kdrama and reconciliation 2

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Can: good good

Good: yes can what is it...

Can: good...jin..

Good: please just hang up ill call him back

Can: good, mr kim is standing over there ...

Mother : jin!?

(40 minutes later , can is on the phone and good, jin and mrs kim is mother are siting in the living room .good sited next to mrs kim while jin is facing them)

Jin: if you're going to secretly message my boyfriend behind my back , you actually do need to delete the messages , you knoe "clear the evidence "

Mother: you said boyfriend just now, jin..since when ...have you 2 been dating , why didn't you tell me ..

Jin: 2 months going to three , i was scared to tell you at first because i didn't know how you would react or if you would be disappointed in me ...but i didn't keep it from you mother .

Mother: you've been here 2 days you said nothing and you made me unknowingly hurt this poor boy who must have been crashed thinking his a home wrecker who you were using as a side piece

Jin: baby am really sorry about yesterday and i totally understand your reaction i would do the same but i am not seeing anybody else but you ...i don't want anybody else ..you're the family i want to have later , i have never been certain so soon about something but am certain about this , about us ..

Jin: mother i didn't hide anything from you i have been trying to tell you about my relationship since i came but i haven't reallt gotten the chance and i didn't want to let you down with your blind date you seemed so excited and sure i told myself to wait till we had gotten home to sit down with you but i guess the universe had other plans of revealing things on their own.

Mother : good am so sorry for making you question jin because of the blind date i set for him, i really just wanted him to have someone to spend his life with outside his work and have a family i guess i have been thinking about what he needs and what he should have in order to live a happy life without actually asking him what he wanted

Good: ma'am please stop apologising i understand, any parents wants whats best for their children i have a father too and am the last born in our family so i understand you

Jin son i don't want you to ever think am unreasonable mother who is selfish and only think about what you want , i just want you to be happy and live a happy life regardless of who it is that brings you happiness, and and i hope from now on you can feel free to share things with me and open up , its not wrong to let your gard down and show emotions . For the first time i saw you show all these range emotions and am so overwhelmed.

Jin: what about grandkids you said you wanted grandkids .

Ofcourse i do jin , mrs kim said getting a hold of goods hands and smiling .which mother doesn't want to see their children's kids . Am not backwards i know you can still have kids she continued.

Mother: but having kids and a family is alot of responsibility and i know its something i want you to decide good on your own wether you'll want it or not .what i want doesn't matter am just happy i have seen a different side to my son i have never seen before , his had to go through so much growing up with his illness and he just switched off and become a rebot, thank you so much ....you are so pretty and polite who wouldn't want you as their son inlaw .

Good: thank you so much ma'am , the words uou have said mean so much to me , i really wanted to meet you in the future depending on how far our relationship go but i didn't think we would meet under such circumstances but am still glad we did , know i know where is gets his good and caring heart from.

Mother: no need for the formality dear just call me mother , and if good does anything or makes you sad just tell me I'll personally fly to thailand to discipline him

Mother/good: do you want to cry .

Jin: i don't cry , i have a meeting am going to my room to have a shower and get ready .

Can: sorry to interrupt ma'am but looks like we will have to say our farewells , my boss and brother are making a stop in korea from Japan, they want us to go back together ,we used his person jet to come here

Mother: oh so soon what a shame , well let me drop you off at the hotel ,i wish you were staying longer i wanted to show you some places

Can: don't worry ma'am  will see you again , ill be coming again in a few months ill come with good or he can come again with mr kim when he comes next

Mother: i think thats a good idea please do come dear if you are free from work

Good: thank you ma'am  hmm jin

Mother: ah go up stairs the first room right

Good goes up the stairs and knocks gently before opening the day, jin was standing in the middle of the room expressionless but clearly fighting back tears as one was now droping down his face

Good: baby are you crying..i came to say goodbye we are living in the next hour and 30 minutes  so we need to go back to rhe hotel and pack our things and head to the airport.

Jin grabbed good and squeezed him into a tight hug without a word , absorbing his warmth and as the nice feeling

Jin: did you change your perfume

Good: yes..you don't like it ..i wanted to try something new i bought it a day before you lift

Jin: i like it and i love you

Good froze for a bit trying to gently free himself from jin and look him in the face

Good: ..you...bab...y..what..did..you...just..say..

I said i love you jin said pullying good closer into a gentle passionate kiss almost lefting him off the ground .

(Good seems to have been worried about nothing and what a lovely and understanding mom , lets see if tin has the same luck with can's brother when he finally accepts the truth about his feeling , will eran shave his balls down his throat or will he manage to win back both their hearts, join us in the remaining 5 chapters of the book)

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