yea..." kazuha said looking down

"How about we get to learn more about each other" scaramouche said nervously

"Alright" kazuha agreed pretty quickly

He looked to his side as he he fruity cocktails be put on the table ever so gently
They both thanked the waiter the waiter bowed and made his way to continue his work

"Do you dance?"

"No, I don't scara" Kazuha looked away slightly while taking a sip of the fruity cocktails

"Hmmmm" scaramouche looks around the club, and suddenly he gets a idea

Just as soon as Kazuha puts the cocktail down scaramouche grabs Kazuhas and dragged him towards thr dance floor

Kazuha was shocked and frozen stuck in the middle of the dance floor
He looked down and sees his hands entwined with scaras and scaras hands pulls away
And begins to dance to the music at first kazuha stares practicaly mesmerized by this man
Scaramouche looks at him and notices a sparkle in kazuhas eyes
Scaramouche gets a idea
"Dance with my kazuha"

"What? No, I don't know how"

"Come here, I'll show you"

Scaramouche grabs both of kazuhas hands on the opposite of his
(kazuhas left and scaramouches right vice versa, so their arms would basically form a x)

Scaramouche than twirls into kazuhas arms
Kazuha felt his entire face turn a bright shade of red, highly noticable, scaramouche could clearly see the reaction this is just what he wanted he wanted to see how kazu would respond to being so close to him
Now he knows (≖ᴗ≖)✧

Scaramouche than spun out and instantly gripped both hands and continued to dance to the beat of the songs

(Imagine it's something like maybe,
scene queen - pink panther or pink rover)

After a while of this, they returned to drink more

{Kazuha couldn't take it anymore}

(and I apologize if it's a lil lazy this chapter I'm making this section at 1 am at the moment)

Scaramouche was Downing the fruity cocktails and decided to spice it up with a stronger drink
He was here often and had a high tolerance

He one time nearly one against a certain celebrity musician "venti" is the name he goes by to the world no one knows his actual name tho

"Scara,lay back on the drinks" kazuha says slightly concerned

"D-do not t-tell me what to dO" scaramouche says clearly getting drunk.

"How many drinks have you had so far?"

"UhhHhhHhhHh, 3?"

"No you have had 5 fruity cocktails and way too many berry wines"

"SHhhHhhhHh, don't lEt anyBodY knOw"

"Come on we have to go back home, your clearly drunk"

"How ArE YoU nOt DruNk yEt?"

"I only drank 1 to 3 I'm partially sober, well sober enough to get you back"

"ArE yOu sUuuuuuUuurrreRrrreeeee? *hic*"

"Yes" he quickly put the cash on the table for payment and threw one of scaras arms over his shoulder

Kazu can admit he enjoyed his time here he'll consider coming back here

Kazuha always tried to quickly dismiss the thought

You could quickly just end him off here just pull him into a alley
Or you stupid idiot you couldve poisoned his drink
Why can't you kill him

Kazuha looked around frantically checking to see if anyones around or looking
No one's here
He quickly pulled scaramouche into a alley it was perfect
Everything was set up

But can he really do it?

He put scaramouche down gently
Scaramouche was knocked out cold
They've been walking down here kazuha would say fifteen minutes he's mid point from the palace and the club and he'd say it'd he around 2 at night
He'd doubt if he screamed anyone would notice no one seems to live nearby and everythings empty
It's perfect
But why can't he even pull the knife out
Scaramouche begins to groan slightly
And slightly open his eyes
Kazuha averted his gaze
Scaramouche seemed partly drunk just not completely

"H-hm? Kazu? W-whats going on?"

Kazuha had to come up with something QUICK

"Ah just taking a quick break from carrying you from the club"

"Ah ok"

Scaramouche was usually a somewhat bitch kinda cold but sweet to those he met for a good impression in fear of possibly ruining his families reputation for his mother might kill him herself if he tarnished it

He looks so innocent right about now to him he was absolutely adorable at the moment

"Can you walk?"

"Y-yea I think so"

Kazuha helps him up and scaramouche slightly stumbled scara looked up he was partially drunk but he kept staring at kazus lips so many thoughts littered his head but he pushed them back

"Here I'll help you"

Scara was embarrassed so he cheeks were a bit red
Kazuha enjoyed this
Trying to ignore the fact he tried killing him give minutes ago
He has to get this done
One way or another

{Time skip they arrive at the palace it's 2:15 am

Kazuha helps Scaramouche sit down on the bed

"Thank you" scaramouche said looking down

"hey is everything alright?"kazuha looks generally concerned for scaramouche scaramouche could tell by the look in his eyes

"Y-yea" scaramouche said as he looked away slightly blushing not that noticable but yea

Authors note

Alright I'll cut it off here
For now
I'm trying to lead onto something here but I want to at least post recently
I'm sorry it's not as long as my usually but it's close enough
It's been a busy week for me
I shattered my s/h streak so yea
I don't wanna ditch y'all for this long without a update with out a reason so yea there it is
Anyways don't worry I'll update soon like less than a week so don't worry
There'll be a update soon
Thank you so much for this many views and adding this to your lists and everything everytime I see something like that it really brings a smile to my face thank you so much anyways if you read all this through thank you

I hope your enjoying the story

Word count : 1100

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