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It's a cool, and relaxing fall day.  With the leaves turning into majestic autumn colors, and a breeze so cool, it makes you want to go outside.  Outside of Morton High School, the school bell rings.  The students get out of their cars, chat with friends, and proceed to go into the school.  "Good Morning, Warthogs!!!!!  Hope you all are having a beautiful start of your day.  Last night, the Morton Warthogs destroyed the Jackson Jets last night, 35 to 21.  It was a thanks to great coordination from leading quarterback, Phil Bickermon, that we pulled off another win."  The announcer said.  As the announcer speaks the other news, we go to an abandoned parking lot a few feet away from school.  From which is a red SUV, with three people sitting inside of it.  "Yo, where is he?"  James asked.  "Same here.  Class doesn't start until 8:00, and its 7:50.  You told us he will be here by 7:45."  Hal replied.  "Relax, boys.  The kid will be here shortly.  Just let me handle this, ok?"  Phil asked.  "Your call, but he better be here in the next five minutes, or..."  James replied slowly getting upset.  "James.  What did I say?"  Phil asked.  "[signs].  Stay calm.  I know."  James replied.  "Good."  Phil said.  Looking through his review mirror, Phil spots the guy they are waiting for.  It's a skinny little dude, wearing a sweater, blue pants, glasses, and slick brown hair.  He approaches the car, struggling to stand up.  "He's here.  You two go first."  Phil ordered.  James and Hal get out of the car.  They close the doors, and start walking to the kid.  The kid looks terrified as he sees James and Hal approaching him.  The kid starts to sweat.  He is close to pissing his pants.  "Well, if it isn't out favorite little piece of shrimp, Peter."  James said as he and Hal stand in front of Peter.  "If your wondering about my arrival, I dearly apologize.  [yawns].  This took my almost all...."  Peter replied.  "Shut the fuck up, shrimp."  Hal interrupted.  Hal then socks Peter in the nose.  Peter falls to the ground, shivering in pain.  "We specifically discussed you be here by 7:45, and by the looks of it, [pulls out phone], IT'S SEVEN FUCKING FIFTY TWO!!!!!!!!!!"  Hal yelled.  James then takes over, as he yanks the book bag off of Peter.  He pours everything out of it.  Papers and notebooks fall to the ground, as Peter watches.  Once empty, James chucks the book bag onto Peter hard.  On the ground, James and Hal scroll through the work, taking the stuff with their names on it.  They then put it into their own bags, leaving only Peter's and Phil's behind.  "Now, we wouldn't have done this to you, if you simply, arrived on TIME!!!!"  James yelled.  "Next time this happens, we'll do more than just punch you in your faggot like nose."  Hal replied.  The two of them go back into the car.  They open the doors, and get back into your seats.  "Boys........That was embarrassing.  Like, you didn't have to do that to the kid."  Phil said.  "Well, he had it coming.  He was late."  James replied.  "Yes, he was.  But......just watch and learn."  Phil said.  Phil gets out of the car, and closes his door.  He walks to Peter, who is trying to organize his work.  "Hey, Peter.  Long time no see."  Phil said as he approaches Peter.  Peter tries to defend himself because he is about as scared as he was with James and Hal.  Phil looks down, and sees a pile of papers with his name on it.  "Huh?  You decided to organize my work for me?"  Phil asked.  "I figured it was for the best.  I mean, up to your standards."  Peter replied.  "How sweet of you."  Phil said.  Phil picks up his papers, and holds them in his hand.  "You know, this is the third week in a row we've been doing this, and I haven't gotten the opportunity to say this."  Phil said.  "Say what?"  Peter asked.  "You know.  Say how much of a great job you've been doing.  Without you, myself and those two assholes wouldn't have been suspended off the football team.  You know how much football means to me right?"  Phil asked.  "Of course I do.  Your the leading quarterback.  I can imagine how pissed you'll be if you lost that position."  Peter replied.  "Indeed.  I'll be very anger.  As much as I'm anger at those two.  I saw them abuse you a minute or two ago.  I don't get it.  Like, why hurt you when you did all of this for us.  I mean, I know I was just like them when we first met, but.....I put some time into it, and.....I don't want to hurt you, Peter.  I don't want to get mad at you anymore.  I'm done with that.  As well as James and Hal.  I'm going to make them stop doing this to you."  Phil said.  Peter, surprised at this, get happy.  "So, you'll stop making me do all your homework?  Forever?"  Peter asked happily.  "Of course."  Phil replied.  This sudden news gets Peter happy, as well as Phil.  He is happy for Peter.  "Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  I haven't gotten good sleep in ages.  I'm on the verge of death right now doing this."  Peter said.  "Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore."  Phil replied.  Peter continues to be happy.  "However, that fantasy only would have happened......if you arrived on time."  Phil said.  All of the sudden, Phil kicks Peter in face, and holds him to the ground.  Phil then gives Peter three good socks to the face.  He especially goes hard on Peter's nose.  Peter then starts to bleed.  "Now listen up, swamp rat.  If you ever, AND I MEAN EVER, show up late again, I WILL GUT YOU LIKE YOUR FUCKING MOTHER.  A GREASY SLUT OF A PIG!!!!!  As for you, there is no way we are stopping this.  We need you, and you can't do a thing about it.  Now, GET THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!"  Phil screamed.  Phil gives Peter one final punch in the face, before letting the kid go.  He goes back to his car, opens the door, gets inside, closes the door, and drives away.  "That boys, is how it's done."  Phil said.  Phil drives his car out of the parking lot. Peter is left on the ground of the parking lot.  He is all abused, and exhausted from those three jocks. 
In a montage, James, Hal, and Phil split up to attend their classes.  All three of them go to their classes, and take precious notes.  By sitting in the back, and doing nothing at all.  Nothing to worry about in the end.  Phil tries to stay awake, James is barely trying, and Hal is just passed out all the time.  Thankfully, none of their teachers take the minute looking at them.  And as the bell rings, it serves as their alarm clock.  During the passing period, the three take the chance to make moves on girls.  Specifically cheerleaders.  Since all of them are in the football team, they get extra attention from everyone.  So all in all, it's an average day for the boys.  At lunch, James, Hal, and Phil sit together.  "So boys, how is your day going?  Mine is going great.  Got approved on all "my" homework, flirted with five girls today, I think I made one thirsty, and kicked ass in gym."  Phil said.  "Neat.  My day was good as well.  Same case with the homework approval, but no girls wanted me.  I tried the flirting, but....nothing."  James replied.  "Probably because your dick is as the size of an ant, pussy."  Hal said as he laughs.  "Fuck off!"  James replied as he punches Hal in the side.  "Chill boys.  Save that energy for Peter.  He has a lot of work he needs to go tonight."  Phil said.  "Fair point.  It's crazy how the kid is just a freshman, but can figure out Senior assignments."  Hal replied.  "The kid has a high GPA.  I found out at his old middle school.  He won several academic Math, writing, and science competitions.  They even wanted him to skip the eighth grade to go here, and he succeeded.  Why else do you think I choose him to do this?"  Phil asked.  "Uhhh...because he is a greasy nerd, who probably watches anime all of the time."  Hal replied.  "God, fuck anime.  Those weird gay shit Japanese cartoons.  Oh, sentpai.  I love you so much.  Cum in my wet pussy hard, as I grab my 3D pixel boobs."  James said as he moans.  The boys laugh at that performance.  "God that never gets old."  Phil said.  "I know.  I know.  I have my talents."  James replied.  "Well, let's focus on what's more important.  Paying our little helper a visit, after school."  Phil said in a terror like manner.
The bell rings, and the students are excited to leave the school.  Peter, who is still exhausted, tries to get out.  But it's hard for him.  He is so tired, that he is basically hallucinating as he walks.  He is close to literally falling on the ground, and falling asleep.  So it's a good thing he gets an immediate wake up call.  In the form of Phil, James, and Hal grabbing, and pulling Peter into an alleyway the second they see him.  "Hey, shrimp.  Here is your assignments for the day.  [pours homework to the ground].  It's about six from me, seven from Hal, and five from James.  In addition to your work, which you mentioned you always get work from all seven, that adds up to...."  Phil said.  "Twenty five assignments, sir."  Peter interrupted.  Phil then looks Peter dead in his fucking eyes.  Phil kicks Peter in the groan, and onto the ground.  "Did I say you could speak?  DID I SAY YOU CAN FUCKING SPEAK, SHRIMP??!!!!!!"  Phil yelled.  "No, Phil.  I was just answering your...."  Peter replied.  "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!"  James yelled.  "Get the work done, or your ass in my breakfast.  By that I mean it's toast.  YOU GOT THAT???!!!!!"  Hal yelled.  "Yes.....sir."  Peter replied as he sheds tears.  "Let's roll boys.  We got practice tonight at 8:00."  Phil said.  Phil and his goons leaves the poor Peter.  He literally cannot do this.  He is too beaten down.  But he has no choice, so he takes the work, and tries to get back home.
Later that night, the three bullies are at their football practice.  Making sure they nail their performances with running to the end of the field, and catching the ball.  It's a great night not just for them, but for all of the players.  "[blows whistle].  Great work tonight, boys.  Go home and get some rest.  You'll be needing it for Friday's game."   Coach said.  "Yes, coach."  All the players replied.  "And remember, it's against the lions. So make sure we make those pussy cats feel the wrath of the warthog."  Coach said.  Phil, James, and Hal go to Phil's car, the red SUV, get inside, and drive away.  "I can't wait to fuck those pussy Lions so hard Friday.  It's because of them, we lost our position in the championship.  The FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!"  Phil screamed in anger.  "I know.  So this is considered our payback.  It's going to be a blast."  James replied.  "Now remember boys, it's all about me getting the ball, and running for it.  I'm the reason this team is successful, and I'm going to prove it." Phil said.  "You do realize that we also help make this team great, Phil.  We are the....."  Hal said.  "Shut the FUCK UP!!!!!  Who got us into the championship in 2016?  How scored the dub last week?  Huh?  Who did that?"  Phil asked.  "[signs].  You."  Hal replied.  "Exactly.  So if your going to be mad at me for being right, then that just comes to show how much of a wimp you are.  Same for you James."  Phil said.  "But I didn't say anything."  James replied.  "I know, which is why your not a wimp."  Phil said.  "Thanks, Phil."  James replied.  Phil drives them home, as we cut to the next day.  The bell rings, as the students enter the school.  "Good morning, Warthogs.  Hope you all are enjoying your Wednesday.  Remember to go cheer on your fellow piggies on Friday.  It's going to be a war zone, as we fight the Lions at 9:00pm.  Tickets are on sale now.  Get them, before they run out."  The announcer said.  Just like yesterday, Phil, James, and Hal sit in the car, waiting for Peter.  "We're now at 7:55.  He's ten minutes late."  James said. "Relax, James. He'll learn his lesson, the second he arrives. He always learns his lesson." Phil replied. Speaking of arrive, the jocks hear a loud thud outside. Looking through the mirrors, they find Peter on the ground. Not moving a single part of his body. "Sleeping on the job huh? Stay here you two. I'll handle this." Phil said. Phil gets out of his car to go see Peter. As he walks to him, Peter still hasn't moved at all. "HEY, SHRIMP!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP, AND GIVE US OUR WORK!!!!" Phil yelled. Peter still doesn't move. "HELLO!!!!!! GIVE US OUR HOMEWORK NOW!!!!!" Phil yelled. Peter stays still, even after how loud Phil yelled. Phil starts to get mad. He goes to Peter's ear. "SHRIMP!!!!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME????!!!!!! WAKE UP NOW!!!!!!!" Phil yelled. A direct yell to the ear doesn't do a thing. Peter is still asleep. "You know what, FINE, stay asleep. Stay here. Because that's where road kill like you GO!!!!!" Phil yelled as he stomps on Peter's spine. Phil grabs Peter's book bag, and goes back to his car. Leaving Peter on the ground. He gets inside, and throws the backpack to the others. "Scavenge through it, and takes what's fucking your's. The wimp is making me want to strangle him." Phil yelled. "Jeez dude. Relax." James replied. "Oh, jeez dude. GROW YOUR FUCKING DICK OUT!!!!!!" Phil yelled. This has James start to feel uncomfortable with Phil. Even Hal. But Phil doesn't give a shit. He drives away from the parking lot, leaving Peter behind.
    The boys walk through the hallways of the school. Passing by everyone chatting, or potentially swapping spit. "So, how is Peter? He didn't look ok when we first saw him today." Hal asked. "Why do you care about the shrimp's health? All you should care about is what he does." Phil replied. "Why? Because we saw him fall to the ground, and not move anything. Even after you screamed into his ear. I'm no doctor, but that looks concerning." Hal said. "Well, as a wise mentor, I say shut the fuck up, and don't care about the punk. Let him sleep out there. After all, that's what he wanted right?" Phil asked. "I guess your right." Hal replied. "Nope, I am right. [bell rings]. I'll see you guys later. And remember, this Friday is MY time to shine." Phil said. "We know." James and Hal replied. After hours of work, the school day is over. The students leave the school, and make their way to their cars. All three jocks stay, and wait for Peter to show up. "Where is he? He should be out by now." James asked. "The real question is if he made it, or not?" Hal asked back. "Excuse me?" Phil asked Hal. "Oh, I'm just saying that maybe......maybe he didn't show up because of us. That's all." Hal replied. "When did you start caring for the fucker?" Phil asked starting to show a little temper. "No. I'm just saying maybe we should........" Hal replied. "Should what?" Phil asked. "[deep breath]. We should go see if he is ok, by going to the last spot we saw him." Hal replied. "I'm sorry, check on him? Are you fucking serious? Peter only exist to do the work we assign him to do. Nothing more, nothing less." Phil said in anger. "Maybe Hal has a point. We should go see if he's alright where we last saw him." James replied. "Fuck me in the asshole. You too James? Phil asked. "I'm just saying Hal has a point. That's all." James replied. "Ugh!!!! Since you two are such babies, we'll go to where we last saw him. But after that, no more sympathy." Phil said. With that, Phil, James, and Hal go to Phil's car, start it up, and get moving. They drive to the abandoned parking lot. They enter it, and park the car in an open space. They then get out of the car, to find Peter. If he is still there. "Ok, we're here. Let's get this over with." Phil said. "HOLY SHIT!!!! There he is." Hal yelled. All three of them look, and see Peter still lying on the ground, from where they saw him this morning. They run to Peter, to see if he's ok. "He's been in the same position, since we last saw him. Jesus Christ." Hal said. "Stop being babies. HEY!.........HEY!!!!!! SHRIMP, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! [Peter doesn't move still, so Phil turns Peter over, and grabs him by the collar]. I FUCKING SAID, WAKE, THE FUCK, UP!!!!!!!!!" Phil yelled. Peter still doesn't wake up. "Oh, ok. You asked for this." Phil said. After that, he slams Peter's body on the ground. This has James and Hal concerned for the kid. "Dude, stop." James said. James puts his hands on Peter's body. He shakes Peter, but still, no movement. Feeling worried, James touches Peter's neck. "No. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. This can't be fucking happening." James panicked. "What? What's happening?" Phil asked. James looks at Phil and Hal with absolute horror. "He's dead." Jame said. "WHAT?!" Hal screamed. "No, stop is with the joke. That's not true at all." Phil said. Phil pushes James out of the way, and feels for a pulse on Peter. "Shit your right. Peter's dead." Phil said. "Holy shit! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! WHAT DO WE FUCKING DO????!!!!" Hal asked as he starts losing it. "Oh my God. This fucks my entire life from behind. My academics, my career, my future. Everything!!!" James replied as he panics as well. James and Hal get frightened at the sight of them doing this to Peter unintentionally. Phil however is perfectly fine. "It's ok boys. [James and Hal stop panicking]. Your live's will not be ruined at all. We just need to do the one logically thing." Phil said. "Report it to the police?" Hal asked. "No retard. We need to do this." Phil replied. We cut to a dark and stormy night, as the three boys drive out of town. They rush across a road next to a forest. The thunder and lightening make this an even scarier experience for James and Hal, who are still traumatized at what they did. Soon, Phil turns the car into the forest. He drives on the open road, going deeper, and deeper, and deeper into the woods. He needs to make sure that no one will find out their secret. Phil steps on the brakes. He gets out of the car, and forces James and Hal out as well. Phil goes to the back of his car, and opens the trunk. Inside of which is Peter's body, and two shovels. "Grab one, and get to work." Phil ordered. With terror in their eyes, James and Hal grab the shovels, and go into the forest. Phil grabs Peter's body, not caring about the smell. Phil makes the boys keep walking, until they are at an approach spot. The water from the sky drips on the boys, who feel as cold as Peter's lifeless corpse. They all come across an opening in the forest. "STOP!!!!!" Phil ordered. James and Hal stop. "Start digging." Phil ordered. "What about you? Aren't you helping?" Hal asked. Phil drops Peter's body, and bitch slaps Hal to the ground. "I FUCKING SAID, DIG NOW!!!!!!!!" Phil screamed. Hal gets up covered in mud, and joins James to dig. They shovel their way down into the Earth. Making a hole big enough for a nerd's body. Both of which now terrified of Phil. They keep on digging, as Phil watches them get messy. "STOP! That's deep enough. Now get out, and put the body inside." Phil ordered. James and Hal get out of the grave to go do step two. They approach the body, and are disgusting by it's smell. So horrendous, that James gags, and vomits off to the side. "Ohhh come on, pussy. Man the FUCK UP!!!!!" Phil said as he kicks James in the hamstring. James yells in pain from a Charlie horse he got from Phil. "FUCKING GET UP, BEFORE I MAKE YOU GET IN THEIR TOO!!!!!" Phil yelled. James gets up, despite his injure, and goes to help Hal. They carry the smelly body to the grave trying their best not to vomit. During their travel, they accidentally drop the body on the ground. They immediately pick it up not to make Phil more mad. Soon, they chuck Peter's body into the grave. Finally, they grab their shovels, and start to bury the body. Crying while they do so because of how they feel about this. After the grief, they finished the job. They turn around to Phil. "Jobs......done.......Phil." Hal said as he shivers. Hal still sheds tears, as does James. "Awww. You boys crying huh? Why are you crying? Why are you in tears?" Phil asked. The two of them stand still, and stay quiet. Phil gets mad, so he slaps James and Hal. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!!!!" Phil screamed. "How.....do....you don't see....why? WE KILLED SOMEONE!!!!!! WE ARE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR MURDER!!!!! THAT IS WHY WE ARE SO FUCKED UP!!!!!!" Hal yelled. "AND YOU!!!! YOU ARE JUST OK WITH THIS SHIT!!!!!! YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH KILLING!!!!!! LIKE, DON'T YOU FEEL ANYTHING???!!!! ANY GUILT, ANY TRAUMA, ANYTHING????!!!!!" James yelled. Phil stands silent for a moment. "I see you boys don't appreciate me keeping it cool." Phil said. "Keeping it cool? KEEPING IT COOL???!!!! How can you keep your cool when we..." Hal asked. Hal gets interrupted by a shovel that slits his throat open by Phil. Hal gags, as he falls to the ground with blood pouring out his neck. James looks in horror, as Phil stares at him menacingly. James runs away from the psychopath, but Phil won't allow that. Into position, Phil chucks the shovel at James. James hopes to get away, but he fails. The shovel lodges into his back. James screams as he falls to the ground. He moans in pain, as Phil walks to him. He stands in front of James. "Why......why are you doing this to us?" James asked. "[signs]. Because I can't stand people who won't MAN THE FUCK UP!!!!!! I'm the only one taking this shit seriously. You are Hal are just fucking pussies who can't handle this shit. And you two are getting on my FUCKING NERVES!!!!!!! MY FUCKING NERVES!!!!!!" Phil screamed. Phil takes the shovel out of James' back, and slams it onto James' head. He beats it repeatedly, over, and over, and over again. Until James' head is nothing, but a bloody mushed melon. Phil takes deep breathes as he releases his anger out. His frustrations leave his system. He looks at Peter's grave. "Look what you made me do....shrimp." Phil said. Phil then digs a hole two times bigger than what Hal and James did. He pours his best friends bodies into the hole, as well as both shovels. In true hardcore fashion, Phil buries the hole with just his hand. They get dirty as the water from the rain makes Phil a wet mess. In the end, the job is done. Three bodies buried with no evidence whatsoever.
    The thunder strikes, as we enter Phil's home. He is taking a shower to clean himself of his dirty work. Scrubbing all the dirt and grim from his body, and making sure he is fresh and clean. He doesn't care he committed murder to an innocent student, and his friends. He only cares about himself. As well as football. After that, he is all clean, and in his boxers. "Just play it cool tomorrow, and nothing will go wrong." Phil said to himself. Phil climbs into bed, turns off the lights, and goes to sleep. Snoozing after a night of murder. Later that night, Phil is still sleeping, after all he did. He continues to snooze, until something in his room breaks. Phil wakes up, wondering what that was. He goes to get up to see it, but their is an issue. For some reason, Phil cannot move his body. He is stuck where he is laying. Completely still with his back and head on the matures and pillow. Phil tries to get up, but he is stuck in place. "What the hell. HELLO!!!! ANYONE!!!!! DAD!!!!! MOM!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" Phil screamed. Another item in his room breaks. This has Phil stop screaming, and focus what's in his room. Phil looks around to see what happened. Soon, he is petrified at what he sees. In the corner of his room, within the shadows, are two glowing red eyes. The red eyes look powerfully at Phil, who starts to get scared. He tries to get up again, but he can't. He's really stuck still. The figure breathe deeply and heavily, as it continues to look Phil in the eyes. The horror gets worse, as the red eyes figure crawls his way to Phil's bed. "HOLY SHIT!!!!! HELP!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!" Phil screamed. The figure jumps onto Phil's bed right in front of him. Phil looks at the figure in silence, and shakes his immovable body. The figure continues to look Phil in his eyes, which are now blinking ever millisecond. "[growls]. How does it feel to lose your cool, shrimp?" The figure asked. The figure then screams to the top of it's lungs, as Phil does the same. In anger, the figure claws into Phil's chest, and dig it's way deeper. Phil screams in pain, as the figure demolished Phil's insides. Tearing his heart to pieces, slurping his intestines like spaghetti, and nomming on his stomach like a ravenous dog. Phil screams more, as he spits blood out of his mouth. The figure doesn't stop. He wants more. He bites into Phil's flesh, and rips it to bits and pieces. Leaving blood covered on the walls, and ceiling of Phil's room. Phil keeps yelling in agony, but the figure isn't showing him mercy. Until the job is done. The figure disappears from the scene, as Phil's half broken off corpse lies in the bed.

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