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The sun shines bright, as it gazes inside the bedroom window of Jermey Draper. Jermey wakes up from is sleep, before he removes his sleeping mask he has on his face. Jermey then looks at the sun. "Hmmmmm. What a beautiful sunlight. Pfffff. But not as beautiful as me." Jeremy said. Jermey awakes from his bed to start his morning routine. He begins by stripping his pajamas, and jumping into the shower. He sets the temperature to a cool sixty degrees. Allowing his body to not be numb, or dense. As he gets wet, he uses an acne oil free body wash to prevent pimples from forming on his body. After he scrubs himself, he uses another acne oil free wash for his face. So that he doesn't look like a freak with various diseases. Next, he uses a lotion to make his skin silky and smooth, in addition to another wash that will make his skin shine. Finally, he uses an organic, freshly made shampoo that he soaks his black hair in to give me that special feature. With all that out of the way, Jermey turns off the shower. "[steps out]. Ahhhhh. Nothing like a precious shower to begin my morning." Jermey said. As Jermey's body dries off, he finishes the last steps for his routine. First, he covers his face with a green tea facial mask, so he doesn't look old. As the mask forms, he applies various body lotions to make sure there isn't a flaw in his perfection. After that, he carefully combs his hair to a specific style. One where his hair is wavy, but with no hair sticking out. He makes it look like a wave as he brushes his locks. With his hair ready, Jermey adds a whitening tooth paste to his tooth brush, and brushes his teeth for the average two minutes. He especially makes sure there are no yellow stains, cavities, or anything. He just wants to have that light shoot from his teeth. Once he is done, the face mask is finished. He gently removes the mask from his face. Removed, he throws the pieces away. Jermey looks himself in the mirror. Dead into his own green eyes. "You gorgeous, sexy beast. There is no one out there like you. You......are the only one capable of these looks. Everyone else? Trolls. Vile, pathetic, snobby trolls." Jermey said in the mirror. Jermey goes to his closet to equip his clothing for the day. He wears black designer pants, a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled, and tops it all off with a black tie. Jeremey looks into his closet mirror. Stunned at how he looks. He blows himself a kiss, before leaving his bedroom. Jermey heads downstairs, where he encounters his mother making breakfast. "Good morning, sweetie." Jermey's Mom said. "Mom, don't call me sweetie. We discussed this." Jermey replied. "But, Jermey, it's ok for me to call you sweetie. I'm your mother. It's fine to be like everyone else you know. That's what I was back in my days." Jermey's Mom said. "Like everyone else?" Jermey asked. "Of course." Jermey's Mom replied. "That's funny, but I'm beyond everyone else. So, why don't you call me an appropriate name next time. Not my fault I'm not your special angel." Jermey said. "You are my special angel, Jermey." Jermey's Mom replied. "Not to me." Jermey said. "Now you don't have the right to talk to me like that young man." Jermey's Mom replied in anger. "Uhhh, yes I do, cow. Now get out of my sight. I have a very busy day ahead of me, and I don't want you to waste my time." Jermey said as he leaves his mother.
At school, the hallways are packed with students.  Everyone either at their lockers chatting with friends, or rushing to get to their next class.  Whatever they do, Jermey likes it.  Jermey strokes through the hallway expressing his looks every second.  He tries to make everyone notice him.  He wants to be the star of the show.  The one in the driver's seat.  Every step Jermey takes needs to be perfect to match his status.  As he moves like a smooth dude, girls look at him, and falls for his appearance.  They love how Jermey looks today.  Every piece of him makes Jermey feel better than everyone else around him.  Makes his ego grow bigger.  But Jeremy's school day gets ruined when someone bonks into him.  Jermey falls to the ground.  Now disgusted at whoever hit him.  Jermey turns around with a powerful force at the stranger, who is some emo girl.  "Hey, emo.  Watch where you're going.  Your lucky you didn't ruin a single spec on me.  Otherwise, I would have your ass sent to the principle's office.  Do you want that?  Huh?"  Jermey asked in anger.  The emo girl looks at him, and she shakes her head.  "Yeah.  Didn't think so, [whisper] ugly cunt."  Jermey said.  Both students get up, and walk away from each other.  Jermey gets back into character, and wins the crowd with his looks.  He still gets his style running, as he rounds the corner to another hallway.  There, he finds his classmates waiting for class to start.  "Hello, everyone.  Happy to see your darling again?"  Jermey asked.  All the students look at him with uninterested eyes.  They settle them back on their phones.  "Come on.  You guys missed me.  Admit it, you missed me.  Your favorite student."  Jermey said trying to get attention.  Everyone ignores Jermey.  Jermey doesn't like it.  "Hello.  Hello.  It's me, Jeremy.  Your fellow, star of a classmate.  Jeremy.  Jermey Draper to be exact.  You know me."  Jermey persuaded.  Everyone still ignores him.  "Ok, seriously guys.  What gives?  Why ignore me today?  Specifically today?  You weren't like this last week."  Jermey asked.  "Ugh!  If everyone else can't do it, then I will.  [clears throat].  Can you just shut up already, Jermey?"  Val asked.  "Ahhh, Val.  Finally, someone who notices me.  Way to be a real one, Val."  Jermey replied.  "Fuck off, creep."  Val said.  "Creep?  I'm not a creep.  Ask the fandom of girls I got back there."  Jermey replied.  "Jeremy, dude.  Do you wanna know why we all ignore you?"  Jimmy asked.  "There we go Jimmy, another one who wants to see perfection.  Unlike you all."  Jermey replied.  "Exactly.  This is your problem.  Or better yet, your flaw."  Jimmy said.  "[screams].  What do you mean flaw?!  Is their a scratch on me?!  A stain?!  If so, please tell it's just a dream?!"  Jermey panicked.  "What a pussy.  Listen, Jeremy.  The reason we all are ignoring you is because of you.  I kid you not, every since we first meet back freshman year, you have been all walk of the town.  VIP up in here.  Literally you view you life as a celebrity.  And you keep this gig going to this day.  Junior year."  Jimmy replied.  "[silence].......and?"  Jermey asked.  "And, it's getting annoying.  Simple as that.  We are all tired of you.  We can't stand it.  It's always me, me, me.  Only me.  Just you man."  Val replied.  "I mean, if you actually focused more on those than yourself, we would be down to be your friend.  Just like everyone else.  Instead, we get some perfect kid."  Jimmy said.  Jeremy stands still for what he just heard.  He is disgusted.  "What do you know about perfect, fag?"  Jermey asked.  "I'm sorry, but the fuck you call me?!"  Jimmy asked in anger.  "Fag.  You know, faggot.  Like you."  Jermey replied.  "Ohhhhhh, you piece of shit.  [grabs Jeremy by the shirt].  You should be grateful your not a troll as you like to call us."  Jimmy said.  "Why because you guys are trolls?"  Jermey asked.  "No because if you were, we would beat you, until you looked like a squashed fly."  Jimmy replied.  "First of all, as if that will ever happen.  And two, GET YOUR STINKING HANDS OFF ME, TROLL!!!!!!"  Jermey screamed.  "OHHHH, THAT IS IT!!!!!"  Jimmy replied as he is about to sock Jeremy in the face.  Before he can beat up Jeremy for his slur, the bell rings.  Class has became.  "[deep breathes].  Damn.  [let's go of Jeremy].  Call me a fag or troll again, and your ass is toast.  Or worse, burnt"  Jimmy said in a threatening way.  "Fine.  As you wish, Jimmy."  Jermey replied in a sarcastic way.  Jimmy pushes Jeremy, as he, Val, and all the other students go into class.  Leaving Jeremy in the dust.  "Wonderful.  Ruined a good shirt.  No matter.  I have over a hundred back home."  Jermey said as he enters the classroom.  Later that night, Jeremy gets ready for bed.  He's in his bathroom to brush his teeth again.  Making sure he still has those pearly whites.  After that, he climbs into bed, and places his sleeping mask over his face.  His luscious, fragile face.  With that, Jeremy turns off his lamp, and goes to sleep.  Excited for a new day of Mr. Perfection.
The next day, the sun shines a bright light into Jermey's face.  It awakes him from his royal slumber.  As he yawns, Jeremy removes his sleeping mask, and commences his morning routine.  As always, showering using various bottles of body cleaning supplies.  After he cleanses himself of any filth, as if he would have any, he moves onto the next step.  Applying his facial mask, and lotions.  He scrubs his teeth, until they shine in the mirror.  He then takes off his facial mask.  Making sure there isn't a piece of it hanging off.  Jeremy proceeds to the closet to get his average outfit.  His black pants, tie, and white shirt.  All of which with zero wrinkles, or stains.  With one final look in the mirror, Jeremy is ready to go.  He arrives at school just in time for the show to start.  He enters the school, again delivering a fantastic performance.  He strolls through the hallway.  Matching every move to his work.  He still has his handsome charm. Normally he would have a show on the road.  Particularly girls fainting for him.  But for some reason, the girls aren't that today.  Heck, they don't even see Jeremy.  Worse of all, they don't' even notice Jeremy.  In fact, no one in the halls bothers to look at Jermey. This gets the boy upset, and confused at this sight.  Not the best start to his day, but Jermey let's it slide for now.  He still has a lot of time to perform. Jeremy continues his work down the hallway to his class.  He's hoping this time his classmates will treat him better.  He approaches his peers.  "Good morning, guys.  You know who it is.  Yep, Jeremy Draper at your service."  Jermey said.  Just like the girls today, and themselves yesterday, they don't bother to give him what he wants.  Jeremy is upset, but you know him.  "Hahaha guys.  Very funny.  It's not national ignore Jeremy day.  That's not even a day.  Haha."  Jermey said.  Still, zero attention.  "Ok, this is seriously messed up.  [walks to Val and Jimmy].  Hello.  Hello.  HELLO!!!!!!  Guys!!!  Val!!!!!  Jimmy!!!!!  It's me, Jermey."  Jermey screamed.  Zero response.  "Ok, if this is because I called you a fag, and a troll, and me insulting you. Then. I', I'M SORRY!!!!!!"  Jeremy screamed.  Even that confession doesn't get a response from Jimmy. They all ignore him. Everyone ignores him. "Ok, stop playing this game with me." Jeremy said. Jeremy goes to slap Jimmy, but then, his hand goes right through Jimmy. Jermey looks confused at what happened. He does it again. His slap goes right through Jimmy. This freaks Jermey out, as he starts to get scared. He slaps Jimmy some more. Jimmy doesn't feel a thing. He runs to shake one of the girls in his class. When he does, his hands go right through her. Jeremy starts to lose it, as he sweats. Jermey notices the sweat. He screams at this flaw, so he backs up from his classmates. As he does, Jeremy goes right through a student. He falls to the ground, horrified at what happened. Panicking, Jermey gets up, and runs through the hallways of the school. As he runs, he screams hello, hey, you see me, etc. He tries to get some form of attention. He runs right through people when he dashes in front of him. Jermey starts to go into circles, as he loses his shit. He ends up back on the ground in tears. "Fuck.....fuck. Why is this happening to me? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" Jeremy said as he cries. "Wow!" Someone said. Jermey gasp as he turns around. "How could you say that? I mean, you don't know why this is happening to you?" Someone asked. "Wh......what?" Jeremy asked back. Suddenly, the someone confronts Jeremy. "Hello, Jeremy." The emo girl said. "What the? The emo chick. You see me? Like you actually see me? [emo girl nods her head]. can you see me?" Jermey asked. "[sighs]. Consider this your punishment for your selfishness." The emo girl replied. "Excuse me? Wait do you mean?" Jermey asked. "Oh. Let's just say............I'm the one who did this to you." The emo girl replied. "WHAT???!!!!" Jermey screamed. "Yes, this was my doing. Similar to almost everyone around me, we can't stand you anymore. The same clothes you wear. The same formula you follow. The same way you walk here. You name it, we are all sick of it. Especially me. The worst part of all is that no one in this school bothers to teach you a lesson for your work. Even when you insult us, call us trolls, call us slurs, we do nothing about it. Well, except me. I did something about it. I finally did something. Now you know what it's like to be like me. Ignored, forgotten, invisible." The emo girl replied. Jermey gets pisses at this girl, so he marches to her at full speed. "You little bitch." Jeremy said. He slaps the emo girl, but his hand gets stunned when he touches her. It stings his hand. "[sighs]. Looks like you still haven't learned your lesson. Maybe that's the case with you. You can never learn a lesson. The only thing you want to learn more about is the more you can improve yourself. So allow me to show you what it's like to be in one's shoes." The emo girl said. The emo girl opens up her notebook, and she writes something in it. Once done, she slams the book. Few seconds later, there is screaming hurling in the hallways. Girls and boys run away freaking out for their lives. The hallways are filled with horror as the chaos persuades. Jimmy, Val, and all of Jermey'c class are still waiting for class to start. " the football game last night?" Val asked. "Yeah. Crazy game. What a touchdown from...." Jimmy replied. Their conversation is interrupted when they hear, and see the screaming in the hallways. Students run past the class, as they all wonder what's up. Soon, they see what's up. They find a smelly, slimy, disgusting little troll growling at the students. His clothes are black and white, but all shredded up. "Hold shit, a fucking troll!!!!! An actual fucking troll!!!!!" Jimmy shouted. The troll screams, as it charges to Val and Jimmy. "Oh hell no. Come on guys, let's stop this fool." Val declared. Jimmy and some of the other classmates join Val. They charge at the troll. Val kicks the troll to the ground, who is now surrounded by the other students. The troll growls. Begging for mercy, but he gets none at all. The boys stomp the shit out the troll. Breaking the troll's limbs, back, and head. Orange blood starts to paint the walls and a lockers a new color. One stomp has one of the troll's eyes come out. Another, the troll's finger nails. The students don't care. They still beat the little shit up. Until, the troll is a pile of orange, messy pieces.

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