Chapter 1

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After I had told Boris about those horrid dreams I've been ever since my moms death, it was quiet. He didn't know what to say, and neither did I. We were just laying on the cement next to the pool, next to each other, not saying a word. Yet it was dolly comforting
Boris stood up "swim potter" he said waiting for me to get up.

I didn't know how to swim, but nothing bad would happen. I knew Boris would help me if I did end up drowning, plus I was too embarrassed to let him know I couldn't swim.

Not shortly after he jumps in, I take my shirt off and follow him, jumping into the dark water. Immediately I knew it was a mistake.

Boris was pushing me down in order for him to get above the water. During my sad attempt at trying to swim upwards, Boris pulled me up. After my head was over the water I was heavily breathing. Boris put one hand on my face, the other on my waist bringing me close to him in order to support me. So close in fact that there wasn't a gap from our chest down. This made me slightly blush

"Potter!" He said angrily and surprised at the same time 
"You never told me you cant swim!!" He said, accent being heavy as always. I could tell he was a bit mad. I stared into his eyes.
"Sorry Boris." I say, ashamed bringing my eyes away from his down the the bottom of the pool.
"Is whatever, we go inside now, yes"
"Okay, fine" I respond hesitantly

He carefully puts his other hand on my waist, and swims backwards towards the edge of the pool, pulling him with me and making sure he can see me. When we get to the edge he turns around so now my back is facing towards the ledge. He lowers his hands to my thighs and tries to bring me up to the ledge.
"Boris I can pull myself up" I insist
"I know, I just don't want you to fall or something" he replies almost instantly. I roll my eyes

I was now sitting on the ledge with Boris in between my spread legs. I stare into his eyes, sometimes glancing over to his lips. He does the same while parting his mouth ever so slightly.

My face then starts feeling warm and I quickly look away. Boris does the same looking in the opposite direction. He then goes next to where I am, puts his hands on the ledge, and brings himself out.

"Why did you wear your shirt in the pool" I say smiling
He looks down at his shirt
"Why do you care? Did you want to see me shirtless?" He said winking and soon after laughing.
"Oh Boris, how I would just love to see your ripped chest" I say sarcastically as we both start to laugh.
"Am going to change. I hate being in wet clothes" Boris said after going inside, leaving wet footprints on the floor.
"I guess I will too" I say out loud to myself.
Following him up the stairs into my room I pick out some clothes.

Boris normally has clothes at my house, he's over here so often he practically lives here. He goes into the bathroom and changes, while I stay in my room.

He knocks on my door
"You can come in" I say
He walks in and sits next to me on my bed, a giant bottle of alcohol in hand.
"Want some?" He says while lifting it up a little bit.

"Sure" I respond quickly
I take it from his hand, our fingers just barely brushing against each other. A light blush appears on Boris' face. I take a sip and hand it back.

Boris looked at me with that dopey smile. For a second I blacked out, staring at his lips. Thinking about pulling him in and giving him a kiss. I start smiling a little bit just at the thought.

"Potter? Hey potter"
"Oh sorry Boris"
"Don't worry" he responded while drunkenly and slowly blinking, bobbing his head lightly up and down
"You tired Boris?" I asked
"Little bit"
"Go to sleep dumbass" I said in a playful tone
"No, can't"
"Why not" I say, somewhat concerned
"Don't wanna" Boris said with a slight grin on his face. Right after he had spoken his eyes had shut.

He looks kinda cute when he's sleeping. I started to think about what happened earlier, about how I wanted to kiss him. It was a weird thought and didn't make a lot of sense, and yet it was all that I could think about. I'm not homophobic, but I knew it wasn't gay. Is it so wrong to want to kiss your guy friend? No. Besides, I already have a crush on Pippa.

Despite all that I was thinking, I cuddled up to Boris and tried to fall asleep.

Idk if you guys would like this story 🤷‍♀️ I'm tryna make it as less cringe as I can lol. I'll try to update weekly

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