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*Marcy POV*

I was walking down the sidewalk, It was the middle of the night and I wanted to have a nice stroll.

The moon was so beautiful tonight!

I check the time and see that it is 12:30?!

I should probably go back to the castle.

I start to walk home and I see something in a tree.

I squinted my eyes and noticed that it is a bat.

What is a bat doing outside?

It starts flying towards me at high speeds.

"AH!" I let out a small surprised squeak.

It then perches on my shoulder.

It looks friendly.

What is it doing?

I try to swat it away.

And once I thought it flew away.

It suddenly bites my neck.

"OW!" I yell.

The bite was a sharp quick pain.

Then it flys away into the darkness.

I touch the mark on my neck and it seemed to sting if I touched it.

I just shrugged and started walking back to the castle.

I suddenly feel another sharp pain in my neck, but I continued to walk.

The sharp pain returned and caused me to fall over.

"Gah!" I yell.

The pain was much worse than before and I couldn't get up.

My ears started ringing and my vision soon gave up on me.

"W-whats going on.?" I say as I faint into darkness.


I slowly open my eyes and get up.

What happened?

My head was pounding and everything felt weird.

I felt my two front teeth do something, but I couldn't tell what was happening.

I open my mouth and touch them and they were.. sharp.?

It even cut my finger a little.

What is happening?!

Then realization hit me.

This. Cannot. Be. Happening.

Why did I go for a stroll?!

I open up my bag and grab a black mask with a white cat in the middle.

Don't freak out, Marcy.

You can figure this out.


I take a deep breath.

I look at the time and it's 2:40?!

I was down for a while, huh?

I run back to the castle.


Once I arrive at the castle I immediately get back in the room with Anne in it.

I accidentally slammed the door when I entered and I flopped into the bed.

"Marcy?" Anne says with a tired voice.

Anne gets up.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"I was taking a walk." I say.

"It's very early." Anne says.

"I know." I say.

"I don't think I'll fall back asleep so do you wanna talk?" Anne says as she gets up and sits on my bed.

"Uhm okay!" I say.

"What's with the mask, Mar-Mar?" Anne asks.

"I feel a little sick." I say.

"I thought your immune system was very good?" She says.

"It is but, I just don't feel good." I say.

Anne takes off my mask.

"It's probably something from Newtopia." She says.

"Mhm." I say.

"Don't worry about getting me sick." Anne says.

"Mhm." I say.

"Are you sure you are okay?" She asks.

"Mhm." I say.

"Hungry?" She asks.

"Mhm." I say.

Anne gives me a confused look.

"What do you want me to get you?" Anne asks.

I shrug.

"I'll figure something out." She says as she walks out of the room.

What am I doing?

Am I a vampire?

I don't wanna hurt anybody..

Anne comes back with something that looked like Mac N Cheese, but since we are in Amphibia is not going to be just that..

She hands me a bowl and starts to eat out of hers.

I think I can eat normal food, but I'm going to have to have blood eventually.

I start to eat the Mac N Cheese.

Thankfully it tasted normal.

Anne is a good cook.

I finished it pretty quickly but I was still hungry, but it wasn't going to be fixed with a normal meal..

I look at Anne's neck and try to fight the urge to bite her.

Anne finished her meal and grabbed my empty bowl and left to get rid of it.

She comes back and asks.

"Feeling better?"

I nod.

"Should we try to fall back asleep?" Anne asks.

I nod.

"I know this sounds weird.. but do you want me to sleep with you?" She asks.

My face turned red.

I scoot over on the bed and she sits down on it with me.

We both get under the covers.


I couldn't stop looking at her neck..

She was fast asleep facing towards me.

Vampire Marcy AU - Amphibia Where stories live. Discover now