deadly games

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Can: eran !! Mr tin what are you doing here ? I..i thought..ptul was here

Tin: tul is pn his way here his a little stuck in traffic i was a little near so i rushed over

Can rushes over to the bed side to where the brother was and hugs him..

Eran: uch!..i told you not to tell him ...did you want another accident he behaves worse than mom ...

Can: shut up eran is this really the time for this !! You're hurt're the only one i have left in this world ..

Tin: tul called him ....

Eran: baby brother i love you ...but you're going to break my ribs i can't breath

Can: its okay i would rather am the one that kills you

Tin smirks with a little laugh at cans sense of humour..

Can: who did this to you ...did you report to the police ..

Eran: don't worry ill get that done once i see the doctor , the jerk looked liked he purposely slammed into me and drove off but luckily i got the number plate it was CA2223

what did you just say can said letting go of his brother and looking up at eran

Can: is that a number plate for a jeep which is blackish greyish

Eran: yeah how did you know that

Can: payo!!!!!!

Tin: payo?

that little piece of shit!! Is really looking for a death wish ..but am going to make sure i put him sic feet under this time ..

Eran: the little piece of shit that hit into me is  some big shot politicians bustard son, his cans ex and his about to be ex alive !

Can: eran no!!! Ill handle this myself  that's all he wants no wonder he did this ...this is all revenge for what happened at the house ..please promise me you will let me handle this

Eran:  how the hell are you going to handle this little brother!! That jerk alkost fucking raped you in our own house!!

Can moved by a little startled by his brother , and eran realising what had just happened hated himself for bringing something  up like that and for losing his temper

Eran: am sorry sorry...i not ...mad.e come here..canny sorry really sorry ..

Can looked at eran who looked like he was failing to breath and calming himself was almost as if he was in the middle of scrraming and crying out loud ..there was something about payo that triggered a monster in him and if goods brothers hadn't got there in good time he was have killed him

He stood linning against the wall with a bandage on his head and on his arm closing his eyes when he felt arms wrapped around hid waist he bent over his eyes closed and held his brother tight

Just then tul arrived and stood next to tin bumping into him gently

Tul: do you now understand now why he said hecwould rip your balls off if you ever hurt him

Tin: very loud and clear , i don't think i have either seen that side of him ever ,

Tul: thats cause you didn't know how protective he is of the people and things he loves , i even fail to believe that he did not love sky enough and give him attention, he loves me like am beating inside him...but can i could never compete with the love eran has for his brother and i never want to

Tin: i suddenly feel like i could never love him enough or give him a love that could ever match up to his , what if i mess up,

Tul: you don't have to be perfect  , and you don't need to compete just be sincere and show him you're serious and patient and give him every drop of love you have whole heartly

Baby you are here? Eran said opening his eyes facing their tul and tin who smiled back at eran with his hands in his pockets.

Tin excused himself and tul went to were eran was standing , can was still standing infont of him lining against his brother

Tul: how it is ..

Eran: its not that bad just a little cut on the head and a bruise..., am sorry i made you leave the office

Tul: why would you apologise for that are hurt , besides there isn't match going on today ...

Thank you , can i come over tonight , i don't want to be mothered and given speeches about resting and staying home , eran said giving tul a kiss

Can: am still in the middle of both you ...can i go before you start romancing in people's hospital

Just as they were talking a doctor came and told eran he would live prescribing some pain killers and some medicine for his bruise and small cut

Can: am going to leave him in your care ptul , please make sure he doesn't take advantage of you to sneak in work , and other things he shouldn't be doing heard tje doctor rest , which means ...since you are a workaholic you can work tomorrow later in the day

Eran: ofcourse mother ..

Can: don't worry about me ill be fine i promise , good in coming over again so i won't be lonely...speaking of which i should go and finish up with my remaining work and pick him up

don't worry ill make sure his a goodboy.. tul said smiling at can roughing his hair.

(5 hours later)

19:00 hrs news

Son of  prime minister payo parakata was 2 hours ago found brutally beaten and his car competely destroyed just outside his office after a sudden power outage to the building..the attacker has not yet been identified

Tul and eran sat in the chair facing each  other , good and can were sitted in their room facing each other

Good: you don't think...

Can: he wouldn't dare...he doesn't  disobey tul the way he does with me

Goodevening sir , were will you have me put this metal bar

Tin: just throw it in the garage...may i have my dinner in an hour i just want to finish up with my work

Butler: ofcourse sir , will you have me look at your bruise sir

no that wont be necessarily its nothing serious tin said walking up the stairs with a smirk plastered on his face.

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