1. Gravity makes you fall

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It was a normal day minding my own business. Totally not pranking my brother Akane because he murdered me and reincarnated me as Dream from the Undertale AU Dreamtale. Definitely not. I still have a headache from the past events, but hey! Everything turned out allright! So there is no need to be so... grim. I chuckled. Finally I can go to bed and keep doing nothing!

I noticed the ground was suddenly missing. I looked down. "A portal? Seriously? This is getting ridiculous! I didn't bother using my powers. I was already falling into it. So what's the point? Just being lazy right now.

I reached the other side of the portal. I was of course falling from the sky... how original. I felt the portal close behind me. I looked around... while falling. First thing I noticed, trees, pine trees, a lot of them. Some small town, a ...the Mystery Shack? I was comming closer to earth. I somehow didn't notice I was now falling head-first. Welp that's gonna hurt.

The next thing I new, I blacked out. Oh joy, so much for being all powerfull and all. Child of Void and Time, a Creator from a different multiverse. Also known as OWC. I didn't share my findings of that book yet... The story how I came to be a multiverse-traveler. I don't quite remember but I think there was also mentioned how and why I was choosen to be a world-guardian. My memory is really bad...

I woke up in a bus. I... woke up... in a bus? Didn't I fall from the sky? Maybe a reload... but why? I don't die from just fall-damage... Reality bug? Maybe.

"Gonna leave now or what?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person. It was the bus driver. "Sorry sir, I'll take my leave now" I walked past him and jumped out. The driver mumbled. "Waste of my time" Sounds like someone is grumpy. I sighed. The bus drove off. "So what now?" I was standing by an empty bus stop. "Wait... do I count as wierd enough to not be able to leave?" I looked back to where the bus drove off to. "Too lazy" Not gonna walk all the way to the barrier.

I don't really want to go to the Mystery Shack either... yet. Welp gonna take a walk in the forest, maybe I find something Interresting. That reminds me, in wich point of time am I? Trees, trees and more trees. I stopped. Hm? What's that? I sensed someone close bye. I soundlessly moved up the trees. Fast and unseen just like a ninja. I was melted together with the shades of the forest, almost none-spotable.

I heard someone mumbling angrily about who knows what. I saw... Stanford? He looked young. He had some kind of machine in his hand. Is that some kind anomaly radar? "Stupid machine! Why can't you just work damn it!?!" He punched it. It seems to have died down. "Argh!" He threw it to the ground stumped on it.

I decided to show myself. "Wow there, what did the machine do to you?" I hang upside down from an branch. "Ahhh!" He fell on his butt. I snorted. "Don't worry mortal I don't eat humans" Just to show off, I made a backflip while letting myself fall, landed of course gracefully, ending the little trick with a slight bow as a greeting.

"The names Zero Time Void by the way, pleasure to meet yah" I smiled and held my hand in front of him to take. He looked at me for a moment, probably thinking if taking my hand was a good idea. But of course his curiousity got the better of him. He smiled and took my hand. "Stanford, Stanford Pines" I helped him up without a problem, much to his surprise. I chuckled. "Always expect the unexpected, especially when dealing with anomalies" "I... I'll remember that"

He got all excited again, walking around me... studying me? I just stood there akwardly. "You aren't human are you?" "Ehm... no?" He took out his journal and started writing stuff down. "Then what are you?" "I ...don't really know myself, but I am some kind of angel, demon, god hybrid ...or something" He mumbled. "Interresting" "Yeah... I will be taking my leave now"

"W-wait where are you going?" He got a hold of my hand. I looked back at him. "Just finding a new nap spot" He looked up at the tree then back at me. I just nodded. "Well I was thinking... maybe you could come with me and we could... talk about you?" "Hm..." I made a thinking pose. He got nervous. "O-of course you don't need-" "Sure" He paused and looked at me. "It's not like I have anything better to do anyways" I looked at the destroyed radar on the ground. I snipped and it was good as new. I picked it up with my telekenetic powers and handed it back to him.

"There you go pal, good is new... maybe even better!" I smiled. "It had just a little loose contact problem" He looked disbelievingly at me and his machine. "It's just like..." He mumbled quietly. He gasped. "Are you one of his friends?" My smile dropped. "No, I hope you didn't do what I think you did" "W-what do you mean?" He backed away. "A deal with a demon that has gone insane! He isn't what he used to be!" I got louder but it wasn't yelling yet. I calmed myself down with breathing. "He tricked you" I stated calmly. That just seemed to scare him more.

I sighed. "The only one you can trust is your own family, no one else" I started to walk away. "He can manipulate your own mind without you noticing it. Who knows if you can even trust your own thoughts..." I looked at him one last time. "I hope you remember when the time comes... that family comes always first, especially if they were always there for you... even so you may haven't notice it because they have done the littlest of things or things that were so stupid, that they even got into trouble because of it, ...for you"

He looked at me. Thinking, not believing, doupting the things I just said. "My family was never there for me" He clenched his fist. "My brother even destroyed everything I worked for!"

I continued to walk away... into a fog that mysteriously appeared. "It was nice talking to you Sixer, but I need to go back now. Bye nerd, bye!

"Wait!" I was devoured by the fog. Everything was black once more.

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