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A fork pierces a piece of meat off a shiny plate.  The meat is raised into the air, as it is held by the holder of that fork.  After a quick glance at the meat, it is sent into the mouth of the fork holder.  He noms on the meat.  Slowly enjoying the flavors of the meat.  He proceeds to take his knife, and slice more of his steak.  He takes his fork, pierces the piece of meat, brings to his mouth, and eats it.  He continues this progress, until the meat is gone from his plate.  After he is done, a waiter approaches the man.  "So tell me, sir.  How was your meal?"  The waiter asked.  The man the waiter is talking to wears a nice suit, and is quite chubby.  "Five stars.  This play never disappoints.  The chefs did a great job."  The man replied.  "Wonderful to see your satisfied.  Shall I get the check for you?"  The waiter asked.  "Of course please."  The man replied.  The waiter leaves to get the check, as the man relaxes in his seat.  He embraces the decor as he waits.  The shiny chandeliers, the beautifully designed carpets, the artwork on the walls surrounding him.  He takes it all in.  He takes a deep breath fully engulfing himself in pleasure.  The waiter returns to the man's table with the check in hand.  "Here you are, sir."  The waiter said handing the check to the man.  The man opens the check, and is astonished by the price.  "I'm sorry to interrupt, but you seen.....upset, sir.  Is everything alright?"  The waiter asked.  "Yes.  There is an issue."  The man replied.  "Oh really?  What might that be?"  The waiter asked.  "I forgot how I do this."  The man replied.  After that response, the man pulls out a gun, and blows the waiter's brains out.  The waiter falls to the ground.  His eyes wide open, as blood gushes out his head.  Some of the waiter's blood got on the man's suit.  He takes a napkin to clean it off.  "So, how was that, boys?"  The man asked.  "Delicious as always."  The other men at his table replied.  "I guess our business is done here."  The man replied.  The man and his two friends get up from their table, which is filled with messy plates, bowls, and glasses of food or liquid.  As they do so, they are all surrounded by countless dead bodies in the dining room.  Customers, chefs, and staff all dead at their feet.  Each of them have gun shots to their temple, or stabbings to their guts.  Blood is painted everywhere in the restaurant.  The three men walk to the exit of the restaurant, as they pass more dead bodies in the process.  They exit the restaurant, and head to their car.  With the man getting into the driver's seat, and his two friends in the backseat.  All buckled up, the man starts the car, and drives away from the scene.
The car descends carefully through the streets of New York, the setting for their crooked crimes.  They pass through the city streets, and then they pass a news broadcast.  "It's been a few months since the so called, "Takeout Delight", crimes have been infesting the streets of New York.  According to witnesses, a man by the same of Samuel Batkins, and his two accomplices have been causing mayhem in the food industry.  Each and every restaurant they touch always has the same outcome.  A room filled to the brim with dead corpses of innocent civilians, and staff of the restaurant.  Police officials got this info from one surviving employee of their attack on Butcher's a few weeks ago.  Claiming to having seen the faces of the three men, as they started their attack.  No one knows where and when they strike next.  [gets a radio call from her ear piece.  News reporter answer].  Holy shit!  Sorry, but this just in.  Civilians have found another fatal attack just a few seconds ago.  We'll keep you broadcasted for what's to come next.  And no matter what, Samuel and his goons will be captured."  The news reporter said.  The report cuts out, and the reporter and her crew go to the scene of the crime.  Their report has been heard on the radio by Samuel and his gang.  "Pathetic.  They really think they can stop us?  Please.  This is like taking candy from a whining baby."  Samuel said.  "Indeed, boss."  One of his men replied.  "So, what's next on our list of delights?  Any news places to strike at?"  Samuel asked.  "Well, that's kind of the bad news, boss.  Because of our invasions, restaurants have been securely closed to avoid us.  This started to happen after we attacked Nanny's Seafood two weeks ago.  There should be countless open right about here, but none are open.  We caused that much of a panic, that there is no where to eat now."  One of Samuel's men replied.  Samuel isn't pleased with this news.  "So, there is nowhere for us to eat?"  Samuel asked.  "That is correct sir."  One of Samuel's men replied.  "Well find somewhere to eat NOW!!!!!  You don't expect me to starve for the rest of my career?"  Samuel asked.  "Boss, calm down.  It's going to be ok."  One of his men replied.  "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!!  I WANT FOOD!!!!!!"  Samuel screamed.  "I know sir.  But if you just listen."  One of his men replied.  "So you expect me to wait, until restaurants open?  Fuck that."  Samuel complained.  "Boss."  One of his men replied.  "And to think I let you two join with me on this journey, and you say, oh it's ok.  We'll be fine without food."  Samuel complained more.  "Boss."  One of his men replied.  "WHAT???!!!!!"  Samuel screamed.  His men are now in fear.  "[clears throat].  There is one place we can go to."  One of his men replied.  Samuel then calms down because he is surprised.  "Really?"  Samuel asked.  The men nod their heads.  "Why didn't you say so?  For a second there you had me worried. I was this close to exploding."  Samuel replied.  "Understood, boss. But yeah, listen to this.  There is a restaurant down by the harbor.  Rumors say not even a single cop passes by there.  Therefore, zero suspicion.  Sounds like a bad restaurant right?  Wrong!  The reviews say the receptions, interior design, and food are more than just five stars."  One of his men replied.  "Your serious?"  Samuel asked.  "Yep.  We found it a few weeks ago, and considered on going there for special days.  But now it serves as a cause for emergencies."  One of his men replied.  "So you have us to thank for this one."  The other of Samuel's men replied.  "[giggles].  This is why I'm glad I have you two.  We'll go tomorrow night.  Let's get our appetite ready by getting some good night sleep."  Samuel said.  "Agreed."  Both men replied.  So Samuel and his gang drive off.  Excited for a feast tomorrow.
The next night, Samuel and his two men approach the restaurant.  Their car drives through a harbor filled with rotten fish, and a vile smell.  Not the best place to have an over five star restaurant.  Speaking of which, they arrive.  Samuel looks out his window.  "So, this is the place?"  Samuel asked.  "Yep.  Bulldog's Steakhouse.  Heard they make a meal so good, it's not compared to the others out there."  One of his men replied.  "Quite an impressive place for such a dump.  It looks sketchy as hell around here."  Samuel said.  "Yeah.  I wonder the same as well when we drove by.  But who knows.  Maybe this restaurant is like what matters more on the inside than the outside."  One of his men replied.  "In the end, we will get what we want.  A free buffet.  You boys have your firearms?"  Samuel asked.  "As always."  Both men replied.  "Then what are we waiting for?"  Samuel asked.  Samuel and his men enter the restaurant, and are starstruck at what they see.  The interior design is absolutely spectacular.  Beautifully red painted walls, lighting better than any chandelier they have ever seen, shiny glass wear, and so much more.  They approach the front of the house.  They see a bell, so Samuel rings it for service.  During this, they notice not a single customer is here.  They don't mind at all.  Soon, a waiter approaches the men.  "Good evening gentlemen, how may I...."  The waiter said.  Samuel points a gun to the waiter's head interrupting him.  "You may take us to the biggest table you have, or you'll have a fresh new hole."  Samuel replied.  The waiter drops his pen and paper, and puts his hands up.  He is shaking in fear.  He starts to sweat, as he doesn't say a word.  "I'm sorry, did I stutter?"  Samuel asked.  He shoots at the waiter's feet, as the waiter jumps in the air horrified.  "Take us, to the biggest table, NOW!!!!!!"  Samuel screamed.  "Ok.....ok sir.  Follow me."  The waiter replied.  He slowly grabs his pen and paper, and takes the men to their table.  Samuel continues to hold the waiter at gun point.  The waiter slowly moves to the table.  Still scared of Samuel.  "Ok, here is our biggest table in the house.  Big enough for over ten people."  The waiter said.  "Perfect.  Boys, get comfortable."  Samuel replied.  His men do just that, and they get seated.  Samuel does the same.  "Excuse me for a moment to get your menu's, and some water."  The waiter said.  "Understood.  But just to keep in mind, this gun will always be pointing at you as you do that.  Ok?"  Samuel asked.  "Good to know, sir."  The waiter replied.  The waiter goes to get the stuff, as the three men enjoy the restaurant.  They are still loving the interior design.  But Samuel's mind is all on the food.  As well as pointing a gun to a man's head.  Samuel keeps his eye on the waiter, as the waiter gets what he needs.  The waiter returns, still shaking, with the menus and water.  "Here are the menu's.....sir.  [passes menus to all three men].  And here is your water."  The waiter said in fear.  Samuel points the gun at him as the waiter pours the water.  He carefully does it because he doesn't want to piss Samuel off.  He shakes the bottle, as he pours the glass for one of Samuel's men.  It terrifies him.  The water rises in the glass as the waiter pours.  He is finished.  The waiter does the same with the the other man's glass.  He carefully pours the water.  Not trying to get a single drop on the table.  Just like his first glass, he fills the glass perfectly.  Finally, Samuel's glass.  The waiter gulps.  He slowly tilts the glass bottle of water to the glass.  He pours the water.  Samuel looks at the waiter menacingly, as he works.  The waiter is doing a good job pouring the water.  That is until he feels something in his nose.  The waiter starts to feel something happening.  The waiter then sneezes loudly.  Pouring the water all over Samuel.  "AHHHHH!!!!!!! Oh my God.  I am so terribly sorry, sir."  The waiter begged.  "And I'm sorry for you."  Samuel replied as he shots at the waiter.  The bullet nearly gets into his arm, but he is ok.  The waiter is on the ground breathing for his life.  Samuel looks at the waiter dead in his eyes.  "I could kill you now, but I need someone to fulfill our desire.  GET UP!!!!!"  Samuel yelled.  The waiter shakes more in terror, as he gets up.  The gun Samuel is holding is still pointed straight at the waiter.  " you gentlemen need anymore time looking at the menu, or are you ready to order?" The waiter asked covered in sweat.  "Hmmmm, do you have a special for the day?"  Samuel asked back.  "We do.  We have a French onion soup.  A specialty here at Bulldog's.  It won fifteen awards over the past....."  The waiter replied.  "Shut the fuck up before I reconsider you being our waiter.  We'll take that soup, as well as one of everything on your menu.  Ain't that right boys?"  Samuel asked.  "Absolutely."  One of his men replied.  "We do it every time."  The other man replied.  "Very well then.  One of everything, and the French onion soup.  How would you like your meats cooked?"  The waiter asked.  "All of us, medium rare."  Samuel replied.  "Got it.  [writes order down].  Your meal should be here soon."  The waiter said.  "Ok.  Hey, boys.  Why don't you go into the kitchen, and give the chefs some "confidence."  We don't want this meal to be disappointing am I right?"  Samuel asked.  "Of course not sir."  The waiter replied.  Samuel's men get up from their seats, and head to the kitchen.  Guns in hand.  They enter the kitchen, as the door shut.  The waiter stays with Samuel, who is still holding the waiter at gun point.  "So if I mind asking, why is a fancy place like this located at a dump like here?"  Samuel asked.  "Well.......if you want to know, our food here is really high standard.  As well as in price.  Like, only the most expensive people in the world can afford food here.  People say all the celebrities eat in LA, but most of them fly here just for dinner.  The amount of stars I have seen in here is incredible.  Sure, we are located at a stinky harbor, but it works like a secret spot.  You know.  A hidden restaurant."  The waiter replied.  "I understand.  In a way.  Would be better if this wasn't somewhere people throw up."  Samuel said.  "It's for the best."  The waiter replied.  There is some silence in the room.  "Oh, by the way, just to clarify.  If my meal isn't out in thirty minutes, your dead."  Samuel admitted.  "WHAT??!!!!"  The waiter screamed.  "Is that a problem?"  Samuel asked.  "Of course.  Our food takes precious time to make.  YOU CAN'T EXPECT THAT TO BE DONE IN THIRTY MINUTES!!!!!!"  The waiter yelled.  "Not my problem."  Samuel replied.  Samuel and the waiter wait, as time goes by.  With the Samuel drinking his water, and the waiter being scared shitless.  The waiter keeps looking at the clock, and praying the chefs get done.  Every minute passing by is like a bullet blasting through his head.  He is traumatized.  Hoping time doesn't run out.  Unfortunately, the clock ticks approximately one thousand and eight hundred times.  "And.....thirty minutes.  [looks around].  No food in sight."  Samuel said.  The waiter's heart is now fucking working out at this point.  It's pounding super hard.  "[signs].  Hope you had a good life."  Samuel said as he is about to shot the waiter.  The waiter closes his eyes in terror, but that's when this happens.  "[ding noises].  Service please?"  The chef asked.  The waiter slowly opens his eyes in relief.  "Huh?  Perfect timing.  Guess my men gave them everything they needed to make the food ready.  [looks at shaking waiter].  Don't just stand there.  Get the food!"  Samuel yelled.  "Yes sir."  The waiter replied in horror.  The waiter goes to the kitchen to get the food.  Samuel puts his gun in his pocket because it's dinner time.  Samuel watches as the waiter emerges with trays of food.  All covered with silver domes.  This gets Samuels lips drooling.  Accompanying the waiter are the chefs, who push the carts with the food on them.  They go to Samuel's table, and start setting up the dinner.  Placing the plates all over the table.  "There you go, sir.  Every item on the menu at your disposal."  The waiter replied now calming down a bit.  "Beautiful."  Samuel replied.  Samuel puts his napkin on his lap, as he is ready to eat.  "Say, where are my boys at?"  Samuel asked.  "Oh, about that.  That's not how this works sir."  One of the chefs replied.  "What?"  Samuel asked.  "Allow us to demonstrate."  One of the chefs replied.  The chef snaps his fingers, as two knifes are stabbed through Samuel's hands.  Samuel screams in pain as blood start gushing out onto the table.  A chef from behind Samuel starts to giggle.  A creepy, evil giggle.  Samuel turns around to see the chef laughing.  "What the fuck?!  What's so funny?!"  Samuel yelled.  Soon, the other chefs, and even the waiter start to giggle.  It confuses Samuel, as he gets anger.  As they continue to laugh, their teeth start wiggling in their mouths.  They are loose.  The more they laugh, the more the teeth get looser.  Just then, the waiter and chef's teeth start falling out their mouth, and onto the ground.  Each and every piece of teeth gone.  Blood starts to fall out their mouths like a waterfall.  Except the blood they have is green.  This starts to scare Samuel, as he tried to break free.  Samuel starts to panic, as he witnesses the staff grow sharp fangs out their gums.  Disguising, rotten, yellow teeth.  Then their skin starts to mold into a dark, scale green.  Pierce green ears form from their heads.  Claws push out of their fingers breaking the nails clean off.  And after they close their eyes, they turn to a golden color.  All of this happens, while they are laughing.  With Samuel as their eye witness.  They all stop laughing, and get ready for the feast.  They remove the domes, revealing the meal they serve for Samuel.  Samuel's two henchmen.  Both of them have been butchered, boiled, fried, etc to be delivered as Samuel's dinner.  Samuel takes deep breathes, as he starts losing it.  The chef behind him holds his hands down, as the remaining chefs and waiter start.  They grab the meat with their scale hands, and force it down Samuel's throat.  Taking handfuls of human meat, and making Samuel savor it.  Samuel starts to gag and scream, as these monsters make him enjoy it.  Samuel starts spitting out his food because of how clogged his mouth is.  It's all mushy now.  The staff doesn't give a shit.  They grab it, and make Samuel still eat it.  They want him to have all of this.  Plate, by plate, by plate, by plate.  The table is being rid of food.  Until one final piece is put in Samuel's mouth.  Samuel is now the size of a wrecking ball.  He went from chubby to beyond overweight.  The staff breaths heavily as Samuel tries his best to breath.  He still has food in his mouth, but none on his clothes.  They made him eat it.  The waiter snaps his fingers, and speaks to the chefs in a way Samuel can't understand.  Two of the chefs are sent to the kitchen, as the waiter and the other chefs release Samuel from his bondage.  They carefully put him to the ground.  His back on the floor.  As Samuel tries to breath more, the employees looks over him.  They drool as they giggle at Samuel's now current state.  The drool smears Samuel's face and body.  It's all slimy, and sticky.  The smearing stops when the kitchen doors burst open, and the two chefs return with what they are after.  A pot of today's special.  A giant hot of today's specials.  The waiter orders two of the chefs to force Samuel's mouth open.  They do with one taking the upper jaw, and the other, the lower jaw.  With the help of the other chefs, the waiter holds the pot over Samuel's head.  His eyes open up in terror, as he gags.  The staff looks at Samuel one final time.  They tilt the pot, and it starts to pour the soup down to Samuel's mouth.  Samuel screams as hot soup is sent down his throat.  Boiling is face in the process.  The soup manages to go down to his belly, which starts to get even bigger than before.  It rises, and rises, as more French onion soup is sent down his mouth.  In the end, the pot is done.  Samuel is covered with onions, cheese, and bread.  His face missing more than half his flesh.  Even after all of that, Samuel is still alive.  That is, until his stomach growls in a weird way.  Samuel's belly then begins to bubble, as the staff backs away from him.  They continue to giggle again, as Samuel's urges in pain.  His belly keeps rumbling by every passing second like a ravenous wave.  Until it can't take it anymore.  Samuel's stomach explodes open in a massive explosion.  Blood and guts spray all over the room of the restaurant.  All over the walls.  All over the floor.  All over the ceiling.  Steam comes out of Samuel's open stomach.  A boiling finale for this bloody buffet.

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