love things

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Can goes to drop off some files at tuls new company and walks in on his brother and tul

Can: don't mind me please continue, his secretary said his starting going out for lunch , i guess now we know his new restaurant

Tul: hey can , what files are there ..stop teasing your brother he looks like you juat caught him doing something illegal

Can: mr tin said he already messaged you , you just need to sign the documents so i can take them back with me

Tul: sorry i heard my phone bass when eran walked in i think it might be tin let me just check .hows it going with the office and rhe new intern

Its fine , shes very efficient  and a quick learner atleast i have someone to assist me with the work , i thought i would manage worker here and korea at the same time but i will admit its a little tiring can said showing tul where to sign

Tul: well don't overwork yourself so much jin did tell you to work at your own pace and now that you have someone helping you it should make things a little better

Can: yeah you are right , thank you i should probably rush back i habe 20 more minutes before my lunch break ends i have alot of work today .

Tul: i was told you had to work late week with tin last week how did that go he said eran showed up at exactly 10 to wait for you outside

Can looked at his brother and he looked down rubbing the back of his head as tul burst out laughing .

i need to go his all yours now'll get to experience the over protective workaholic boyfriend can said winking at hia brother as he went out .

(15 minutes later)

can over here  , rose said standing on the company kitchen door

Can: wow how did you know i liked sweet thing

Rose: i asked mr tin , he told me you had gone to deliver some urgent documents and i figured you might be a little late for lunch so i ordered for you

Can: thank you so much I'll pay you back just tell me how much

Rose: you don't you to pay me back, i was just hoping you could do me a favour by answering a few questions about mr tin if its okay

Can: sure not a problem what would you like to know about mr tin

Rose: i would like to say mr tin is not like all those things in the media houses , his actually very nice and polite and i never see him moving up and down or women with him ..

Can: well am glad you are enjoying working with him , his very kinda and helpful although he can seem to be too serious once in a work that's cause he is very dedicated to his work and likes things to be done properly

Rose: am really sorry to ask this but am just so curious i couldn't help it ..please don't tell mr tin its just that i only ever seem him coming to work early and back and moving from one company to the next the two weeks i have been here

Can: what is it ask me ?

Rose : do you you know if mr tin is seeing someone or not ...i think ...i think his very handsome and his most likely seeing someone but he seems to also be single

Can: well i spend more time with mr tin working back and forth , about his personal life i am not sure about his personal relationships but just as you i have never seen him talk with anywoman unless they are business partners or work related matters ..why do you ask

Rose: oh...hmmm.its nothing..i was just curious...we should eat..its almost time to get back to work .


Jin : If you are so curious about whats going on ..why not place a microphone on the chicken door so you can here anything

Tin: am not worried about anything going on with those two am just surprised how well and easily he gets along with everyone my past secretaries were never like this ...besides she is not his type

Jin: ah..there it is...she's not his type the same way he was not your type , but look how the tables have turned..who knows maybe his also thinking of trying something new

Tin: are you here to discuss business or are you here to pick a fight with me

Jin: stop with that look before you throw your desk at me am here to discuss the new designs ..we are almost done on ourselves as well , when can we both company sit down and discuss the finally projects and select the finally designs.

Tin: me and can have already done most if not everything on this end and what we felt were the best designs have been selected and been put on the final selection i will rose email you all the details

Jin: that won't be necessary i trust can am sure he picked the right choices now stop going off topic when are you going to make a move on can keep saying you're taking things slow but nothing seems to be changing

Tin: am trying ..its ..i don't know ..his different..his just so mature and all put together for someone so young i don't know what to do or go about trying to flirt with him ..

Jin: the ladies man has no idea how to flirt or chase someone..

Tin: its different with him...its easy to win women over , a majority want things if you are rich , trips ,shopping but with him his got everything already

Jin: have you ever thought of getting to know him his interests, his already a passionate designer talk to him about that , what he loves to eat his hobby ..his friends with good what don't you ask him

As they were talking tin so can and rose coming up the stairs to can's office , and when he reached the top of the stairs he saw can hold his head and loose his balance which made him boot out of the office

Rose: can! Are yiu okay ..

Can: am fine don't worry its just a slight fainting spell

Tin: can are you okay!? What happened..are you feeling an well...

Can: its nothing serious really am fine , please excuse me sir i have alot of work to finish up with

Tin: you're not doing anymore work that's enough for today i told you to stop abusing yourself with work , we have deadlines and work but that's why we make the deadlines 2 weeks before the actually deadlines so you finish and have time to go though the work or finish incase time is not enough

Can: i know mr tin and am sorry to worey you its my fault i stayed up late last night i was just trying to do some research on some new designs i guess i lost truck of time

Tin: rose , take the files rewritten 2022 collection and go to the second company with mr kim i will meet you there later ill drop can off first

Can: sir that's not really necessary really am fine

Tin: stop being stubborn can , you almost fainted , get your bag am taking you home besides there is nothing urgent or serious goingbon today

Can: buutt..

Tin: no taking you home

Jin smiles in the background putting his hands in the pocket

Jin: looks like we won't be discussing the other reason i came to the office ..

IN LOVE WITH MY NEW SECRETARY.  Where stories live. Discover now