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An alarm goes off. The beeping sound wakes the behemoth on the his throne. A dirty brown leather recliner chair.  All torn up, and ragged.  The man snorts, as he squints his crushy eyes. The sound of the alarm annoys the man. The man moves to, and turns the alarm off. "[yawns]. What a peaceful sleep ruined by that piece of crap." Carl said. Carl is the so called behemoth lying in his chair. He is covered with pimples, wears a sweaty tank top, and black ripped shorts.  He starts his morning like he always does. He grabs a grabber toy attached to a long stick next to his chair, and heads to the kitchen. Not Carl. The grabber. Using his skills, Carl uses the grabber toy to get him some potato chips. His favorite breakfast.  He knocks the toy against his cabinets because he's trying to open it. He manages to get the claw around the handle, pull back, and open the cabinet. After a couple times where he failed to do it.  Inside is the bag of potato chips he wants. He moves the claw off the handle, and puts it inside the cabinet. He reaches for the potato chips lying right there. Carl's trophy. The claws get around the potato chips, as Carl licks his lips. He struggles to get a hold of the bag, as it keeps resisting the claw's grip. The claws wrap around the bag, and Carl pulls back. But then the potato chips fall. This makes Carl whine, as he has more work to do. Carl moves the claw down to try again. He descends to his kitchen floor, and opens the claw. This time, he gets the potato chips on the first try. Carl pulls back gently, and gets his hands on the chips. "Mmmmmm. Potato chips. Delicious." Carl said.  Carl looks at his alarm, and sees it went from 6:00 to 6:10. "Ten minutes spend getting potato chips. Better than last time." Carl said. Carl opens the bag of chips, before he turns on his TV. There, he watches random stuff on multiple channels. All while eating the potato chips. As the day goes by, we see Carl only sit in his chair. He doesn't bother to get up. Do something productive. Nothing. The only "workout" Carl does is click through channels to watch TV.  When he runs out of chips, he doesn't get up to get a new bag.  He takes his gadget, and goes back to the kitchen to get more.  The alarm clock ticks from 6:10 to 1:00 in the afternoon.  At that time, Carl puts down the remote, and picks up a gaming controller.  Once in hand, Carl uses another one of his mechanisms.  A finger pointer attached to another long stick.  He moves it to his TV, so he can turn on his gaming system.  He misses, which makes Carl upset, but he gets it.  As the system boots up, Carl undergoes his gaming routine.  In which he games nonstop.  Once again only working out his fingers, than anything else.  As he plays, the alarm clock goes from 1:00 to 8:00.  Seven hours playing video games.  It went from light, to dark in a flash.  Carl on the other hand.  Never moved off his chair once during the day.  At this time, Carl begins his night routine.  He grabs his phone to order some tasty food.  He dials the number on his phone, and it starts to ring.  "Thank you for choosing Pepperoni Pete's Pizza.  How may be serve you today?"  The caller asked.  "Nothing much.  I'll take four large pepperoni pizzas.  Six twelve wing supremes, extra sauce.  One extra large grape soda.  And of course, thirty cheese sticks."  Carl replied.  The caller goes silent for a second.  "Ok, so that's four large pepperoni pizzas, six twelve wing supremes with extra sauce, one extra large grape soda, and thirty cheese sticks?"  The caller asked.  "Yep."  Carl replied.  "Great.  What is your address, sir?"  The caller asked.  "My place is apartment 17 on the first floor at the Britton on Rale Street."  Carl replied.  "Got it.  That will be fifty five seventy two.  Your food will be here in about an hour."  The caller said."  If it's not here in thirty minutes, I'm not tipping."  Carl replied.  "Ok, sir.  See you soon."  The caller said.  "I mean it."  Carl replied as he hangs up.  Carl continues to play video games, as time goes on again.  It goes from 8:05 to 9:05.  As said, Carl's food arrives.  His door rings.  "[looks at alarm].  It's beyond thirty minutes.  Hope he's happy."  Carl said.  Carl grabs his grabber toy, so he can open the door.  He struggles to open it, leaving the person at his door very impatient.  He tries to open it, when he knows a better way is to get up, and open it himself.  Carl would rather kill himself.  Soon, he manages to get the door open.  "Ah, finally.  I have an order for Carl."  The delivery boy said.  "That's me.  Just, bring it to me, and I'll give you the money."  Carl replied.  The delivery boy agrees, as he comes face to face with Carl.  "Just place it on the corner of the chair.  The grape soda you can put on my other side."  Carl said.  "Ok."  The delivery boy replied in a weird manner.  After the food is placed, it's time to pay up.  Carl does have the money, fifty five dollars and seventy two cents.  He gives it to the pizza boy.  "Alright.  Have a good rest of your day, sir.  And remember, if Pete's pepperonis are perfect, then so will you."  The delivery boy said.  The boy walks away, only to realize something's wrong.  "Uhhhh, excuse me, sir.  Where's my tip?"  The delivery boy asked.  "Like I said.  You not here in thirty minutes, no tip."  Carl replied.  "Your kidding?  Sir, I drove through a lot of traffic.  At best, can you spare me a five or ten?"  The delivery boy asked.  "I have a better idea."  Carl replied.  Carl pulls a rope next to his chair, which then slams the door on the poor kids face.  "Get here on time, and you'll get the tip."  Carl said.  Carl turns off his game, and turns on his TV.  He watches more channels, and he slaughters himself with his food.  Bathing in greasy, slimy food, as the night goes on.
Soon, Carl's alarm goes off again.  He wakes up.  His body covered in pizza grease, wing sauce, sticky grape soda, and cheese.  He's a mess.  The alarm keeps beeping, which annoys Carl again.  He turns over to turn the alarm off.  He turns it off, after it's been beeping for ten minutes.  "6:10.  Must have been a crazy night I had."  Carl said as he giggles.  As always, he relaxes on his chair, but today is different for Carl.  He experiences a tragedy.  Something horrifying.  As he lays back on his recliner chair, it snaps.  And the chair falls apart.  Carl falls to the ground, a few spring going into his skin.  Carl screams, as for once, he gets up.  But then he falls back on his ass again.  Carl looks to see his throne crumbled to nothing.  ", no, no, no, no.  [crawls to chair remains].  NO!!!!!!!!"  Carl screamed with dust of chair in his hands.  Carl's heart is broken at the sight of his love being removed from his life.  "God damn it!  Why God?  WHY ME????!!!!!!!"  Carl shouted.  Carl goes from sad to anger because he now has to watch TV not from his favorite spot.  He now has to watch from his kitchen table.  Home to wooden hard chairs.  Carl, with no choice, makes his way to the kitchen table.  But instead of walking, he crawls his way there.  It takes him ten minutes, as the alarm goes from 6:10 to 6:20.  Once to a chair, he pulls himself up slowly, as he breathes deeply.  Like he's having a heart attack.  Finally, he places himself in the chair.  "Wow.  No wonder I don't eat dinner here.  The chair is all hard, and rough.  And that climb to get here was such a pain.  All my limbs feel like they are not even there anymore.  [looks at TV].  And the TV.  It's so hard to see from this distance.  Way to ruin my day, life."  Carl complained.  Anyway, Carl turns on his TV, and scrolls through more channels.  Most of the time, he doesn't listen to what he is watching.  He just looks at what his TV has to offer.  But one commercial gets Carl's attention.  Carl passes it, notices it, and goes back to that specific channel.  "Introducing, the Model Z.  Model Z is our most advanced AI chair in the world.  While our previous models gave the same offer.  Voice activated chairs that massage you, and do what you tell them to do, the Model Z is a whole new ball game.  Our scientist added high tech mechanical arms that will make all you couch potato's lives easier than ever.  Just tell the chair what you want to get, and it does it for you.  Talk about a comfy companion.  That's not all.  The chair now has...."  The TV spokesperson said.  Carl turns the TV because he knows how to solve his chair problem.  "God, I thank you for this gift you bestowed upon me."  Carl said.  Carl pulls out his phone, and looks up the Model Z.  He ends up on their website, and picks the chair he wants.  "Chair selected.  Model Z is designed to, yeah yeah I get it.  Make my life better.  [scrolls past description].  Checkout.  [loads].  HOLY SHIT!!!!!!  NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!  Makes sense, but still."  Carl said.  Carl goes to his banking app, to see what money he has left.  Surprisingly, Carl has one thousand dollars in his debit account.  So, Carl is a wise saver.  Not for long, as he immediately goes back to the Model Z page, and clicks purchase.  Nine hundred dollars down the drain.  Later that day, the Model Z arrives for Carl.  One of the employees of the company helps set it up.  "There you go, Carl.  Your new Model Z."  The employee said.  Carl is mesmerized by the chair.  "It'  It's more gorgeous than any chair, sofa, or bed I've see in my life. I in Heaven right now?"  Carl asked.  "No, Carl.  Your still on Earth."  The employee replied.  "Oh.  Well then."  Carl said.  Carl sits down, and is already getting use to his new throne.  "Wow!  It's so cozy.  How do you guys do it?"  Carl asked.  "We use the best ingredients to make the best products.  We're all about making our customers happier than ever."  The employee replied.  "Whatever.  Thanks again for this."  Carl said.  "Our pleasure, Carl."  The employee replied as he leaves.  Carl has the Model Z get use to his skin, which is still sticky from last night.  "Ok, so this chair has voice activation, and mech hands?"  Carl asked.  "Hello."  Something said.  Carl gasp.  A red button moves in front of Carl, which is attached to a metal tentacle on the top of the chair. "I'm Model Z, but you can just call me, Genesis. What's your name?" Genesis asked. "Ok, that's well programmed technology.  [clears throat].  Hello, I'm Carl." Carl replied. "Alright, Carl. I am here for you when you need it. Just say Genesis, your command, and I'll commute." Genesis said. "Still can't believe this exist. Better not be a scam. Ok, Genesis, go to my kitchen, and get me some potato chips." Carl ordered. "Command, taken. Arms, extend." Genesis replied. Two arms come out of holes on the sides of the chair. Carl watches the arms move to the kitchen, and in a POV of the arms, we see them move there way to the cabinet. Once there, the arms scan inside the cabinet. They look around, before they find the potato chips. One arm opens the cabinet, as the other grabs the chips. The arms come back, with the one holding the chips goes to Carl. The chips are placed on Carl's lap, before they go back inside the chair. "Holy fuck. It works." Carl said in shock. "Are you happy, Carl?" Genesis asked. "Very much.  Say, what else can you do?"  Carl asked back.  "Well, my features include audio play, massage, ho....."  Genesis replied.  "Genesis, activate massage."  Carl ordered.  "Very well.  Massage, activated."  Genesis replied.  Soon, more arms with white gloves come out from the chair.  They rub on Carl's body in a nice, smooth manner.  Carl lays back, happy to have his chair replaced with a better one.  "Ohhhh yeah.  Right down there.....down there.  [the hand rubs his feet].  Ohhhhhhh yeah!!!!!!  That's the stuff."  Carl said as he enjoys his massage. "Would you like me to turn on a movie for you?" Genesis asked. "With pleasure, oh, and Genesis, can one of these arms jerk me off?" Carl asked. "Arm 009, massage Carl's dick." Genesis replied. Arm 009 stops massaging Carl, and goes to massage his penis. "Ohhhhhhh, fuck! Best purchase of my fucking life." Carl said as he gets use to this miracle.
    The next morning, Carl wakes up peacefully. Instead of the average morning of him having his alarm make him rise from his sleep. He awakes with one of his hands on the side of the chair. It comes back to the arm seat on the Model Z. "[yawns]. Good morning, Genesis. I would like my morning to start with a bag of potato chips, and some grape soda." Carl ordered. "Scanning" Genesis replied. "Excuse me?" Carl asked. "Scanning." Genesis replied. Carl turns around, and he finds Genesis looking around the room. Genesis is trying to find something. "Hey, Genesis. Stop wasting your time, and get me my breakfast. That's an order." Carl said. "Scanning.......Scanning." Genesis replied. "Genesis. I would like my breakfast now." Carl ordered. "Scanning........Scanning." Genesis replied. "HEY!!!!! HELLO!!!!!! GENESIS, GET ME MY POTATO CHIPS AND GRAPE SODA NOW!!!!!!!" Carl yelled. Genesis doesn't respond, she just keeps saying scanning. "I FUCKING SAID, GET...ME....MY....BREAKFAST!!!!!!!" Carl screamed as he yanks the tentacle Genesis is attached to. Genesis immediately turns around, and faces Carl. In POV, we see Genesis approach Carl like a snake. It hovers above Carl. "Finally. You stopped being such a moron. Now get to work, Genesis." Carl ordered. Genesis scans Carl, which makes Carl confused, but also anger. "Stop with this detective bullshit, AND GET TO WORK!!!!!" Carl yelled. "Threat holds negative behavior both physical and verbally. Insults Genesis, as well as harassed Genesis by grabbing tentacle, and pulling it." Genesis replied. "I swear to God, you do your fucking job or I'll shot you." Carl said. "Threat now threatens to shot. Prepare to terminate threat." Genesis replied. "Terminate threat?" Carl asked. All of the sudden, the arms come out, and grab Carl. They hold him down. "HEY!!!!! THE FUCK YOU DOING??!!!" Carl asked as he tries to escape. "Activating blades." Genesis replied. Now four new mechanical arms form, but instead of hands, they are razor sharp blades. Carl goes from anger, to now scared. "Uhhhh.....Genesis. This isn't funny......Stop!" Carl ordered. "Threat is now neutralized in place. Locking blades on target. [POV of the blade hands locking on]. Lock complete.......[Carl shivering in terror].......Exterminate, threat." Genesis said. The blade hands dash to Carl, as the slice right through Carl's arms. Carl screams in torture. Both his arms fall to the ground. Blood gushes out of his shoulders, as Carl screams more. The next set of arms target Carl's legs. They dash, and slice them off as well. Carl screams in blood horror at this feeling of excruciating pain. Blood pours out all limbs, as he cries. Begging Genesis to stop. The four blades regroup together. They soon slit up, so they can surround themselves around Carl's neck. Carl watches them, as he continues to beg for Genesis to stop. It's no use. Once the blades are in position, Carl takes his final breathes. Before the blades come together, and decapitate Carl. Leaving him just a bloody torso. "Threat, eliminated." Genesis said. Both the arms, and Genesis go back to their spots. With Genesis returning to her spot at the top of Model Z, and the arms going back inside the chair. The final arm goes inside, after it passes a button that is set to Home Security instead of Assistant.

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