Chapter 14

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"The assassin you sent to kill Jeon was killed."

" What?..."

It's been a few days since the assassin tried to kill Jungkook. Jimin started to ignore Jungkook. Jungkook spoke to him several times, but Jimin always argued about something. Since that kiss, Jungkook wanted to get closer to Jimin, but Jimin avoided him. Here one day, Jungkook was sitting in the living room where he was sitting alone drinking whiskey. The lights were off and thanks to the fireplace where the fire was burning there was at least some light. It was midnight and Jimin woke up. He couldn't sleep, so he went down the stairs. However, he had no idea that he would run into Jungkook there.

" Wait." Said Jungkook

Jimin stopped.

"You're avoiding me. And I want to know why."

"I'm not avoiding you..." he tried to avoid eye contact.

" Liar." He grabbed Jimin's hand."That's why you also avoid eye contact."

Jimin tried to pull his hand back to him. "I just..." he sat down in the black leather sofa and exhaled.

"Huh?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow and grunted as he crouched down next to Jimin and looked into his eyes. He put his arms around his body. Jimin looked into Jungkook's face. Shit.

Jungkook looked even hotter in the dark. His larger black raven hair fell in his face. His sharp jaw and the curious look Jeon gave him. Jimin moved his gaze to Jungkook's thin pink lips. They were wet after drinking whiskey. His sexy exposed neck and black shirt with three buttons unbuttoned. Here, Jimin started to forget how to breathe. This man was too attractive for him. He felt so fragile and submissive around him.

"Jiminnie." He whispered. "Stop avoiding me." Jungkook moved closer to his body. Jimin blushed, his heart beating a little faster in his chest. Jungkook looked so cute when he squatted in front of him and at the same time he looked so sexy that at this moment he would like to spread his legs for him so he should fuck him.

"You know it makes me sad right?" Slightly drunk Jungkook looked at him and pouts, pursed his lips. Is he doing such thing when he's drunk?

Fuck you Jungkook.. What are you doing to me..

"S-Sorry." Jimin said almost inaudibly."

Jungkook grunted and pressed himself closer to Jimin's crotch. Jimin blushed more and couldn't help but touch Jungkook' beautiful face. He cupped his cheeks and Jungkook smiled contentedly at that. His touch turned him on more, his hand was so soft and gentle.

"You're drunk.. You should stop drinking already."

Jungkook caught Jimin's hand with which he was caressing his cheek and gave him a light kiss there. Jimin's heart skipped a beat.

" I want to be here with you." He was looking directly into Jimin's eyes. Jimin nodded slowly but again tried to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me." Jungkook ordered him but Jimin refused. He placed his palm on his face and he automatically looked up at him.

"Are you upset because I kissed you?" He asked in a muffled voice, still keeping his eyes on him.


" Answer me."

"N-No." Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook exhaled. "I don't want you to be mad at me." He put his face in Jimin's chest and Jimin started to fly butterflies in his stomach.


Jungkook held Jimin around his thin waist, still letting his head rest on his chest. He closed his eyes and exhaled contentedly. Jimin liked the tender side of Jungkook. He slowly reached up to his face and strand of hair from his face.

God. He's handsome..

His hair was so soft to the touch. He wanted to put his fingers in his soft hair and caress it. Finally he did it. He started stroking his hair. He didn't know it himself, but he liked the feeling of Jungkook holding him around the waist and him stroking Jungkook's hair. After a moment, Jungkook lifted his head and looked at him, their faces quite close together. They just stared into each other's eyes in silence. Jungkook's eyes drifted to Jimins's full lips. Jimin's heart raced more as Jungkook was getting closer and closer to his face. However, he could not defend himself, nor did he want to defend himself. And so Jungkook stuck to his lips and started kissing him.

Jimin started kissing him back and closed his eyes at that. Their bodies were really close to each other. Jungkook was enjoying Jimin's sweet kisses, becoming addicted and hungry for them. He couldn't take it anymore. There was lust in Jungkook eyes, he wanted to have Jimin all over, to kiss every part of his beautiful body. He slid his big hands under Jimin's shirt and started stroking his hips. His porcelain skin drove him more crazy. He stopped paying attention to Jimin's lips and moved to his neck, which he began to kiss and stroking Jimin's ass. Jimin couldn't help but let out a soft moan and Jungkook liked it immensely. He wanted more, he wanted to hear his sweet moans. With kisses he went lower and lower where this time he started kissing him on his collarbone. Jimin started to feel Jungkook's crotch getting harder. He blushed at that and deliberately rubbed his hips against his crotch. Jungkook moaned quietly at that and Jimin felt butterflies in his stomach. Once again Jungkook stuck to his lips and slid his tongue into Jimin's sweet mouth. He squeezed Jimin's ass harder and he moaned again. Jungkook slipped his hands under Jimin's boxers and started to take off his sweatpants with boxers, but Jimin's hand stopped him. Jungkook pulled away from his lips and looked at him in shock. " What?"

"Nothing but .."

" What's going on?"

Jungkook looked at Jimin and waited for him answer. He was hella hard.

"I...I'm still engaged..and-"

Jungkook sighed heavily at that.

"Sorry..." he said carefully and Jungkook pulled away of him.

" Okay.." He answered him without making eye contact. Jimin mentally berated himself for how stupid he was for ruining this moment and that because of him Jungkook would now behave differently. Jungkook stood up and went to his room. He slammed the door behind yourself. Tears began to well up in Jimin's eyes

"What have you done you stupid dick!" He cursed silently at himself and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Was it enough that he avoided him and now this?

"Sorry Jungkook."

Kidnapping of the bride [ jj.k × pj.m ] ✅ COMPLETED STORYWhere stories live. Discover now