4. Who are you friend?

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We were watching TV and heard someone knock. "I get it!" Mabel jumped up and run to the door. I followed close behind, fully aware who it's going to be. She opened the door. "Gideon? What are you doing here" "Obviously trying to get a girl with his stolen magic" I sipped from my glowing drink. "Woah does that really glow?!" I shoved the door in Gideons face. "Yep, it's liquified plasma. Sadly it's deadly for humans" "Aww" "But it doesn't mean I can't use my magic to let seemingly normal drinks glow aswell"

She gasped. "Let's go and-" Gideon knocked again. We opened it. "Sorry but we are bussy" I closed the door again. Mabel looked at me sternly. "What? I only did what he deserved. Stolen magic remember?" "I didn't steal it!" We heard him yell from the other side. *Ding* "What's that?" "Just my celestial lie detector" I showed her a bell. "It rings everytime someone lies" I packed it back before someone could take it. The door was thrown open out of it's angles. I cowered Mabel protectivly with my body. The door broke on my back. "You okay Mabel?"

"Y-yeah, but what about you?!" "Too weak of an impact to even feel it" I turned around. "Oh, Gideon~" I walked slow and menacingly closer. "I was planning on playing nice. I really did" My eyes glowed green and I am pretty sure my third eye was showing aswell. "But you almost hurt Mabel! Heck you could even have killed her with that!"

Gideon couldn't ran away. I didn't let him. "S-stop! You aren't gonna kill him, right?" Mabel was scared. Scared of me. I felt the others were now watching aswell. "I'll be taking that" I took his tie and placed it carefully in my inventory. "Run now before I change my mind!" I let him go. I let him run. I sighed. "I'll take a walk to cool of" I didn't wait for an answer and just teleported into a random place in the woods.

Better if I stay away for now. What happend... what I did could have been quite draumatising... Who am I kidding of course it was! I even used my demonic voice on accident! I facepalmed frustrated. I was tired and confused. Maybe... maybe I should take a nap. Yeah... I yawned. I fell asleep in a tree, hanging upside down.

"Hope! Hope, wake up!" I stood up. "I am awake" I yawned. The other person snickered. "Of course you are!" I couldn't quite decipher who it was. All I knew it was an old friend, the best I ever had. I couldn't remember the colours. "Let's go and prank my dad!" I smiled. "Why of course my dearest friend!" We run and hopped through a portal. Everything was now way darker. "Hey brother, want to join?" His brother shook his head. "N-no thank you" "Seems like someone is scared! Are you a scaredy cat or a demon?" "A-a demon!" "Then join us!" "But Hope isn't a demon? A-also I don't want to get in trouble because of you a-again" "Fun killer" "Aww common don't be so harsh on your brother! You are the older one you are supose to protect him!" He laughed. "And you ar suposed to behave and be innocent"

I pouted. "Angels and demons are just two different kinds, while what I spoke of was family!" "What's so different about that?" "Family are the ones you are close to, the ones you don't wanna loose no matter what, the ones you can trust no matter what, the ones that are always there for you!" I starred at him determined. "The other is just being related in some ways, or how mortals, more prezise humans like to say 'blood' related"

"Hm, that's different from what we have learned" "You shouldn't believe everything they say, just because they are older and think they know more doesn't mean it's actually the case!" I paused. "It's the same Angels, demons, humans, unicorns it doesn't matter what species... Some are always lying just to get your trust. Sometimes even the ones you see as family" My friend was silent. "So make sure you and your brother are always safe! Because you two mean more to me then the rest of the multiverse!" We hugged eachother and promised we would be there for each other no matter what.

The scene changed out of nowhere. Red, black... the demon king. Screams and cries. A fight. "Hope! Don't leave us!" The two brothers were crying. I smiled at them. "Protect eachother for me, will yah? Don't worry I will return. I always do" I felt the life draining from me.

I jumped up. I wasn't breathing very well. It's alright it was just a dream. It didn't really happen... well at least not recently. Huh? I looked around. Where am I? I am pretty sure I slept on a tree in the mid of a forest. Why does this place feel familiar but twisted and mixed at the same time?

I was in some kind of house. Not the Mystery Shack tho... "Hello someone there?" "Seems like you have finally awoken dear" I looked at the door and saw... Dipper. But not Dipper Pines... no it was none other then Dipper Gleefull. That could only mean... I landed in Reverse Falls! I starred at him. "No thank you?" I looked down. "Heh, sorry was thinking about how I got here" I looked back at him and smiled. "Thanks for not letting me die in the forest" Don't remember that I even can die. Oh well. Not like he needs to know that. He chuckled slightly, smiled and studied me. I have a feeling he tries to figure out why he can't use 'his' powers on me. His amulett glew.

Wait... it's the excact same magic as the one 'from' Gideon. Does that mean what I think it does?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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