let me explain

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30 minutes later tin arrives at cans house panting after dropping rose off .

*knock knock* eran opens the door

Tin: please let me talk to him...i need to explain what happened? Good help me out

Eran: no need to beat yourself up good saw whaat happened before can saw it , good tried to explain but he acted like he sae nothing and went upstairs to have a bath

Tin: i really need to talk to him , why the hell did this have to happen the same gad dem gxcking day i told him i liked him!!!! What the hell

Good: you need to have a good chat with her tomorrow morning tin , she is just a girl with a little crush on her i guess she was just trying to be crazy and attempt a kdrama romance, she told can she likes you this morning

Eran: you can go upstairs to his room , weather he wants to talk to you or not is up to him .

Good: she seems too smart and exaggeratively hard working in everything you give her to do i giess she's been trying to get close to you , your rumoured news of dating all your interns which you do not wish to clear up does precede you

Good your daddy is calling you ...I'll assume its your father simce i look at you the same way i look at can

Good: please don't tease me !!! Its not what you think i meant to remove it but i forgot

Hey baby how was your flight good said to jin walking into the other livibg area , tin dragged his now heavy legs upstairs feeling guilty and disgusted with not being quick enough to avoid the kiss , he felt like he had betrayed can ..

He stands on the door contemplating on whether to knock or not when the door suddenly opens revealing can holding his laptop in his hand

*mr tin! What are you doing here this late?* he jumped startled by the unexpected presence.

Tin: i..i..i..about the office ..

Can: the office? Did i live some work undone

Tin: can you know what i mean please stop playing dumb, nothing happened between me and the new intern , she asked to asdist me with work and when we had finished..

Can: well that's..non..

Tin: please let me finish, when we had finished she said she wanted to say something but ...was hesitant, before i knew it she threw herself at me

Can: sir i mean mr tin, am just your employee when we are in the office i really have no say in your private affair ,

Tin: please don't say that to me when i pulled my heart out to you barely been able to breath this morning, how can i not explain the situation to you , i told you i like you and i want to get to know you ..am not rushing you into anything but please be considerate with my emotions

Can: mr tin i just feel like this is not going to work, this thing you want us to be , at the end of the day you and i are employee and boss . Regardless wether we become friends outside how is everyone going to look at it ? How are people in your company going to look at me , that am obviously sleeping with you like the rest of other workers and i will look like...

Tin pulls can close to him and kisses him on the check and pulls away scanning his shocked face

Tin: am sorry for kissing you but you won't stop talking , can i don't care about everyone else but i understand your point of view which is more reasonable and realistic but please don't push me away , ill be your boss at work and we will work as such i will never make anyone miss understand but please give me the chance to get to know you even if its in private, ill use a different car if i have too so am not recognised

Can: you really want us to be friend that much huh , there is nothing exciting about my life apart from this job and meeting good, a friend i have never had , all i do is work with you all day , go home , spend time with eran and am back at work again

Tin: i want to be part of that boring life if you could give me a chance i want to be part of every boring part of your life cause its the most exciting thing and the most unexpected that ever walked into my life .

Can : let me think about this ill give you an answer in the morning its pretty late sir you should really go home and get some rest , your doctors appointment is at 8 tomorrow, i suggest you go with rose and talk anout the issue that occured this evening and please try to handle it as best as possible

Anything for you , i feel so relieved and much better now .. thank you for giving me a chance to explain , ill definitely get this issue sorted out and have a good evening mr karikan tin said smiling at can.

Can held his laptop tighter , with a little smile of his face shaking his head it was the first time hearing tin call him by his last name it almost felt like it was not his .

How was it did you talk good said to can turning around in his chair

has eran gone to sleep already walking towards the living room where they were bith sitted

no his here fast asleep ..

Can: oh my gosh eran , good am so sorry my brother just looks at you like another me he has two little brothers in his mind now and his getting a little two comfortable

its okay i don't mind it i already have 2 brothers at home like eran whats 2 more brothers to the list good said smiling at can

Good: are you about to cry canny mr karikan

don't tease me right now good you have no idea what you have said means to me how can i not cry all our lives i have only had eran and ohm and he only comes every after a 1000 years . This means so much to me.. can said going to hug good

Uhhmm tul...tul.. mumbled in his sleep underneath them.

Can and good looked at each other and burst into laughter

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