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My heart was racing, I was running from something. But what was I running from? My breath quicken as I heard someone shouting my name. I could hardly see due to the thick fog surrounding me. I was ducking under branches and jumping over logs. I heard the person get closer... My anxiety got worse. Am I going to die? I was truly terrified. The person was about 5 ft away from me calling my name. I looked back and tripped over a log, the person stopped right were I fell.

This thing or man was wearing all black and a white mask. He started to speak.

"I warned you not to run away from me.." He got closer to my ear.

"I told you I would always find you." He whispered in my ear.

He stood back up and reached behind him and grabbed out an item, I couldn't see what it was due to the fog.

"You messed up Ashley....now I have to kill you..." He said.

He raised the knife up and as it plunged into my chest I woke up.


I raised up in the bed, I was in holding my chest. My heart was racing and beads of sweat was running down my face. I was in a room I didn't recognized, I looked around and examined the room. I went to get up, but when I did a wave of nausea hit me. I bent over and felt the puke come up, after I was done I laid back on the bed, more sweat came dripping down.

I felt sick, very sick. I don't know what happened. I was lost in my train of thoughts until I heard the door to the room I was in open. I quickly got up to see who was coming in, it was the man.  I pushed myself up to the wall and started crying yet again. 

"Get away from me" I said as tears rolled down my face.

He ignored me and walked closer to the bed, I started to cry harder. He sat down on the bed next to me, and raised his hand to my face. I moved away in fear he was gonna hurt me again. He saw the fear in my eyes and put down his hand. He looked at me and I noticed tears in his eyes.  I was confused, why would he be crying? He's a monster, a psychopath.  I watched a tear roll down his face, he quickly got up and walked out of the room. Before he left he turned to look at me and quietly mumbled something to himself. I watched as he walked out and slam the door, what just happened? Why was he crying, and most importantly. What did he say?

Thousands of questions were racing through my mind. Finally I got up and walked to the door, to my surprise it wasn't locked. I opened the door to be faced with the familiar hallway of the man's house.  I walked down the hallway, towards the stairs. I heard a loud crashing sounds coming from the room to the right of me. It sounded like mirrors were being broken, I looked over and heard the crashing sound again. I quietly walked over to the room in fear he might hear me and peeked through the crack in the door. There he was, throwing things, completely destroying the room he was in. I looked down to see a red liquid coming out of wrist, until it clicked. I realized he was hurting himself. 

I opened the door and stood in shock, I went to walk out until I stepped on a piece of glass. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. His face was red from all the crying he was doing and his wrist were bleeding pretty bad. Part of me felt bad for him, and the other part said he deserved it. I slowly walked over to him and gently grabbed his wrist. 

"Why did you do this to yourself?" I asked. 

"I don't know, why aren't you in the room you were in?" He said.

I looked at him and ignored his question.  I walked him into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and got it wet. I gently cleaned up his wrist to see the cuts were pretty deep, I felt a pain shoot through my chest. 

"Why did you do this to yourself?" I asked yet again.

"Because i'm a monster, a mistake, a worthless human being. I'm sorry for everything I've done."  He said as more tears rolled down his face.

I looked at him, I didn't say anything all I did was observe his beauty. First I noticed his beautiful green eyes, then his perfect bone structure, all I could see was a very handsome man. I couldn't control what happened next, I leaned in and our lips connected. His soft lips again'st mine felt like heaven. I then snapped back into reality, what the fuck was I doing. I quickly ran out of the room, and went back to the room I was in. I jumped on the bed and thought to myself. Why did I just do that?

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