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Chapter 2The lost shoe

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Chapter 2
The lost shoe.

Jimin PoV

At 5 o'clock in the morning I stood in front of the old lady in the courtyard.

"God, this mountain is really-"

"Ah ah ah Mister Jimin. No complaints"

Since I intend to keep this job here for a while, I quickly shut my mouth, but this mountain is really terrible.

"Nice as I see you are already in work clothes. Then you can start work straight away. The first task of the day will be in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the royal couple."

Well, it can't be that difficult. So I bowed and then made my way to the kitchen, well...if I can find my way there at all. This castle is just way too big...

2 hours later

Well, it turns out that making breakfast for the royal couple isn't that easy after all. Everything just has to be perfect, as the chef said to me about 10 times and in the end it was.

"Okay Jimin, Hobi and Jasmine, you're serving breakfast to the royal couple. Don't forget to bow and smile"

Anyone else would say they're excited to see the royal couple for the first time, but I'm not. They're only human so why freak out about it. I've never understood what's supposed to be so special about the royal couple, but whatever. So I and the two other servants entered the large dining room and from a distance I could already see the royal couple. The woman sat at the beginning of the table and the man at the end very far apart. Don't they talk to each other during the meal? I love to talk during meals and talk about my day but here it was just cold silence.

"Shall we say something like good morning?"

I whispered to Hobi as we walked towards the long table and he hissed.

"No! Absolutely not!"

And quickly smiled again. Okay so not a good morning either... so I served the queen her plate but she didn't look at me and just looked to the side out of the window. Arrogant cow I thought to myself. Although she wasn't looking, I bowed to her and left the room with my two colleagues.

"Are you crazy? You can't talk in there and a thousand times not to the royal couple!"

Hobi said suddenly and I turned to him.

"What happens if I talk to the royal couple?"

"No one really knows but there are rumors that they will then push you off the cliff"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐑 (𝐏𝐉𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now