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*Could be triggering*

I got up and walked into my room, tears streamed down my face. I was shaking, I hated being alive, I wanted to go away and never come back. My arm twitched for the feeling... The feeling of the razor blade going across my skin. Watching my blood fall out of my body, it pleased me. What did I do to deserve all of this? Why couldn't I of just gone home that night? My mind felt like it was gonna explode, so many thoughts were going through my head. I started to cry harder, I felt myself getting closer to the edge. 

I ran my hand through my hair, I felt my breath pick up. I started to shake more, anger filled my body. I hated him, I want him to die. I walked over to the dresser and tipped it over onto the ground and yelled. I walked over to a chair, pick it up and threw it into the mirror. I saw the glass pieces go everywhere. I completely broke down, I ran over to the glass and picked a piece up. I put the piece up to my wrist and sliced it across. I felt the burning sensation of the cut, then I saw my blood. I felt like I deserved my pain. I started to scream and hurt myself some more, until Harry came barging in. 

I looked at him and started throwing things at him.

"I hate you! Why did you take me!" I screamed.

"I hope you fucking die!"

He came towards me and threw me on to the bed and was fighting the glass from me. I kept screaming horrible things at him, I could see the hurt in his eyes. Which urged me to keep going, I was kicking him and hitting him. I wanted to die, I didn't want to be here with him. 

"Let me die! I don't want to be here!" I screamed. 

He pinned me down to the bed, I saw tears coming out of his eyes and he kept whispering stop over and over again. I felt him shaking, he was scared. I've never seen him scared, I stopped struggling. All I did was sit there, I felt his tears fall on me. I somewhat felt bad, I made him feel that way. He picked me up and took me into his room. He put me on his bed and hugged me tightly and kept whispering things to himself. He looked like he was panicking, he walked to his bathroom and came out with a first aid kit. He came over to me, cleaned up my cuts and bandaged them up. He kept shaking, something was wrong with him. 

"H-Harry?" I stuttered. 

He looked at me and shook his head no, wiped his tears with shaky hands and walked out. I was confused, why was he acting like this? I looked around his room, I saw a picture of him and woman on his nightstand. He was younger in that picture, I would say about 12 or 13. The woman had her arms wrapped around him, he looked happy. I was assuming the woman in the picture was his mom, I gently picked up the picture and looked at it. She was a beautiful woman, I turned the picture around and it had a note on the back of it. 

Dear Harry,

I love you with all my heart, please don't blame yourself for anything that has happened. You're such a wonderful young boy, any girl would be lucky to have you. I'm sorry things have to end this way, it will be better off with me gone. You'll be okay, you will go to a good family. Mommy will always love you and I will be watching over you from above. Stay strong my little angle. 


I felt sadness, his mother killed herself. I felt tears roll down my eyes, that's probably why he was freaking out. I heard a cough at the door, I dropped the picture and turned towards Harry. Tears were still streaming down my face, he stared at me with his arms crossed. You can tell he just got done crying, he was still shaking. 

"She died when I was 13, I came home from school. Her wrist were slit all up her arms, there was blood everywhere. She left me to be on my own, I went to foster care. Nobody took me in for a couple years, until one family finally adopted me. I was beat, starved. I wanted to die, I blamed myself for my own mother taking her life. I don't ever want to see you hurting yourself again. Got it?" He said.

I shook my head yes, and started to cry harder. He walked over to me and hugged me, he laid me down on the bed. I put my head on his chest and he was running his hands through my hair. The first time in a while, I felt safe. My eyes felt heavy, I was getting tired. Soon I felt myself fall asleep on Harry's chest.

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