2. Dream travel Magician?

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^3rd PoV^

"Mabel, I am telling you this is a bad idea!" "But she is hurt!" "Look here!" Dipper shoved the journal in her face. "Why else should the author write about how dangerous she is?" "Maybe he was wrong? He wrote he met her only once! So how should he know how she really is?" Dipper sighed. "Well maybe it was obvious to see it at first glance!" "Does she look evil to you?" "Well no, but-" Mabel facepalmed. "First glance? Yeah sure bro" Mabel looked back at the 'meteorit' that had hit the forest in broad daylight.

Mabel gasped. "Oh, no" Dipper knew Mabel has gotten one of her 'fabulous' ideas. "We could try to be friends with her!" "Mabel, we still don't know if she is evil or not!" "If she is evil we can just show her how to be good!" Mabel was in her hyper mode. "Come on Dipper at least give her a chance!" She made puppy eyes. He groaned. "Fine! But if something happens because of her, I give you the blame for it" "Deal"

They arrived with a still unconscious 'meteorit' at the Mystery S'hack. They got in and layed her on the couch. Stan walked past them. He took a few steps back and looked at the twins in the living room. "Wow, if you need a shovel it's in the back" He pointed with his thump in the said direction. "Gruncel Stan! She is still alive!" "I was just saying" Stan took a sip of his coffee. She turned to the still unconscious hyprid that looked just like a normal human... well besides her choice in clothes of course. "At least I hope so..." She wispered. Dipper seemed to hear her and checked the puls. "Yep, alive"

Mabel sighed relieved. She turned her head to Stan. "Can we keep her?" He spat his coffee out and caughed. "No" "Aww why not gruncle Stan?" "Doesn't she have already like a home or something?" "No she doesn't!" He looked scepticly to Dipper. That twin just shook his head. Then he looked at the guest and then at Mabel.

He sighed. "Fine" "Yay!" Mabel sheered. "But" Mabel paused. "She will be your twos responsability and She works for the Mystery Shack. No work no food" "What?" Dipper looked disbelievingly at his gruncle. "YES" Mabel answered almost imidaily. Stan just left. Dipper run after him. "But gruncle Stan! What do I have to do with the thing?" He looked at Dipper. "It's not nice to call your own sister that, go and wash the dishes!" "But, I-" "Go and do them now or you will do them all summer"

Dipper groaned angrily and stumped away. To the dishes of course. He arrived in the kitchen and almost tripped out of shock. "What...?" The kitchen seemed to clean itself, the dishes included. "Oh hey bro!" Mabel walked to her brother. "We overheared what happened and decided to help!" "We?" He looked around and saw her, the abnormal being from his journal cleaning the kitchen with her magic, like it's the most normal thing to do.

^Zeros PoV^

I woke up to someone leaving the room. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" Someone hovered over my face. I rolled instinctiv sideways to escape. I rolled from the couch but made no sound. Not even from the fall. I stood back up. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare yah" I shook my head. "It's no problem"

"I am Mabel and you?" She held her hand in front of me. I took it and smiled at her. "The girl from the journal" She jumped around excitetly "So you do have magic!" "Yep"

We heard screaming. We run toward the commotion and found Dipper and Stan arguing. We heard something about that he needed to do the dishes. By the sounds of it as punishment. It's because of me isn't it? I sighed and grapped Mabel and teleported to the kitchen. I instandly started to clean the kitchen. "That's a good idea!"
"What...?" Mabel run to Dipper. "Oh hey bro!" I let her do the talking and conzentraded on what I was doing. Mabel walked to her brother. "We overheared what happened and decided to help!" "We?" I felt Dipper look at me. "What's up?" Took a glance at my magic. "Well besides the obvious of course" I chuckled. "I- I..." He was fidgeting with his fingers. He quickly shook himself out of it. "What are you doing here?" "Doing your 'punishment'. So you don't have to" "...why?" "Because it wouldn't be fair if you get punished for helping me or something that isn't your fault" I paused. "Or in this case a miss understanding"

"So you heard... what I said... about you and all?" "Yes but also no" "What does that mean?" I smiled. "It's for me to know and you to find out" Just as I finished cleaning and using my magic gruncle Stan walked in. "So Dipper I hope you-..." He looked up from what he was doing. Definitely not counting his cash. He looked between the twins, the kitchen and me. He walked torwards me. "You helped him didn't you?"

Dipper glared at me. "I... ehm... not guilty?" Mabel chuckled and Dipper sighed. "Gruncle Stan I-" Dipper was cut of by Stan. "I have the perfect idea for you!" He hugged me with his arm close to him and 'showed' me my great future. "You will be the mysterious magician" He paused. "Yeah I know. We still need to work on the name..." He kept on rumpling for a bit. "...okay?" "Oh and Dipper" Stan looked at him sternly. "Since our new magician here helped you, you will clean the toilette instead!" "Wait!" Stan looked at me. "It was only a miss understanding! With 'the thing' he meant me because they found me in the crater of the meteorit... well instead of it"

He looked at me searching for lie and or truth, then looked at Dipper. He sighed. "Fine. Dipper you are of the hook" He walked away mumbling. "Guess I'll have to tell Soos to clean the toilette instead..."

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