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It's a fall day in the town of Maryland. The leaves spread the streets, as high schooler, Mary, heads to school. She's very happy she gets to go to school. Not for the learning. Because it's the only time of the day to witness something beautiful. At high school, the student head inside. But Mary has her eyes set on something else. More important than anything else. She looks at a boy in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and a hot rock and roll T shirt. "[sniffs]. Ahhhhhhhh, Jackson. The boy of my dreams. My future husband. Ohhhhhh, what would I do to get with him. Who wouldn't? He has the perfect brown hair. Majestic hazel eyes. An award winning smile. He's so perfect." Mary said as she blushes. Yeah, Mary would do anything to get with Jackson. Unfortunately for her, Mary can't. That's because Jackson is confronted by a girl. They kiss each other, which makes Mary sick. "Ugh! And their is the scum, who interferes with my love. Laura. The average blonde. Beautiful, but a complete slut. Can't believe she is dating MY boyfriend. My husband. Every time I see her, I wish I can strangle her. Everyone loves Laura. They say she's the princess around these parts. The goddess. But no. She's a cunt. To me she is. Look at her. She definitely cheated on Jackson's sweet ass. But no worries. Jackson will soon be mine." Mary said. Jackson and Laura both go into school. Wanting to protect her honey, Mary follows them. As the lovers progress through the hallway, Mary tags behind. She blends in with the crowd, so they don't suspect her stalking. She keeps it cool. Hidden like a ninja. Jackson and Laura make a pit stop at Jackson's locker. There, Mary hides behind garbage. She observes the couple. "So about tonight, I'm ok to come over to your place. That is, if your ok with that?" Laura asked. "Of course. I'm ok with it. Maybe if you want, [whispers into her ear], we can get a little wild." Jackson replied. "Ohhhh, Jackson, you sly dog you." Laura said. "[in here head]. Get a little wild? With LAURA????!!!!!! What the fuck, Jackson?! She's not worth it. I am. It's always with the blonds in the dating world. They get all the hot dudes, as everyone else gets nothing." Mary said. "Well, I'll see you at lunch then." Jackson said. "Same. See you soon, baby." Laura replied as she kisses Jackson on the cheek. Mary vomits in her mouth, as Jackson and Laura separate. "We'll see about that bitch. We'll see about that." Mary said.
    At lunch, Mary sits at a table close to Jackson. He's enjoying a burger with fries. So does Mary. Hope Mary has a strong stomach because Laura shows up next to Jackson. Mary wants to throw up again at the sight of her. As she eats, Mary tries to easy drop on the two. Trying to see what they are talking about.  From their gestures, they seem to talking about causal stuff.  Casual stuff Mary wants to be apart of.  She lust for Jackson, but angers for Laura.  So, if Mary wants to be with Jackson, she must do the one logical thing.  The school bell rings, and the students roam free.  Jackson and Laura walk to Jackson's car.  "[kiss on the lips].  See you later tonight, Jackson.  I'll be very happy to see you."  Laura said.  "Same here, sweetie.  I love you."  Jackson replied.  "I love you more."  Laura said.  Jackson gets into his car, starts it up, and drives away from Laura.  She waves at Jackson, before he leaves.  Laura does the same like Jackson, and leaves school.  Her walk home from school is as the fall weather.  Nice, calm, peaceful.  Laura listens to music, as she strolls back home.  Jamming out to music, her journey takes her through a passage in the woods.  Crossing a left path on the sidewalk, as she rocks out to her music.  All while enjoying the fall weather, and the forest.  The forest is featured with autumn leaves on it's trail, as well as a river to Laura's left.  That river is overseeing a waterfall up a hill Laura must go up.  Since Laura has done this before, walking back home, this won't break a sweat.  She continues her walk, as she starts to go up the hill to the waterfall.  It's steep, but Laura can handle it.  She climbs her way up, until eventually, she makes it too the top.  Laura proceeds to enjoy her walk in the woods.  Which is made with surprise when Mary shows up to push Laura off the trail, and into the waterfall.  Mary takes deep breathes at what she did.  Her anger is shown with every breath she takes from her rage to Laura.  "Trying getting with my man now, whore."  Mary said.  Now calmed down, Mary leaves the forest.  Happy she got rid of Laura.  Unknown to Mary is the fact Laura is now lying one a rock at the bottom of the waterfall.  Her jaw busted open on impact.
    Later that night, the time has come. Mary arrives at Jackson's home. Now the replacement for Laura. "Ok, Mary. He's all yours. Just get in there, and engulf very second you have with him. [deep breath]. You can do this." Mary said. Mary walks to Jackson's front door. She climbs his porch steps, and ends up ringing his doorbell. While nervous, Mary is ready to be with here lover. Jackson hears the doorbell on the couch where he is watching a movie. He gets up to approach the door. He opens it to find Mary. "Uhhhhh, who are you?" Jackson asked. "Me?" Mary asked back. "Yeah, you. Who are you?" Jackson asked. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm Mary." Mary replied. "Ok.......I'm Jackson." Jackson said in a confused way. "Pleasure to meet you. By the way, if you do feel a bit strange that I'm here, it's because I'm actually Laura's sister. In case you don't know." Mary replied. "What? Laura never told me she had a sister." Jackson said. "Well, she does. I'm here because Laura sent me to tell you she is sick. She must have gotten it on the way back home. It's......concerning. Especially for our mother." Mary replied in a scared way. "Your serious? Laura is sick?" Jackson asked now worried. "Yes. And if you try to text or call her, it's no use. Last I check, she went to bed. It's best she gets the rest she needs. I'm really sorry you had to find out this way. If I can do anything to help, I'm more than happy to." Mary replied. "Wow. Well, thanks for telling me that. But......I was hoping she and I can do stuff tonight. And I wasn't expecting to be all alone tonight. Is it ok with you that you can hang out here for a little bit?" Jackson asked. "Of course. Anything for my sister." Mary replied. Jackson smiles, as Mary is welcomed into his home. Mary gets excited that she is now all alone with Jackson. The two of them end up in Jackson's living room. There, he is watching TV, while eating popcorn. "Have a seat. I insist." Jackson said. "Thank you." Mary replied. Mary sits next to Jackson. Already comfortable now that she's with him. "Want some popcorn?" Jackson asked. "Of course. I'm still a little hungry, after dinner." Mary replied. Jackson and Mary enjoy popcorn, as they watch the movie. Each of them taking separate takes for the popcorn. Mary keeps an eye when Jackson picks popcorn. This can give her the chance to make a move. Jackson picks up a piece of popcorn. Then another piece. And another. On his next take, Mary moves in. All of the sudden, both of them touch hands. "Oh, I'm sorry were you?" Jackson asked. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, my bad." Mary replied. Jackson looks at Mary's hand. "I have to say your skin looks so smooth. Even smoother than Laura." Jackson said. "Oh thanks. I use lots of lotion." Mary replied. "Ok, well sorry about that." Jackson said. "It's ok." Mary replied. As both hands move away, Mary sniffs her hand that touched Jackson's. "[in head]. Jackson's scent. Ahhhhhhh." Mary said. Jackson looks outside, and notices it's getting pretty late. "Excuse me, Mary?" Jackson asked. "Yes." Mary replied. "Listen, Laura was suppose to come over because, and sorry if I sound disgusting, we were going to fuck. Like, hard." Jackson said. Mary is surprised at this confession from Jackson. "O.......K. Why are you telling me this?" Mary asked. "Well.........I was wondering.........if you wanted to play with me?" Jackson asked. Mary goes absolutely silent now. "............ok." Mary replied. Upstairs, Mary ends up in Jackson's room. Astonished she made it this far this fast. "So......are you ok with this? Like, your cheating on my sister here." Mary asked. "I'm cool. She wasn't really my type anymore. She had the body, but the personality stinks. You however, have what I'm looking for." Jackson replied. "[in head]. He likes me. Jackson likes me." Mary said in joy. "So, why don't you come over here, and let's have some fun." Jackson replied. "Alright." Mary said. Mary walks to Jackson, and they begin. They start to kiss. Making moan noises as they smooch together. Mary never felt better in her life. She's kissing her idol. Her lover. Jackson enjoys Mary's kissing. Both of them are having a good time. As if Mary's life can't get any better, it does. "Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm, ouch. Hey, what was that?" Mary asked. "What was what?" Jackson asked back. "I felt something sharp." Mary replied. "Don't worry about it. Get back here." Jackson said. Mary and Jackson continue to kiss, as Mary keeps on loving this fantasy. As she dreams on, she starts to feel more pain as she kisses Jackson. "Ok, now I'm really feeling something sharp." Mary said. She tries to get off Jackson, but he forces Mary to kiss him. Mary keeps tonguing Jackson, even though she doesn't want to anymore. Eventually, the love turns to horror when Jackson rips out Mary's tongue with his own teeth. Removed from her mouth, Mary backs up, before falling to the ground. She holds her mouth, and tries to stop the bleeding. As for Jackson, he starts taking deep breathes that grow louder each time. Soon, he starts to shiver. Then, he begins to shake. He starts to go crazy, and growls. Mary, frozen in fear, isn't ready for what's going on. Soon enough, Jackson's mouth forms fangs, as his hair grows quickly on his body. His shoes rip open to form long hair feet. His nails extend to sharp claws. His eyes turn into a midnight blue. And his ears become long and thick. Jackson howls at the moon, all while Mary watches in trauma. She tries to run away from the beast, but Jackson chases after her. He bust Mary through the door, and she slides on the ground. Jackson goes to scratch her, but Mary moves out of the way to avoid it. Jackson turns fast to Mary, who tries to run away down the stairs. As she does, Jackson grabs her by the leg. Mary faces the wolf, and screams. She is then sent flying off the balcony, and onto the living room table. The table gets destroyed from the fall. Mary cries in pain, as she realizes the fatality of this fall. Both legs broken. Jackson howls, as he jumps from the second level. Mary screams in horror, but stops when Jackson lands right on her. Blood spits out of Mary's mouth, and Jackson makes his moves on her. He rips Mary's body to shreds. Biting at her chest, and throwing limbs around his home. He stains the walls, floors, everywhere with body parts, and bloods. Jackson finishes his feast when he bites at Mary's throats. He noms on it so hard, that it ends up decapitating Mary's head in the progress. It rolls away from her body, as blood floods out her headless corpse. With his blood lust completed, Jackson howls at the full moon. Satisfying his cravings for human meat.

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