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So this is book I have wanted to finish but never had the time with uni and work! And now that I have a little more free time during the summer and want to continue to cultivate my writing skills, I feel like this is the perfect place to get back into fictional writing!

I'm not sure how many people will read this but I'll just blurt my thoughts for everyone! 

It's basically been a year since I wrote anything on here! And like I said, I was incredibly busy with my final year of uni and working. I was pretty much working four days a week whilst studying the remainder and after work. To say I was tired would be an understatement! But I made it out alive and I feel like I have really developed as a person this year! 

To say I am happy would be a lie, I don't think being happy is something I will ever feel, I don't know if I am chemically made for that! But I am definitely doing okay! I know who I am as a person and I now understand how to navigate my emotions in order to keep myself as sane as possible!

And one thing that I really developed this year was my writing! I mainly wrote academic essays but I have created a style that is mine own to writing them! My professors really liked it and often commented on the way I wrote which meant a lot to me.

And I've also picked up a few reviews in the past month and my editor also commented on my writing! So I am really interested to see what people think of it!

And I am currently working a writing job which is crazy! I'm just surrounded by the one thing I love - words!

So yeah I want to try and write again on her to keep writing in general but also see how I feel about writing fiction again.

I am gonna stick with the fanfic aspect for now! A little disclaimed, I have not listened to 5sos for over a year and I have no idea what they are really doing nowadays! But I want to play it safe with what I know for now, instead of creating complete stand alone characters! 

And I am also in the realm of dating atm and my feelings are a little crazy so I think it would be good to express them via fiction for a little! 

But yeah! How has everyone been? I don't know if I still have any loyal readers? But I'd love to know how your past year has been!

And I'm gonna be updating on Sundays and Wednesdays!

If you have any questions or just want to message me in general go f

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