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Immediately after can knocks off he goes to his brothers company which they were co.owning . He picks him up and they go for a movie before heading to can's favourite ice cream place .

( 5 hours later ) ice cream place

Eran: how was it  , the first day?

Can: i don't want to talk about .it..am so tired..even the first episode of a korean drama doesn't have that many accidents.

Eran smiles at his younger half brother , roughing his hair playfully

Eran : so whose your boss ..

There ...can says pointing at one of his many picture plasted on the walls of the mall

Eran suddenly frowns and can notices ,

Can: what's wrong ? Do you know him?

Eran: who doesn't know that asshole ....

Can: what are you talking about ..

Eran: i dont want you to work there anymore , come work at our company..i promise i wont baby you or disturb you

Can: why are you suddenly sounding so irritated, what has he done ?

Eran gets his phone, searches something online and hands it to can , whose facial expression changes with every scroll ..

Can: is this really true..he seemed like a nice person to me i little lost but alright

Eran: he dates 5 women every month apparently looking for some sort of love that will cure him , his slept with every secretary his ever hired and fired them after

Can was really shocked , he was never really a social media person so he usually missed out on gossip and news about famous people ..he didn't even know about tin  untill he applied for the job of a secretary and got the job

Can: am not leaving my job because my boss is emotionally unstable , besides i would never want to be with someone like that, his professional at his job and his employee all seem to look up to him so i have no indifference because of his personal life which is non of my concern brother .

Eran : i trust you , him i don't trust ..what if he tries to make a move on you ..

Can: eran why would a man who has zero interest in men suddenly throw themselves at me ?

Eran: who wouldn't throw themselves at you , you're more pretty than some of those women his dated , do you ever look at yourself and wonder why i protect you so much ...

Can: thank you for your concern brother but i think you are being a little exaggetive ...eran! You know this is my passion...please don't take me away from this job...i will never let that man get anywhere near me

As they were chatting tul walks into the shop alone and spots can and eran

Tul: ah what a coincidence...can and your boyfriend..

Eran: eran

Can rolls his eyes at the brothers remark , and proceeds to talk to tul

Tul: how was your first day at work ..i hope ..your boss wasn't so hash on you ..he was in his moods today

Can: he was ? He seemed fine to me ...it was goood at bit tiring , are you here to get ice cream for yourself or someone..sorry i shouldn't be asking personal questions thats impolite of me p

Tul: its alright i don't mind ,no am here to get some for myself i dont have a gf or boyfriend am usually so busy with work i don't really have time to go out on ice cream dates

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