1 Block hearted

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I took a warm bath and put on my clothes as I walked to the kitchen to have my meal, I ate cornflakes with a jar of milk savouring the delicious taste, I got downstairs as I met Harry standing beside his car just staring into the space.

"Hello" he greeted as he notice me, I stared at him not responding.

"Would you want a ride?" he asked approaching me,

" No, I'm perfect, don't want your help" I said as I checked if my door was locked once again before heading to work.

My house was quite big since my parents lived there once, I remember back then when I was just a shy girl going to school living a normal life with my parents and my brother until one day I came back from school just like any other day I entered the gates and the first thing I saw was my parent's body laying in a pool of their own blood as they were knocked out cold on the floor, my knees felt weak as I ran to them crying my eyes out, my brother was nowhere to be found and since then I've been living alone, even though I acted as if I did not care, I felt lonely inside.

I entered the restaurant, changing into my work attire I got ready to take orders.

I walked to a table as I spotted customers entering,

"Welcome to Pão Quente, what can I get you?" I asked handing the menu over to woman.

"A cup of cappuccino, pancakes and for my girl a soft drink and pretzels "
the woman who looked like the mother of the little girl ordered, I served it immediately as people started coming.

Later in the evening, I changed to the clothes I came in ready to go home.

I met Harry standing there as he walked towards me, what the f*ck?, I ignored him as I played (Back to you) by Haschak sisters on my phone sticking the earpiece into my ear, I felt good listening to this since I hadn't listened to it since yesterday.

I felt a strong arm wrapped tightly around my arms turning me around as the earpiece was removed out of my ears, turning around I saw Harry and he looked as if he was mad which I didnt give d*mn about.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"I think you should know by now that I want you" he said angrily,

"And I think you should know by now that I don't want you" I said snatching my arms away from him.

"Why?" he asked in a sincere tone,

"It's my choice" I replied as I walked away, before I could even go far he held me tight again, I landed a hot punch on his face which caused him to start bleeding from his nose.

"What did you just do?" he growled approaching me,

"I just punched your face" I shrugged as he raised his hands towards me, before his hands could touch me I kicked him hard where the sun never shines making him groan in pain.

"Never-Raise-Your-Hand-To-Beat-A-Woman" I said slapping him after every each word.

I walked down the street as I heard a noise in a valley few kilometres from where I was standing; being the curious type I went to check, my heart stopped beating at the scene in front of me.

I thought I was a cold hearted person until I met him, a block hearted human, and he was more of a beast.

I watched as he pulled the trigger at the couples already on their knees begging.

A loud gasp escaped my lips as his stare was directed at me with the other three men with him.

He took slow intimidating steps towards me with a sinister smile on his face which scared the crap out of me.

As he kept coming closer I kept taking steps backwards, when he was so close I stared running as fast as I could for my dear life.

"Get her" he roared as the three huge men in black running came after me, after running for like one minute I felt like I was going to die, I stopped a little to catch my breath, I gasped as one of them grasped my hair as I whined in pain.

I pushed him hard to the floor with the little strength I had as the other came forward, after I successfully sent them to the ground, I felt a strong and muscular arm from behind on waist, struggling was useless cause I didn't get to see the person as a needle was pierced into the skin of my neck, blackness surrounded me as I blacked out.

I woke in an unfamiliar room as I tried to stop the throbbing pain on my head; my memory was blank as I tried recalling what happened the previous day.

I don't know if I should say previous day because I don't have any idea how long I've been here, then I remembered the three men before the darkness surrounded me.

I looked around in awe, everything in this room looked extremely expensive, even this room was two times the size of my room.

I heard footsteps as I pretended to be asleep, the sound of the clicking of the door alerted me that someone was coming inside, the footsteps got closer and closer.

I still kept quiet until I felt a hot breath on me, I opened my eyes punching whoever was in front of me but the person was fast enough and caught my wrist.

I stared at the man before me; he looked like someone I had seen before.

OMG, I remember, he was the heartless man of yesterday, fear gripped me and I wondered what a murder was doing on top of me.

I shoved his hands away more like I tried shoving his hands away; his grey eyes stared intently at me not letting me go.

"Let go" I told him as he left my hands slowly.

"What am I doing here? I want to go back home" I said making my way to the door to find out it was locked.

"You saw what you weren't supposed to see, so I have to keep you here" he said shortly

"You can't force me to stay here" I told him angrily

"Then let's see who gives the rule here" he said as I shivered a little.

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