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As we left off...(YN) is surprisingly alive, and standing up, making Nobara think he died by the special grade curse...(YN) was standing behind the curse, grabbing its head, squeezing it and lifting him up, as he looked completely different, big white black alone eyes, sharped teeth, and sharp claws ...

(YN): Leave...Her...ALONE!!!

(YN) swings the curse around, and to slam its whole face to the wall,  and then to the floor, and then afterwards to toss him outside of the window...Nobara was catching her breathe, still in pain with minor injuries, she then looks at (YN) standing, not know how he's alive...she then thought about the curse he has in him, maybe that's the reason why...and that's not all, suddenly, a slime black goo began to appear inside of the gaping wound from (YN)'s the black goo began to somehow regenerate that hole...

Nobara: That black stuff in's regenerating from that gaping wound...!

After that, (YN) looks at Nobara, as the two began to look at each utter for a bit...and then (YN) looking back outside and to give a loud roar and to jump out the window and to fight off the curse...

Nobara: No (YN) wait!!

Nobara tried getting up, but she's in immense pain, and can't move at all, all she can do is lay down...and wait for Itadori and Megumi to come looking for her and (YN)...then again, she also wants to go after (YN)...but then again, she just hopes (YN) would finish that curse for good...she began to give high hopes on him and his only hope for her....
Outside of the building, the curse was getting up, and then to see (YN) on the wall, holding on as if he was some sort of spider, he then leaps off the wall and to land on the ground, he then glares down at the curse, as the curse began to grow angry, he charges at (YN), (YN) gave a loud roar and charges at the curse as well, as the two collide, the curse quickly rips off both his arms off and began laughing, but then...(YN) suddenly grow out two pair of new fresh arms with the black goo and yet they stretch and to grab the curse, (YN) began to swing him around and to drag the curse through the building, he then brings the curse back to him and to hit him with a brutal Headbutt to its face, (YN) let's him go as he began throwing brutal punches at the curse, then he lands a brutal axe hand above its head, causing it to be slam to the ground, he then began stomping the curse serval times, and to kick his face, sending him flying away, and with such speed, he catches up to the curse, grabbed its whole face and slamming him to the ground, and then picking him up from its head, and to then strike a brutal knee hit to its gut, and spat out purple blood out from its mouth, (YN) smiled and chuckles for torturing the curse with such a demonic tone he has and tossing him away...the curse barely recovers as he grew more annoyed and angry, so, he then began to create a mass yellow curse energy from his hand, and to shoot it like a beam at (YN)...the yellow curse energy goes directly to (YN), as he suddenly open his mouth wide...and yet to swallow that curse beam like nothing...

Special Grade Curse: HUUUH!?!?

(YN): Right back at you!!

(YN) inhales deep in...and to open his mouth wide again, and to let out and shoot a more bigger energy curse beam from it, as the beam was going full speed at the curse, he moves out of the way with such short notice, the beam hit the building, and caused a huge explosion, destroying the whole building, the curse was stunned and shocked to see that one beam destroyed one huge single building like nothing...

(YN): Hey.

The curse turns around, and yet to feel such terror and scared the fact (YN) was now up close right in his face, with such horrifying and menacing smile he's got in him, the curse wanted to move...but how?? He is shaking in he tried to move away, but (YN) grabs his neck and doesn't let him go, and began choking he does, (YN) suddenly slowly began to become bigger, and yet, the black goo began to appear from his body, covering him around, and yet, the black goo began to transform into this horrifying and monstrous thing with such terrifying eyes, and two sharp layers teeths,and white veins around it...and to make it matter worse...this isn't (YN) who's about to's the curse parasite that's talking to the special grade curse...

Curse Parasite: many snacks, so little time!

The curse parasite opens its mouth, and to then extend his tongue, licking the special grade curse face, and then to chomp and eat its whole head off, killing the curse it ate the whole head off, he drops the body as the body then disintegrates into ashes
After that, the curse parasite fades away into (YN)'s body, and (YN) being back to himself....and to be quiet stunned and confused all of the sudden...

(YN): ...What the hell just happen??! I only remember fighting that curse and then...all of the sudden...I...I ate a head??! *gagging*

Curse Parasite: Oh stop being such a loser, The head tasted delicious!

(YN) then heard that voice again...

(YN): H-Huh?! That voice again..! But...Where?!' me??

Curse Parasite: Finally, you notice.

(YN): So I was right! Who the hell are you, and why are you-

Yuji: (YN)!

(YN) notice Yuji and Fushiguro running with a kid being held by Yuji...

Curse Parasite: We'll talk later, you're loser friends are coming.

(YN): Huh?! No! You stay there!

Pure silence and the curse parasite hasn't spoken nothing afterwards...

(YN): Hey!!

Megumi: (YN), who were you talking??

Yuji: Where's Kugisaki most importantly??!

(YN): Nobara??...O-Oh shit!! Nobara! She's-

Nobara: Hey...

The three then see Nobara coming out from the building, still she then collapses as (YN) quickly catches her...

(YN): Oh man! She's badly wounded!

Megumi: What happen??!

(YN): The curse we were looking for found us...and it hurt Nobara, it was a strong one, it had tiny four eyes and looked slim...

Yuji: No way, so it was a special grade curse we fought a while ago! Where is it now?!

(YN): ....I took cared of it.

Megumi: Wait you?? No way...!

Gojo: Oh yes he did.

Suddenly, Gojo appeared and to unseal the barrier around the building...

Gojo: Believe it or not, (YN) took care of that curse, and I was really impress of how he took care of it, really, saw the whole thing.

Yuji: Woah! Then you must be pretty stronger than the special grade curse!

Gojo observes (YN)...and yet to somehow picture her someone similar like him...

Gojo: *Heh...this is giving me some Yuta vibes*
Anyways, enough with it, now that we saved the kid, lest take him and Nobara to Jujutsu to treat their wounds.

(YN): Okay!

And so, they make their way back to Jujutsu and have Nobara and the kid get their wounds treated...(YN) was carrying Nobara...and began to be worried for her, and hopefully she turns out okay afterwards....

S1 Nobara Kugisaki x Male Cursed Reader (Book 1: Cursed Parasite)Where stories live. Discover now