"Well what if i don't want to..."

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Ello people
Thank You so much for over 500 views and over 40 favors
I did not expect one of my works to get this big
It means a lot
Thank you all so much <3333

Anyways this'll have a lot of angst and such

But it is progress in this story
I expect this story to end within 10 more chapters
But I have published another story that I'll start on as soon as this one Is finished and while this one Is progressing as well
It is a yandere kaebedo au all the details for it is already there
Once again thank you so much
Enjoy the rest of the story my loves~

They began their walk around inazuma it was pretty awkward between all of them

"Wait here" jean said to everyone as she gripped kazuhas arm and began to drag him off to a alley where no one was

"Why isn't he dead"

"I uh-"

"Kazuha, I gave you a year limit as a joke I didn't expect it to take this long to kill him off
Do it within today or tomorrow"

"And what if i don't"

"Than you'll be gone too"

"I-... Fine..."

Scaramouche is angsty
He doesn't know what's going on at all
These people pop out of nowhere and claim to be part of kazuhas family

Scaramouche began pacing

"Hah your like jean, she also paces when she's stressed how ironic"
Kaeya says while slightly laughing

Albedo merely rolls his eyes in annoyance to reply to kaeyas "idiotic" behavior

Scaramouche just stands there for a second while looking at albedo sitting on kaeyas lap

"Are you a couple...?" scaramouche looked adorably curious while asking the two men

Kaeya spits out of some of the water he was Drinking and grins

"No no no no no, I mean we hook up sometimes but you never said we were official, although I wouldn't mind" albedo rants and than catches himself


"Huh-...?" albedo said curiously but somewhat hurt

"Im sorry it's just your adorable"

Albedo blushes and did a slight "hmph" in anger as he looked away

Scaramouche just watched it all unfold in amazement

Jean and kazuha
Emerged from the alley
Kazuha looked depressed and sad
Jean looked furious
But the three other adults rose up
Knowing something went down due to jeans expression

They were very much worried for kazuha
But knows whatever must happen will happen

The three adults also pittied young scaramouche
He was a kind caring boy that much you can tell
But he's one of the shoguns weaknesses so he must be taken down

The group was now on route to the palace
Scaramouche didn't know why
But the rest certainly did

"I thought we were gonna walk around more"
Scaramouche said confused

"Im sorry but something came up jean got a phone call something happened they need to head back"

Scaramouche was getting even more suspicious
He didn't know why but he felt something was about to happen

What if i don't want to?...|| kazuscaraWhere stories live. Discover now