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It's a dark, but bright night in the city of Las Vegas. Home to the chances to get lucky, and unlucky at the casinos. On the strip, everyone is having a blast. People wearing insane attire you don't see often, people drunk, but enjoying themselves, sex in alleyways. Vegas has all the ingredients for a night of crazy pleasure. Among the people of Vegas is Gus Green, who is currently walking home with a fat stack of cash in his hands that he won from the casino. "Eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. JACKPOT BITCHES!!!!!! WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!" Gus screamed as he counts his cash. Gus takes an extreme liking to his money. He rubs the money on his face, as he sniffs the paper silk on his skin. He proceeds to his fetus, as he walks on the strip. Not caring where he is going. He just cares about what's on his face. As Gus walks, his fun times end when he trips, and falls to the ground. The money spreads on the streets. "AHHHH!!!!!!! MY BABIES!!!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL, GREEN BABIES!!!!!!!" Gus screamed. Gus makes like a predator when it sees it's prey, and grabs his fallen cash. "[hushes]. It's ok. It's ok. Daddy's here for you. It's alright." Gus said as he grabs his cash. Soon, Gus has all his money collected, and he hugs it to prove he still cares. "That was a close one. But what the hell did I trip on?" Gus asked. Gus then hears groaning close to him. It gets his attention, so he looks around. To his left, he sees what made him fall. A homeless man lying on the ground. He groans at Gus, who isn't happy at the man. Gus gets up to approach the homeless man. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, PEASANT????!!!!!!" Gus screamed to the top of his lungs. The homeless man groans, before he speaks. "I'm.....sorry, sir. I just........need some money. I haven't eaten in ages." The homeless man replied as he coughs. "EW!!!!!!!!! DON'T COUGH ON ME!!!!!! WHO KNOWS WHAT GERMS YOU PARASITES CARRY!!!!!!" Gus screamed. "Please, sir. I really need help. At best, can you please give me some cash? I feel really ill." The homeless man begged as he coughs more. "Give you MY MONEY????!!!!!! This is why everyone ignores you people. You just sit on the street, and expect us to give you money. How do I know your not going to use it buying drugs, druggie?" Gus asked. "[coughs loudly]. Please, sir. I really need this...[coughs louder]." The homeless man replied. "Get the fuck away from me, street rat." Gus said in an anger tone. Suddenly, the homeless grabs Gus' legs, as he shakes the man for money. Gus freaks out, as he tries to get this guy off of him. The homeless man starts drooling on Gus. Covering his shoes, and pants legs in the process. Gus is disgusted. Both at the man's silva, and how the man's face is all moldy, and infected. Gus pushes the man off of him. "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU FILTHY FUCKER!!!!!" Gus screamed as he stomps on the homeless man. The one stomp Gus delivered has the homeless man passed out. Gus however, doesn't give a shit. He takes deep breathes, as he looks down on his outfit. "Great, now I have to get new shoes, and pants. His silva ruined them. Honestly this substance is worse than that one scene I saw in a movie where that guy feel into acid. Looked more like liquid ice cream than a human in the end." Gus complained. Gus soon gets blinded by a shiny object. It hurts his eyes. As they recover, Gus finds something shining from the homeless man's pocket. Curious, he bends over to see what it is. Still grossed out by the man's appearance, he slowly moves his hand his body. He stops, just to precaution, but then moves to the man's pocket. Gus reaches inside, and pulls out a shiny coin. "Lend some money? The ungrateful bitch had a coin all along. No wonder people don't give money to these guys. They were faking it." Gus said as he spits on the still passed out homeless man. Gus takes the coin, and leaves the man to rot on the streets of the strip.
    Gus makes it back home to his apartment. He let's himself in, and closes the door. He pours out his money on his living room table, before he sits down to watch TV. He relaxes as enjoys his television. It's pretty much boring ads of low budget products, that Gus finds helpful for poor people. He's rich now, and sees himself above everyone else. Though he laughs at the people who would buy this stuff. Gus' night of TV ends when he hears banging on his door. "Oh shit." Gus said as he starts to panic. He grabs his money, and gets off his couch to go hide, as the banging on his door continues. Gus looks around, and tries to hide in a couple spots. Under his couch, that fails when he's too big. His kitchen pantry, that fails when the space is stop small. His bedroom closet. Perfect.  Gus closes the door, as his front door keeps banging. Gus tries to stay quiet, as the banging continues. After several more bangs on Seth's door, the banging stops. Gus thinks he's in the clear. He thinks it's over. It is......until the door is kicked off it's hinges. A mysterious stranger starts to look through Gus's apartment. All while holding a baseball bat as he searches. As the man looks, he bashes anything he sees. He destroys Gus' table. He flips over his couch. He smashes the TV. After the living room, he goes to the kitchen. He bashes Gus' cabinets, and kitchen table. He's looking for something. Gus breathes fast, but quiet as he hears what's going on in his home. His breathing gets worse, as he hears footsteps getting louder and louder. As the man walks, he strokes his baseball against Gus' wall. All while making his way to Gus' bedroom. Gus continues to stay silent, but it's no use. The man bashes Gus' bedroom door off it's hinges. The man looks around Gus' room, as he destroys Gus' night stand. The man then looks at Gus' closet. Also known as Gus' hiding spot. Gus is now in fear, as the man walks to the closet. He slowly moves to it, as Gus prays he doesn't open the door. Gus is scared shitless when the man stands right in front of the door. Basically looking the man dead in the eyes. The man stares at the closet, but surprisingly, he doesn't look. The man keeps the closet clean, as he leaves the bedroom. Gus takes a sign of relief. More like a sign of regret, as the man comes back, and bust the closet doors open. Gus screams, and the man throws Gus to the ground. The man turns the lights on, so Gus sees who he is. "Terry.......long time no see buddy. have you been?" Gus asked in a scared manner. "I've been better. When I'm not beating pieces of shit like you up!!!!!" Terry replied as he bats Gus. Gus screams in pain, as his money falls out of his pocket. "Ahhhhh, that must be your payment. Let me guess, you tried to slither your way out of paying the money you borrowed from Sal again?  Is that the case?" Terry asked. Gus doesn't respond. He only cowards in fear. Terry slams the baseball bat close to Gus' body.  Gus screams in horror. "IS THAT THE CASE???!!!!!" Terry asked in anger. "Yes.......yes. That's......the case." Gus replied. "As expected. [takes Gus' winnings]. Now I'm taking this to it's rightful owner. And if you try to hide from us again. I'll make sure there are more of us at your front door. Well, what once was your front door." Terry said in a threatening manner. Terry leaves the now broke Gus on the bedroom floor. "Man, fuck those guys. Taking my babies away like that. [sighs]. I just wish Terry would kill himself for doing this to me." Gus said. After Gus said that last sentence, he hears more bat swings in him home. But this time, the noise sounds different. Gus gets confused, so he carefully goes to see what's up. Gus moves through his hallway, as the bat nosies get louder. When Gus makes it to his living room, he screams. Because in the living room, he sees Terry slamming his own baseball bat onto his own face. Gus watches, as Terry slams the bat harder, and harder onto his face. Literally breaking his jaw, nose, and temple, as blood sprays on the floor. With one final home run swing, Terry falls to the ground dead. Gus takes deep breathes, as he cannot express how he feels about what he saw. "Holy......shit!!!! What.......what was that???!!!!" Gus asked as he descends to the floor of his home. Gus keeps his eyes on Terry's dead body. It's the only thing he can't look away from. "Can someone explain to me what happened? Like, I wish someone would explain why he did this." Gus said. "It's what you wanted." A mysterious voice said. "WHAT THE FUCK???" Gus asked as he jumps up in the air. Gus goes from the floor, to the other side of his apartment. Gus freaks out. "Whose that?........[looks around apartment]. Whose there?" Gus asked. No responds. "Ok, now I wish I had an explanation for that." Gus said. "As I said, it's what you wanted. Look in your pocket. Your right one to be exact." The mysterious voice replied. Gus is frightened, but now confused.  He does what the voice said, and reaches into his right pocket. Inside of his pocket is the coin. The one he got from the homeless man. "The coin? Your the one who spoke to me?" Gus asked. The coin doesn't say a thing. It does what any coin does. Nothing, but to be spent. "Hello? I'm talking to you." Gus said. The coin says nothing. "[thinks]. I know. [clears throat]. I wish you would talk to me." Gus said. "Hello there."  The coin replied.  "HOLY SHIT!!!!!"  Gus screamed.  He can't believe what he just heard.  The coin spoke to him.  "Ok........I wish you would explain to me why Terry killed himself."  Gus said.  "Like I said, it's what you wanted.  Well, more preciously, what you wished for."  The coin replied.  "What I wished for?  What?!"  Gus asked.  The coin doesn't say a thing.  "Oh yeah.  I wish you would explain to me the wish thing."  Gus said.  "With pleasure.  I grant wishes to anyone who has me in their hand.  Just say, I wish, what you want, and I will bring it to you."  The coin replied.  "Seriously?  So if I say, I wish I had one million dollars come out my ass, it will happen?"  Gus asked.  The coin doesn't say a thing, but instead, Gus feels a massive crap come out of his ass.  It scares Gus, as he is not sure why that happened.  Gus looks down, as is astonished to see money in his pants.  He pulls a dollar out, and then he sees more dollars come out.  Thinking fast, he takes his pants off, as money pours out of them.  "JACKPOT!!!!!"  Gus said as he gathers the cash.  He still can't believe this happened.  One million dollars, right out his ass.  "My God......this coin is a blessing.  Ok, I wish my apartment would be fixed just like [snaps his fingers] that."  Gus said.  All of the sudden, his home starts to be rebuilt.  All his damaged furniture is reversed back to normal.  His doors are back on their hinges.  His Tv is as good as new.  Literally Gus' whole home is back to the way it was.  Gus looks in shock at his now fixed home, until he sees Terry's body.  "Alright, I wish Terry's body would disappear."  Gus said.  Just like magic, Terry's body vanishes into nothing.  Gus starts to smile, as he looks at the coin.  "Perhaps you and I are going to be good friends after all."  Gus said.
In a montage, we see Gus abuse the power of the coin.  "I wish I always rolled sevens when playing Crabs."  Gus said.  At the casino, he steps up for a game of Crabs.  Gus rolls the dice, and he only rolls sevens.  He cheers, as everyone does the same.  This helps Gus win bucket loads of money, which makes the man very happy.  "Next, I wish I always got three sevens when playing slot machines."  Gus said.  Gus sits down at a slot machine, and pulls the lever.  As he wished, he gets three sevens in a row.  Gus does it again, and again, and again, and again.  Nothing changed.  He keeps getting sevens.  Money pours out the slot machine, as Gus makes every machine in the casino go bankrupt.  "Now, I wish I always had the best hand in any poker game.  Black Jack, Texas Holdem. You name it."  Gus said.  As Gus sits down at a poker table, he gets his cards.  For Black Jack, he keeps getting up to twenty one.  Each and every time.  Everyone looks at him in suspicion, as Gus gets even richer.  The night goes on.  Poker, Crabs, and game.  In the end, Gus makes more, and more money.  He throws it in the air to end this montage.  Some time later, Gus has seen a lot of improvement.  He still lives in his apartment, but it's now decked out with upgrades.  All his furniture is expensive, he has ten TVs instead of one.  He has five star kitchen equipment.  His wallpaper is now fancy as fuck.  He's living the best life.  Gus is seen on his bed, which now has curtains, and relaxes on his nice mattress.  All while he is surrounded by piles of money.  Gus also rocks a new appearance.  Golden teeth, instead of normal, diamond rings, and more to make himself look like a king.  "Ahhhhh. the life.  Covered in paper, and getting more of it, as time goes on.  And what do you know.  It's all thanks to that old homeless fuck that I'm here.  Ha.  I'd wish to see him drool on me now."  Gus said.  He smothers himself in more cash, but that ends when he hears banging on his door.  "What the?  Oh, must be my golden chains I ordered.  I'm coming."  Gus said.  Gus gets up, and walks through his hallway.  Now covered with money.  The knocking keeps coming on the door.  "Hold up, I'm coming."  Gus said.  Gus makes it to his front door.  "Hello."  Gus said as he opens the door.  Instead of golden chains, he finds what he wished for.  The homeless man.  Gus screams, as he falls to the ground of his home.  As Gus looks at the homeless man, he looks in even more terror.  Because the homeless man now looks more rotten than ever.  He is in an appearance so ugly, not even words can describe it.  The homeless man moans, as he limps to Gus.  Gus tries to back away, but he can't move anymore.  He's stuck in place.  The homeless man moans more, as Gus screams for help.  He begs for someone to save him. It's no use.  No one comes to save him.  The homeless man gets right in front of Gus, who shakes at the sight of him.  The homeless man looks at Gus, who looks at the homeless man in trauma.  After a few seconds, the man gags.  He launches a river of silva all over Gus.  As it smears on Gus, he screams in pain.  Smoke forms, as Gus moves his body in agony.  The skin on him starts to melt off like a nasty skin infection.  It peels, and chucks of flesh falls to the ground of his apartment.  His organs and blood are now exposed, as they start to melt as well.  Gus' whole body melts away.  It's gone.  It's now a pile of red, golden, and white goo that steams on the ground.  The homeless man disappears, as Gus' wish has been granted.  All that's left of Gus is the golden coin.

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