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Our story starts with pleasurable noises coming from a lite room from a home on a pitch black night.  The nosies range from loud, sweaty, and especially, exotic.  Inside of the room, a brown haired woman is riding a man.  The man has a hairy chest, greasy black hair, and a wrinkly beard.  The woman and the man moan the more the woman bounces on the man's cock.  The cock gets all wet the more it savors the woman's vagina.  The bed shakes heavier, as it starts to rock and creek as the two have a hell of a time.  Soon, the woman lays on the man's chest.  Having her boobs be squished against the man's nipples.  She starts to pound faster.  Harder.  Stronger.  Moaning at the speed of a racing car as she works.  The man moans loud too, until he grabs the woman's ass.  When he does that, the woman moans as loud as she can, as the semen from the man's dick enters her warm interior.  She starts to take slow, but heavy deep breathes on the man, as her turkey gets stuffed.  She removes herself from the man, and lies next to him on the spoiled mattress.  "That......[deep breath].......was......[deep breath]........AMAZING!!!!!!"  The woman screamed as she let's out another moan.  She breathes more, as the man also gets himself organized.  "I don't think I ever had sex like that before in my life.  [turns her face to the man].  You got some talent, Seth."  The woman said.  "That's what I do with those I find special.  It's not based on how hot a woman is.  It's based on their personality, and look.  Like you, Brittany.  Your hair is gorgeously perfect for your face, your style makes my world go rough, your humor cracks me up every time, and your smile is what makes me feel more than just joy deep down.  Your special.  Special to me."  Seth replied as he rubs her face.  "Aww!!  Your such a gentleman. Unlike all the others.  Most of the time, they just want to fuck me, and that's it.  They don't care about me, just my body.  You don't honey bun."  Brittany said.  "Of course.  Just doing what a woman would want."  Seth replied.  "[smells room].  Well, I need to shower.  You can use mine when I'm done if you want."  Brittany suggested.  "That's alright.  I'll take one when I get home.  It was a pleasure being with you tonight, Brittany."  Seth replied.  "Same here, Seth."  Brittany said.  Brittany gets up from the musty bed, and wakes her naked ass to the shower.  Seth watches, as his eyes make direct contact with her butt.  Brittany goes into the bathroom, and closes the door.  "Pffff.  What a whore."  Seth said.  Seth gets off the bed, to go to the corner of Brittany's room.  There, he finds a camera that has been secretly recording the whole time.  Seth picks up the small camera, and replays the footage.  It's of him and Brittany jackhammering like a construction worker on the bed.  "Excellent.  I know exactly where this is going."  Seth said as he pockets the camera.  He puts back on his blue jeans, and green flannel.  Now wretched in Seth's oily body.  He walks out of Brittany's home, and walks his way back to his home.
Seth makes it back home to his apartment, which is the heavenly domain for this pervert.  Everywhere in the apartment is filled with junk.  Countless tissues on the floor, sweat stains on his couch and carpet, and an odor so vile, that a skunk would be disgusted.  Seth shuts his door, and makes his way across the room to his computer.  As he sits down on his chair, he pulls out the small camera.  After he turns on his computer, and gets it ready, Seth plugs the camera into the computer.  Seth then starts by opening a program to transfer the footage from the camera to his computer.  It takes him some time, but he manages to pull it off.  After that, he opens a file labeled, Art.  On Art is a whole area filled with videos.  Each of them have titles like Elizebeth, Meg, Mary, Belle, and so on.  Seth takes the footage he got from the camera, and inserts it into the file.  Once it is inserted, Seth gives the footage it's title.  Brittany.  Once saved, Seth's job is finished.  "Another successful video added to my masterpiece.  And what a masterpiece that bitch, Brittany is.  Definitely had that X factor.  So yummy.  [slurps].  Well Seth, it's time to start back at square one all over again.  As well as get my cum ready for another going."  Seth said to himself.  Seth turns off his computer, gets off the chair, and makes his way to his sofa.  His grossly infected sofa.  He lies down the sticky mattress, before he closes his eyes to go to sleep.
The shine from the morning sun wakes up Seth.  His eyes blinded by the beams.  After cracking his neck, Seth gets up to start his day.  Starting with stepping, and walking on the many tissues he has lying on his floor.  Seth walks to his kitchen to fix himself a cup of refreshing coffee.  Extra cream.  He approaches his kitchen table, coffee in hand, and sits at the head of his table.  He sips his coffee.  "Hmmmmm.  So rich and smooth."  Seth said enjoying his drink.  As he drinks, he whips out his phone.  He scrolls through his apps, before he presses the one he is looking for.  Tinder.  Inside, he proceeds with his morning work out.  Working that thumb to get him more chicks to fuck.  He swipes on every girl he sees on tinder.  In fact, he swipes everything he sees on tinder.  He really wants this something tasty tonight.  Seth continues to swipe, until he gets a notification that someone liked him back.  Time flies by, and yet, he got nothing.  No new notifications.  No interest.  Nothing.  This upsets Seth, since he wants to add more to his Art.  He continues to swipe, as time flies by more.  Eventually, Seth winds up passed out of his table from all that work.  He snores on his table, often snorting in between snores.  The disappointment of getting zero ladies made Seth feel empty inside.  That is, before a ring from his phone wakes Seth up.  "Huh?!  What the?"  Seth asked as he rises from the table.  He squints his eyes, soon before they rest on the phone screen.  Seth takes a closer look, and sees he finally got what he wanted.  He opens tinder, and gets a notification from a woman named, Samantha.  Seth pulls up her profile picture.  "Holy shit, this chick is smoking."  Seth said as he looks at the picture.  It's of Samantha in a pink bikini on the beach.  Seth eyes grow bigger, as does his pecker.  He is astonished at this woman's status, but mostly her big cans.  Seth looks at her bio, and sees what he's working with.  Samantha is blond, works out everyday, surfs, loves to talk about action movies, and loves to laugh.  "Hot?  One hundred percent.  Personality?  Bland like that one cunt, Beth, but I can work with that.  Perfect girl to be my next star?  Yeah!!!!!"  Seth said as he growls when he says yeah.  Seth starts by messaging Samantha.  Texting her good morning, before making his first move.  Seth writes that he saw her bio, and sees she loves action movies.  He then writes he also loves that genre.  Proving it by mentioning his fav action movies.  He sends the text to her.  Seth waits for her reply back to him.  Quickly, Samantha starts typing.  She replies that she loves the movies Seth wrote.  Some of which are her personal favorites.  Seth starts to make progress, so he sends another text.  He writes that he use to be in a comedy club, but things didn't work out.  However, he tells her that he still has that hilarious charm.  He sends the text.  Seth waits, and Samatha replies back.  She tells Seth that's awesome.  Keeping it smooth, Seth chats more with Samantha.  Their conversation is still working well, with no bumps or problems.  Seth keeps his rhyme, as he texts Samantha more message.  Samantha seems to be enjoying Seth, so he gets happy when she texts him if he wants to come over tonight to hang out.  Seth starts to pat himself on the back for his home run.  He of course replies with yes, and will see her tonight.  Samantha ends the conversation with see you soon.  "YES!!!  YES!!!!!!!!  LET'S FUCKING GO!!!!!!!  I'M POUNDING ANOTHER HOTTIE TONIGHT!!!!!!!"  Seth said feeling joy.
That night, Seth gets himself ready for his big date.  Wearing a different colored flannel, and jeans.  He does make sure he isn't sweaty because he needs to make sure she is ready for the real work out.  Finally, he grabs his camera, so he can come home with something worthy of his work.  Once all those are checked off, Seth is ready to do this.  He leaves his apartment, and makes his way to Samantha's home.  With her address provided to Seth from their conversation, he knows where to go.  After a nightly stroll, Seth makes it to Samantha's house.  "Alright, Seth.  It's just you, me, and a hot bitch tonight.  Remember, be funny, be polite, but more importantly, go get that wet pussy.  Let's do this."  Seth said to himself.  Seth walks to Samantha's door, and rings the door bell.  He stands on her porch, as he waits for her presence.  And her presence arrives when she opens the door.  Samantha is wearing a workout outfit.  All sweaty.  "Hello.  You must be Seth right?"  Samantha asked.  "Yes.  And you must be the glorious, Samantha?"  Seth replied and asked back.  "Indeed.  It's nice to meet you.  Why don't you come inside."  Samantha replied.  "My pleasure."  Seth said as he enters Samantha's home.  Samantha close the door, as Seth takes a noting to her house.  "I got to say, you have a nice place here."  Seth said.  "Thank you.  I just had a new paint job done on the walls.  I figured tan was better than the blue I had before.  Don't you agree?"  Samantha asked.  "Yeah.  I see what you are talking about.  I assume I was interrupting you doing something?  Your all sweaty.  That's why."  Seth asked. "Oh, this.  Yeah.  I just finished my annual bike ride I do every night.  Got to stay fit."  Samantha replied.  "Yeah, real fit."  Seth said as he stares at Samantha.  Seth snaps out of his trance.  "What I meant was, you look good in it.  Show how hard you work to achieve what you want.  I like that."  Seth said.  "How sweet of you?"  Samantha replied.  "So, is there anything you want to do now that I'm here? I'll let you decide on what happened with us." Seth asked. "I have ideas.  I was thinking we could watch a movie, I'm pretty sure you can guess the genre...." Samantha replied. As Samantha gives suggested, Seth starts eye fucking her body again. "[spoken in head]. Damn this woman is more smoking in person. Look her. [looks at chest]. God her tits are like pillows. So soft, and moist from her sweat. That will make our fun more slippery than dry. [descends eyes down her body as Samantha speaks]. Man, and her hips. So good. Grabbing onto them will be thrilling as she rides me. Or if I ride her. Either way works. As long as I get more vids for my collection. But best off all is right there. In the middle. Her cave entry. Bet it's a flooded cave deep inside. Bond to get wet when you enter. Yeah, this one is definitely an X." Seth said. "So, yeah. Those are some options. What do you think, Seth?" Samantha asked. "Huh? [looks at Samantha]. Oh yeah, those are some.......good choices for tonight.  Sorry, but do you think you can repeat them to me?  If I sound like a jerk, I apologize dearly.  There are times were I might black out"  Seth asked.  "I'm so sorry to hear that.  I hope for the best if it happens again.  Well........I was very lonely these last few days.  So, I was actually thinking.........we could go upstairs to my room. know."  Samantha replied.  Seth is then frozen in shock at what Samantha said.  She wants to do this now.  "[silence].............ok."  Seth said.
Upstairs, Seth is now in Samantha's bed room.  Much faster than he expected.  Seth looks around her room.  Excited to get this party started.  "I'll leave you to get comfortable.  I'll be back in a sec to get ready."  Samantha said in a lust like voice.  "Understood.  Take all the time you need."  Seth replied.  Samantha giggles, as she leaves, which gives Seth the perfect chance to get ready.  He pulls out his small camera, and finds a spot to set it up.  He goes to a small table in the corner of Samantha's room.  He presses record, and places the camera on the table.  Seth then takes his clothes off, and places them on the camera.  So he can hide it, and record their fun.  Now that Seth is naked, it's time to begin.  "So, your ready?"  Samantha asked.  Seth turns around.  His eyes bigger than ever.  Samantha in now naked from head to toe.  Exposing her entire body to Seth.  This gets his penis growing, until it's now a coke can.  "Nice cock.  [walks to Seth sexually].  Why don't we........see how much it can fill up."  Samantha said as she rubs her hands against Seth's back.  Her body is now pressing on Seth.  He gets more erotic.  "It can fill whatever you throw at it."  Seth replied.  The two then kiss sloppy, and make their way to the bed.  There, Seth is on bottom, while Samantha is on top.  They kiss more, as their bodies start getting messy.  Mostly from the sweat still on Samantha.  Seth squeezes her boobs, which starts to make Samantha moan.  A very exotic moan.  She enjoys the feeling of Seth's hands forcefully holding her tits.  Seth rubs her chest, as Samantha takes in the happiness she feels.  So fresh.  Samantha gets working too, as she rubs her fingers up Seth's leg to his dick.  She strokes it slowly, which makes Seth moan like her.  Every stroke runs up his body, and embraces him.  That feeling of desire now claimed.  They both get tired of this, so they get started.  Samantha raises herself up, positions her vagina over Seth's dick, and presses down slowly.  Samantha moans loudly, as she feels the dick insider her.  Samantha raises herself up, and presses down slowly again.  Seth moans to the feeling, as his dick explores Samantha's cave.  Every time Seth's dick goes in her vagina, the speed increases.  It starts to get faster.  Slowly, but surely.  "Ohhhhhhh, yeah.  This feels soooooooo good.  [moans].  Hey, Sethy boy?"  Samantha asked.  "Ohhh, [moans].  I like that name.  What is it?"  Seth asked back.  "Ummmm, [moans three times with the last one being real loud].  Is it ok if I give you a.....beating for being naughty?"  Samantha asked back.  "A beating?  Oh......your into that kind of stuff huh?"  Seth asked back.  "Yeah.  I really think you need a punishment for being such a BAD boy."  Samantha replied.  "Go a head.  [moans hard].  I'll allow it."  Seth said.  "[slaps Seth soft on the face].  That, is for being so bad this week.  [slaps Seth soft again].  That is for failing to be a good DADDY!!!!  [slaps Seth soft again].  That is for being not a good influence. [slaps Seth a little harder]. That is for being such a scumbag to women.  [slaps Seth harder].  That is for treating woman as objects than people.  [bitch slaps Seth].  AND THAT IS FOR MANIPULATING ME, SO YOU CAN BANG ME, PRICK!!!!!!"  Samantha screamed.  "Ouch.  What the fuck?!"  Seth asked in anger.  "What's wrong?  Upset to feel pain, Sethy boy?  Perhaps because all you care about is being such a perv!!!!!" Samantha replied in anger.  "What are you talking about?"  Seth asked as the pain stings his cheek.  "Seriously?  Are you fucking joking?  How don't you remember me?"  Samantha asked in anger.  "Remember you?  I just met you."  Seth replied.  "[slaps Seth].  How could you forget?  You named your sick video after me!!!!!!"  Samantha yelled.  "Excuse me?"  Seth asking how does she know his secret.  "[turns around to the table in the corner of her room].  Smooth place to hide your camera, Seth."  Samantha replied.  "What?  How do you know?"  Seth asked confused.  "Ok.  Ok.  I'll give you a clue.  I love sci fi.  It's such an awesome genre for nerds like me.  And you replied with, I know.  I love Sci Fi.  I actual made my own sci fi movies.  RING ANY BELLS, SETH?????!!!!!!!"  Samantha asked in rage.  Seth takes moment to think about this.  After spending time thinking, he realizes it.  In flashback, he talks with a woman he meet a few weeks ago.  She is chubby, wears glasses, and talks in a nerd manner.  "I love sci fi.  It's such an awesome genre for nerds like me."  The woman said.  "I know.  I love Sci Fi.  I actual made my own sci fi movies."  Seth replied.  Both of them laugh.  "Say, how about we do something as enjoyable as watching science fiction?"  Seth asked.  "[gasp].  I'll love to do that."  The woman replied.  The two of them go upstairs to the woman's bedroom.  They start to fuck, and Seth cums in her.  Their revolutionary ride ends with Seth leaving the woman's house with the camera he stored in her room.  Seth goes home, walks past his messy living room, and uploads to footage to collection.  He finishes off his work by naming the video.  Of course after the girl's name.  Beth.  End flashback.  "Be......Beth?"  Seth asked in shock.  "YEAH, SETH!!!!  IT'S ME!!!!!  THE SCI FI NERD!!!!! THE SO CALLED CUNT YOU RECORDED HAVING SEX WITH YOU!!!!!"  Samantha yelled.  "But.....but.....but THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!  YOU LOOK NOTHING LIKE BETH!!!!!!!"  Seth yelled.  "[laughs]. I know.  But......I'm more than just that now."  Samantha replied in a demonic voice.  Seth starts to feel terror, as he should.  Because Samantha starts growling on top of Seth.  Loud, mushy sounds come out, as Samantha reveals the truth.  Her body starts to form red, and cover her entire body.  As Samantha moans, the red infest over her legs, arms, face, everywhere.  When the red covers her ass, it pierces a tail out her tailbone.  It grows like Seth's dick to a long, skinny tail.  Her face, now covered in red, adds orange eyes, two black horns that slowly come out her head, and a sinister smile.  Her fingers and toes now have longer black sharps finishing her transformation.  Seth looks in horror, as Samantha's new look frightens him.  Samantha removes herself from Seth's dick, and gets off of him.  She is now on her knees off the bed looking straight at Seth's dick.  Samantha looks at Seth, who is too scared to run away.  Perfection for her.  With one deep breath, Samantha takes in, and sucks Seth's dick hard.  So hard, that Seth screams in pain.  The suction from Samantha's mouth makes Seth feel like a vacuum is sucking his dick. Seth screams louder because his balls start to disappear.  They go into his dick, and out the tip into Samantha's mouth.  She swallows his balls whole, as Seth screams more.  Samantha then sucks harder, which start to remove Seth's intestines and organs.  They all are taken out from their spots, making their way down to his penis, and out the front.  Seth starts to deflate like a balloon, as pays for his sex crimes. Soon after that, his eyes get sucked into his skull.  Seth shrieks in agony, unable to see anymore.  And that's not all. Seth's bones start to rumble, before they start to make their way to Seth's dick.  Until with one powerful suck from Samantha, Seth is left as a fleshy bag of nothing.

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