6 Permission to like you

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A/N:Listen to(Gift of a friend) by Demi Lovato while reading this.

Miguel's Pov

It pained me that she was sad because of me, at first I brought her here to keep my secrets, although I had been stalking her for two years it was not because I had anything for her, I had suspected she was working for Romano and because she was a good fighter I suspected her also until she talked back at me, she was the first person to do that.

I should have killed her but I didn't,

I don't know why, but I felt something different when I had her in my arms, it was something I didn't know how to explain.

I felt like protecting her from the eyes of this cruel word.

Even though I was not capable of loving, I wanted to do it for her, and I'm sure she does not know the effect she has on me.

I have a liking towards her, and I know that I don't need a weak point at this moment when we have someone after her.

I tried hard but to realize that I'm growing more feelings for her, and now the urge to protect her was more than before, I want to protect her with all I have but the there is a little problem.

She won't let me, she's someone who hates being controlled.

Still, I would do all I can to make her happy, I will make her MINE.

I walked down into the underground dungeon, I met Ricardo already torturing the guy to get answers out of him, the real torturing has not started and he was already crying like a child.

"What did he say?" I asked as Ricardo removed the hot iron from his back.

"He said Romano sent him, and he said something about her brother who was taken away in her parents murder"

I thought into it deeply but I can't seem to understand the situation.

When I did a background check on her it didn't state anything about her having a brother.

I went closer to him squatting so that our eyes could meet.

"How do you know her?" I asked with a death gaze

"Romano wants her by all means or else he would declare a war" he said with a shaky voice.

"Do you know why?"

"No, he didn't mention it"

"You know I have two reasons to punish you, firstly you touched my woman and secondly I want to know why"

I signaled Ricardo to continue what he started as the guy began to scream harder.

"No please, I swear to God I don't know, I would have told you if I knew" he wailed as I walked away on deaf ears.

I went back to the room but couldn't find my Tesoro where I left her, my heart skipped as I saw her coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, when she saw me she pulled it closer to her, I let her dress up as I called Dante (my personal doctor) for treatments.

I came to the room and saw her in the veranda staring at the beautiful sky scrapper as the wind blew her hair; she had already changed into a loose shirt and large sweatpants.

I didn't want to disturb her with my presence, so I just stood there watching her but as if feeling my presence she turned around.

She walked into the room going to the door, I held her rapidly not letting her go.

"Don't touch me" she said acidly

"You can't go out there, please stay in" I pleaded, we have threat in the house and I can't risk her going out alone.

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