Chapter; 17

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Jungkook immediately covered his ears with his hands over Jimin's screaming and shrill voice and looked at him with wide eyes as if he was some kind of apparition, the poor guy almost fell off the bed when he was sleeping so peacefully and suddenly someone shouted.

Jimin covered his naked body with a blanket and moved away from Jungkook. He couldn't believe what he saw, they were both naked and sleeping in the same bed!

"W-What happened?" Jimin stammered out.

Jungkook was silent and didn't intend to look into Jimin's eyes, he felt embarrassed and guilty.

"W-We slept together?" Jimin's voice shook, and he didn't want to believe the idea that they two had sex.

"What? No!" Jungkook quickly responded. But it will be difficult to convince Jimin now, since they are both naked.

"Then explain to me why we are both naked!"

Jungkook was frantically thinking about some possibility to get rid of this embarrassing situation somehow, or to come up with something, but he came to the conclusion that it would be futile. Jimin let out an irritated breath and completely forgot that getting out of bed now would be difficult for him.


"I will help you." Jungkook immediately stood up to go help him. Jimin's eyes immediately widened and he yelled loudly again.

"Don't even come near me naked!" He covered his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at Jeon's naked body, even though he would love to look at his attractive body, but it would be embarrassing. But he believed that he had a much better body than Taemin. Clear and visible abs, beautifully shaped muscles, tattoos on his muscular arm, everyone would go crazy for him.

"I heard everything yesterday, from beginning to end." said an older man who was standing a few meters from the door together with a lady his age. They both worked for Jeon and took care of cleanliness and order.

At that, the door to the room suddenly opened sharply and a dressed Jimin came out with a sullen expression on his face, followed by Jungkook.

"Jimin! Jimin!" shouted his name Jeon to the whole corridor who was on his heels.

The man and the lady just looked at each other in amazement.

"JIMIN!" he shouted in irritation this time. Jimin started to stand and slowly turned to face Jeon.

"What?" he asked him in an annoyed tone.

"I'm really sorry.." Jungkook said honestly.

"You knew it can't happen between us.. And I'm -"

"I love you.."

Jimin blinked and looked at him speechlessly in shock. He would almost think his own ears were deceiving him.

"Aren't you going to tell me back?"

Jimin didn't know how to answer Jungkook at all. He was engaged after all! He shook his head in disbelief and turned on his heel. He went straight to the yard to the garden. He took his cell phone and started calling Taehyung.


"Yes?" came his voice from the cell phone.

"Could we met?"

"So talk, what's going on?" Tae exhaled and settled more comfortably in the chair. He crossed his fingers and rested his chin on them, waiting for Jimin to start talking.

Jimin didn't know how to start, but eventually he got over it. " I did a terrible thing that I'm terribly ashamed of now.."

"What?" Taehyung wondered. He took a teaspoon and started mixing his latte that he ordered. Jimin wasn't about to touch his coffee just yet. He remained silent at Taehyung's question, looking at him with a look as if Tae knew for sure what he meant, and indeed he did.

Kidnapping of the bride [ jj.k × pj.m ] ✅ COMPLETED STORYWhere stories live. Discover now