3. The Phantom

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"Illusion and Reality" I twisted a coin from one side to the other. One showed a phantom the other an 8 pointed star.

I threw the coin in the air and let it spin on my pointer finger. "Are the same but also not" the coin vanished. The audience gasped. I removed on of my gloves, that turned while doing that into a white dove that flew away. "You can see both clear as day" I removed my other glove. The same happened but this time the dove stayed. "But you can only truly feel one of them" I stroked the doves feathers. "And that would be reality" The dove flew over the audience loosing a few feathers. "Why not make sure my magic is real?"

The audience tested the feathers. They were real. "That are indead real feathers!" They cheered. "Why of course they are!" I smiled. "How about I read your futures next? First time only for 25 dollars" I inwardly chuckled. Stan told me to at a number to the old price I had proposed. It's still cheap. After all my predictions are always correct! ...Well most of the time anyways.

After that I told them what talisman could give each of them some extra luck. Guess we sold a bit more merchandise because of it. I yawned. It was the end of my shift and I was packing my stuff away.

I walked in and knocket at Stans office. "Come on in" I came in and placed the box with money or 'treasure chest' how I like to call it on his desk. He took a glance at me then the box. Pulling it closer to him and opening it. He looked wide eyed for a moment. "Wow, you really are a gold mine" I chuckled. "Actually the tourists are the mine and I am a miner" He laughed and hit my back in a friendly manner. "I like you kid" I smiled. "Thanks mister Pines" "No need to be so formal. You can call me Stan" "Okay Stan, that means I can have tomorrow free right?" "Wha-? No. Nice try tho, kid"

I later got him to give me more free days. I told him something about letting them wait like hungry animals and then giving them what they want, with a price of course. Works every time.

I knocked at the room I was sleeping in. "Comming!" Mabel run to the door and opened it. "Oh hey Zero, come in!" She let me in and I sat down on my matress. "You don't need to knock you know? It's your room now aswell!" "I don't agree with that!" Dipper looked at Mabel with a are you serious look. She just laughed it of. "He is right Mabel" They both looked at me surprised. "What if I came in and you two were doing some secret twin stuff?" Mabel nodded understandingly. "Or what if I came in while you guys were changing?"

She gasped. "You are right!" Dipper seemed a bit disturbed or something, not quite sure. "Yeah..." "Welp I go to sleep now, good night!" "Good Night!" "...good night" I fell asleep pretty quickly. Something what didn't happend often.

I woke up before the twins. The sun was only comming up. I silently left and ate breakfast. Just some good old cornflakes. Hopefully not too old... I wanted to add milk but I noticed it wasn't good anymore. I used a bit of my magic and turned back the time of the milk. Good as new. I could savely add it now. Even if I ate bad food, it wouldn't effect my health but would still taste horrible. One of many quirks of not being a human.

I cleaned everything up and left the shack. I laid on the grass and enjoyed nature. I think I fell asleep because next thing I knew was Mabel shaking me awake. "Are you coming?" "Eh?" I sat up. "To meet gruncles arch nemesis!" I shrugged. "Sure"

I was soon dragged by Mabel. I made myself a bit lighter with the help of my magic. And yes, I was dragged all the way to the tent of Telepathie.
She finally let go of me. We paid for entry and choosed our seats. The white haired kid began his show with singing and 'predicting' what was going to happen next. I felt the magic of the amulett. Isn't that demon magic? But from wich one? I didn't encounter any, yet. Not even Bill Cipher!

I sighed. I sat there bored and I was the only one that didn't stood up as Gideon 'predicted' that everyone would do so. He quickly said 'but one'. He tried to find out my name... didn't he? If that's the case it's definitely dream demon magic. I wasn't really watching the show anymore. Isn't that interessting anyways.

Maybe I should steal it? No, he would blame one of us. Maybe I could... Yeah that should work. I just need to wait for the right moment. I didn't notice that the others already left. "Hey you!" Gideon walked to me. "Hm?" I looked at him. "Why does my amule- I mean my magic doesn't work on you?" I starred at him... no into his very soul. "Cause weak magic doesn't effect me" He gulped audible. "That can't be I got it from the most powerfull beeing in this universe!" "Excactly" I stood up and walked out of the tent. He run after me but I just teleported away.

"Where is Zero?" I jumped into existenz close by. "Sorry was day dreaming" "Woah, you can teleport?!" Mabel came excitetly close to me. Way to close for my comfort. "Shouldn't you know already?" I glanced at Soos. "I am a magician after all" He nodded. "Anyways I am pretty sure mr Pines is gonna be really angry, at all of us" We came closer to the shack.

"How about you guys hide and I distract him?" "Why would you do that?" Dipper looked at me. "So you guys can escape the old mans wrath and I can watch Stan hunt down flying money?" Mabel gasped. "But that's mean!" "I'll record it for you" "deal"

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