Chapter 5

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I used to fake having nightmares so Boris would cuddle me in an attempt to make me feel better, but now I didn't have to do that.
He would cuddle me every chance he had, and I liked it.

Even so, I was having another dream. The dream.

I cant seem to get that day out of my mind, it's so clear it feels like it's happening right now.
I always think, what if I insisted we got breakfast? What if I hadn't got in trouble? What if...?

I was sweaty and gross but Boris still clung onto me.

If my mother hadn't died I wouldn't be here, with Boris.

I jolt awake, breathing heavily.
I feel Boris slightly wake up and pull me closer to him, to where my chins resting on his shoulder.

"Is okay, I'm here now"
He whispers in a soft voice
"I'm here"

Those words rung in my head

He's here.

He's here, for me.


I wake up to see that the space where Boris would be was empty. I assumed that he'd probably be downstairs watching tv, or something like that.

Dragging myself out of bed, I walk downstairs to see Boris cooking. It smelt and looked horrible.

"Boris that smells like shit"

Boris turns around so he can face me.

"You don't think I know that?" He replied snarkily

"surprised you didn't burn down the kitchen" I say slightly laughing

He gives me a look
"Very funny Potter" he said sarcastically

I sit down at the table waiting for him, he throws away all the food he made and sat down next to me.

"Let's do something" He eagerly spoke

"Like what?" I asked, unsure of what there really was to do in this town besides get high.

"Let's go see a Movie" he says, taking a break
"New one just came out, I think it's a horror?" He drags the s in the word it's while he's trying to think. I've always found it kind of cute.

"Boris you know I hate horror movies"

"I'll protect you!" He says, teasing me

"Fine." Muttered, not too excited about the movie.


As Boris and I walk into the theater I spot I big group of, maybe 7 girls. They all seemed to be around our age.

We walk over to the counter to get tickets and snacks, because Boris desperately wanted to share popcorn and a drink with me.

While I'm talking to the lady at the register, Boris is very close to me. His body is pressed against me from my shoulder down. I didn't mind it, if anything I liked Boris touching me more.

After I finished ordering, I look up to Boris and he looks straight at me. He stares just for a while until I feel my face heat up. He starts smiling at me and 'discreetly' wraps his pinky around mine. My face gets warmer. I know he can tell I'm blushing. I look back at the counter in embarrassment to see that the stuff we had bought was sitting there. I take the tickets and drink while Boris takes the popcorn, and leave to find the theater.

The group of girls from earlier are blocking the hallway me and Boris should be going down. I could hear chattering amongst them. I see a few turn to us. One look me up and down, then to my eyes.

She had long, straight blonde hair with a red-ish tint. She was wearing a bright pink camisole paired with some low rise jeans and sneakers. Her eyes were brown and she had freckles covering her entire body. She was pretty to say the least.

Boris looked down at me, and I looked up at him not knowing what else to do.
He leaned down to my ear "Should we just try to go around them?"
I'm not sure how, but hun just talking made me blush. I slightly nod and see a smile creep onto his face.

The blonde was chatting with her friends with her body still facing us. She walks up to me and Boris.

"Hi!!" She said. her voice was high pitched, almost like she was faking it

"Uh...hi?" I said

"Your like, soo cute. Can I get your number?!" She says, sounding more excited than flirtatious.

"Oh uhm.." I replied
Boris then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"I have a boyfriend" I blatantly said 

I could see the smile from her face drop with, what I thought to be, disgust.

"Oh, my bad" she said, but she wasn't revolted, I think she was just sad.

Boris and I were finally able to go down the hall to watch the movie.

Im so glad I met him.

806 Words
7:10 PM
August 20, 2022

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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